My Iron Suit

Chapter 1133: Abandoned factory!

Maya Hanson, who was aside, could not help but look forward to it, and finally she could see with her own eyes what this mysterious SHIELD looks like!

Suddenly Tony Stark's face changed.

"Daddy, I won't go!"

Chen Chen glanced at Tony and slowly shook his head.

"How can you not go? The perfection of the desperate virus still needs your help. You don't want to be stronger? If there is another alien invasion next time I am away, I will rely on your pile of broken copper and iron to deal with it. Come on? In case Pepper is caught again ... "

Tony Stark heard that his face could not help changing, and felt that his anxiety had a tendency to recur. He nodded and agreed.

"I'm going, can't I go!"

Soon, Tony transferred three sets of armor from the underground arsenal.

Chen Mo is still the tall assault armor, Maya Hansen is also the Igor enough to let her lie down to sleep, but Tony Stark gave up the green gamma armor above his head and chose The ultra-high-speed armor that sent Pepper back, Mark Forty, shotgun!

The size of the Gamma is too big for him, and the "faint" sadness can't be hurt!

Soon, three suits flew out of the open garage door, quickly rose into the sky, and flew towards New York!

的 The repair of the damaged suits is not anxious for the time being, anyway, there are more than 30 available, but the research on the desperate virus can begin immediately!

Twenty-three battle suits galloped all the way, and soon arrived in New York on the east coast of the United States.

The east and west coasts of the United States are separated by more than 4,000 kilometers. Under normal circumstances, it takes five or six hours even by plane, but under the speed of the steel suit, it only took more than half an hour!

Equivalent to driving from the villa to downtown Los Angeles!

Eventually, the three landed in front of an abandoned factory gate in a suburb of New York.

The puppet armor was turned on, and the three men came out of the armor. Of course, Maya Hanson was still on the ground with the help of Chen Mo with the help of Chen Mo.

As Chen Mo waved his three armors away, Maya Hansen looked curiously through the steel gate to look at the abandoned factory in front of her.

工厂 The factory occupies a very large area, and the abandoned factories, office buildings, thick pipes and towering large equipment are all mottled.

All steel surfaces have been covered with thick rust. Large vines grow wantonly everywhere, covered with brick walls and pipes. The whole factory looks ruined and desolate. If you come here at night, you will definitely feel very gloomy. terror!

"What are we doing here?"

Maya Hanson looked at the desolate abandoned factory and asked with a doubt on his face.

I also have Chen Mo on the scene. If only Tony Stark brought her here alone, she would think that this guy was bad-minded and wanted to conspiracy, maybe she would have turned away and escaped!

Tony Stark glanced at Maya Hansen with a look at the soil bun and said disdainfully.

"You'll know in a while!"

Who would have thought that behind the scenes, the Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau, the extremely powerful SHIELD Bureau, was hidden in this run-down abandoned factory!

In fact, all they see is just appearance. Under this run-down appearance, there are hidden barriers of strict defense.

默 Chen Mo ignored the two who "hate because of love", and when they first walked towards the factory, Maya Hanson gave Tony a white look and immediately followed.

陈 Under Chen Mo's leadership, the three men stood in front of a tall, heavy, rusty steel gate, and a light invisible to the naked eye swept slowly across them.


As the light was scanned, a tightly closed door on the side of the steel door suddenly opened slowly.

Although Maya Hanson couldn't see the light sweeping from her body just now, but looking at the small door that suddenly opened automatically next to her, she could also guess that someone must be controlling it behind her!

废弃 This abandoned factory is not as simple as she looks!

Following Chen Mo, the three walked into the abandoned factory from the small door, and the opened door closed slowly behind the three again.

After entering the factory, Chen Mo did not continue to go forward, but turned to the right to enter an abandoned large factory building on the side of the gate.

Although it is daylight, the inside of the factory building is far less bright and even slightly darker. The sun shines in from the few windows on the ceiling, and a few golden beams of light are projected in the dark factory building, barely lighting The space inside the plant.

In addition to the whole huge and empty space in the factory building, there are several rooms connected to the wall, such as offices and storage rooms.

默 Chen Mo kept walking and opened the door and walked into one of them. Maya Hansen and Tony followed closely and walked in.

里面 The room was darker than the factory building outside, but with the faint light shining through the door behind him, Maya Hanson could see the situation inside.

看上去 It looks like it should be a dressing room. There are no windows except the door they walked in. Inside the wall, there is a row of old, bulky iron cabinets.

After Maya Hansen and Tony walked into the room, Chen Mo waved and the door behind them closed again ~ ~ The faint light outside was cut off instantly, and the whole room was completely dark. In.

Maya Hansen only felt that the iron door behind her was closed, and her eyes became dark instantly, her heart could not help tightening, and her face instinctively showed a look of fear.

In the darkness, Chen Mo was not affected in any way, took two steps forward and stood in front of the iron cabinet.

A light that was invisible to the naked eye appeared again as before, and passed over the three people, and the hidden camera in the surrounding corners was activated, and the three people's dark images were clearly captured.

In the darkness, Tony Stark looked towards Maya Hanson. The enhanced vision of the super soldier's serum made him see the look of fear on Maya Hanson's face, and Tony's face could not help showing a smirk. Raising her right hand quietly, suddenly resting on Maya Hanson's shoulder!

Human beings have an instinctual fear of darkness. Many men are afraid of darkness, not to mention the woman Maya Hanson.

Maya Hanson was terrified because she suddenly fell into darkness, and all kinds of terrible things flashed in her mind. At that moment, she suddenly felt that something had fallen on her shoulder. At that moment, Maya Hanson only felt that she was all over. His hairs stood up instantly and screamed involuntarily.


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