My Iron Suit

Chapter 1145: Howard wants to be resurrected!

After a day of discussion, the research on Desperate Viruses has a clear direction. As soon as the two are involved, they can't stop completely.

As for Howard and Chen Mo, they left the laboratory with Tony.

Now the research direction and thinking of Desperate Virus have been determined. Tony Stark has re-written the new experimental formula after understanding the Desperate Virus in depth, and the rest of the research has little to do with them.

具体 At the stage of specific experimental research, the most experienced were the creators of Dr. Abraham Erskine, the super soldier sera, and the inventor of Maya Hansen, the desperate virus. The two of them are the main force of this research.

Tony Stark, who had thought he would stay in SHIELD for a long time, naturally rushed back to Los Angeles the first time, while Chen Mo brought Howard Teleport to the distance is not too far, located in Brook Lin's Chinese Martial Art Museum.

Chen Mo originally planned to go alone. Who wants Howard to know that he has to go with him.

Since his death, he has spent almost all the time in SHIELD except freezing and dormant.

After all, he is already "dead" to the outside world. If he is accidentally recognized, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

This is nothing, Howard has long been used to it.

But now watching Chen Mo, Steve, and Carter both "resurrected" one after another, they are happy outside under the name of a superhero, but he is still a "dead" and can only stay in the SHIELD. Howard couldn't show up, which made Howard very unhappy!

He couldn't help but regret the fake death method he had chosen, what kind of car accident, and now there is no way to resurrect it!

I was still a clever guy like Steve. It was indeed Chen Mo who had tuned it up. He even thought of imitating Chen Mo and chose to disappear in the "Shenhai", leaving room for resurrection now.

He was ridiculous that he also joked that Steve was too blind to worship Chen Mo, and even the method of "fake death" had to imitate Chen Mo, making it so troublesome.

Now it seems that he is really stupid!

Maybe Steve might have thought of the resurrection at that time. After all, they had a little daughter who was only a few years old and was going to meet again.

He chose a car accident but it was simple. Now it ’s almost impossible to think of “resurrection”. Tony, the poor child, ca n’t get rid of the status of “orphan” like Sharon!

If you can give him another chance, Howard will choose to be frozen like Steve and Carter!

默 Chen Mo drove a Hydra heavy strategic bomber. Steve and Carter were also military aircrafts. He wouldn't have to fly an airplane and switch to a ship. The effect would be the same!

Howard was envious of Steve and Carter living with Sharon every day, and this guy Steve rode his broken motorcycle to pick up Sharon every day, and it made Howard extremely jealous!

Just do you have a daughter?

Yes, you have ...

Howard was so stimulated that he even thought about whether to give Tony another sister!

In addition to the longing for parent-child life, Howard is also envious of the exciting and exciting battle experience and growing popularity of Chen Mo and Steve!

He has also been strengthened by the Super Soldier Serum. If he can "resurrect", he must now become a superhero that everyone admires!

During the previous incident in New York, watching Chen Mo and others fighting fiercely with the Zittari army, Howard wished to rush out of the base immediately, join them, and destroy the aliens together!

Every time after seeing what information Steve and Carter have completed in the intelligence, his heart is very itchy!

Just because of his "dead" status, Howard had to resist the restlessness in his heart and continue to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the director of his SHIELD!

Now I heard Chen Mo said that he was going to the Wu Guan, but Howard instantly recalled the battle that took Chen Wu with the Wu Guan people and swept the entire Brooklyn underground force overnight. It was also the only fight he participated in!

The feeling of gunfire, bullets flying, and blood boiling, he can never forget!

As a result, Howard stubbornly fought, and dragged Chen Mo without giving up, forcing Chen Mo to bring him along.

This is to go to the martial arts hall, otherwise Chen Mo will not bring Howard with him anyway.

Brooklyn itself is the base of the Seven Rings, and the guard near the martial arts is heavily guarded. Chen Mo often uses the martial arts as a cover and sneaks quietly to Hydra or Wakanda. It is very easy to hide Howard's existence.

Chen Mo ’s steel suit was damaged by Kirian ’s high-temperature flames and failed to fly the electronic system. Fortunately, the SHIELD base itself is located in the suburbs of New York, and it is not too far away from the martial arts. Move, when Howard comes back, they are already in a quaint room!

Fucking away Howard's shoulders, Chen Mo turned around and looked around, and couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion.

Here is where he lived when he was in Wu Guan.

At the beginning, he gained the ability to shuttle space. For the first time, he came to the world of "Captain America". After a few plans, he successfully replaced the red skull and secretly controlled the Hydra. Brooklyn, opened this martial arts hall!

Here, he accepted Steve as an apprentice, taught him kung fu, and at the same time continued to hone his fighting skills.

Here, he had a simple and warm time, but it was very fulfilling.

Now I want to come, those days seem to be in front of me ~ ~ But they seem to be separated by countless years.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he is already dying now, but he always has the perfect blood, but he still looks the same as before.

Even Howard and Wang Kun, Steve and Carter, the old people of that year, look like they are only ten or twenty years old under the action of the super soldier serum and the freezer!

Chen Mo found that the more worlds he experienced, the longer he spent, the easier he felt.

For ordinary people, it is equivalent to a long life. For Chen Mo, it is just a long time and space adventure. In the real world, it is just a flash!

But those times, those people, he really experienced it!

Even if he is holding the game's mentality, these experiences have left some marks in his heart.

Although the appearance is still the young man who left home, Chen Mo's mentality has already changed a lot!

I looked at this familiar room, but Chen Mo could not help thinking of another place where he had lived for many years, the castle built by Blackstone!

The little girl doesn't know what it is now?

I still like candy so much?

Https: //

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