My Iron Suit

Chapter 1152: Encountered a bottleneck!

They are no strangers to the scenes on the screen. They are scenes in explosion-proof rooms shot through reinforced bullet-proof glass windows.

A small mouse that was fixed by a bracket and locked in a special iron cage was connected with an injection tube. As an orange liquid was slowly injected into it, magma-like rays continued on its body. Emerged.

The mouse that had been quietly in the cage also began to twitch and struggle. However, because the limbs were fixed by the bracket, it could not break away, and its body could only twist continuously in the air, unable to stop the orange liquid. Continue to inject.

After the injection of the Desperate Virus was completed, the light on the mouse became more and more intense. Instead of stopping, he became more violent.

His red eyes shot two flare-like flames. The limbs fixed by the trait bracket began to become brighter and brighter. The limbs seemed to become magma. The heat-resistant ceramic material holding the limbs began to turn red.

At the same time, its mouth suddenly opened, and a hot flame spewed out of its mouth, hitting the cage in front, and the place burned by the flame quickly turned red.

And soon, the heat-resistant ceramic material that fixed it on the shelf began to melt slowly, and the body hung in the air fell into the cage.

As soon as the body hit the ground, the whole body was glowing with red light, and the body was still turning red, as if the rampant acceleration mode had been turned on, and began to hit the iron cage holding it at a fast speed. Bite.

This iron cage has been specially strengthened, and it is covered with a layer of high temperature resistant ceramic material outside the solid alloy structure. Although the impact force of the experimental mouse is very large, far more than the normal mouse can reach, it has hit the cage. Snoring, but because of the body shape, still failed to deform the cage.

高温 The high-temperature-resistant ceramics outside the metal structure are also very strong, and they have not fallen off or broken under continuous crazy impact.

But when the mouse injected with the experimental desperate virus started to bite the iron cage, the situation was completely different!

The original white incisor of the mouse became red and shiny, like two hot-burning razors, biting on the refractory ceramic material quickly made the piece of ceramic red, and it slightly melted, and every time it bite, Can carry down layers of molten magma.

And from time to time, a hot flame is spewed out of its mouth, which has intensified the melting of high-temperature-resistant ceramic materials, coupled with its crazy bite, the thickness of high-temperature-resistant ceramic materials is rapidly thinning!

Once the high-temperature resistant ceramic material is bitten through, the alloy material inside cannot resist this high temperature at all, and it will soon melt and escape from the cage!

However, before it completely penetrated the refractory ceramic material, its constantly increasing light had reached its limit. Eventually, a fierce fire broke out in the iron cage and enveloped the whole iron cage. A huge fireball with a diameter of more than five meters formed in the room!

I waited for the fire to dissipate. The cage in the middle of the room had completely melted into a ball. The completely melted metal and the semi-melted heat-resistant ceramic material were mixed together, and the trace of the experimental rat was completely disappeared!

完毕 After the video was over, everyone couldn't help but turn to look at Dr. Abraham Erskine.

Dr. Erskine didn't sell anything and explained it directly.

"According to our research plan, we have successfully improved the strengthening of the brain's self-healing center by the Extremis virus. The subject's self-healing speed is faster than before, and the flame energy in the body has become more powerful and violent."

"In the video, the heat-resistant ceramic material on the surface of the fixture and the iron cage can withstand a high temperature of 4,600 degrees Celsius, but it is easily melted. According to the data we have collected, the highest temperature that the experimental body can currently produce has reached 5,000. Celsius, the power has greatly improved. "

但是 "However, we have encountered problems in improving the reencoding of genes by the Extremis virus and strengthening our physical fitness."

博士 Dr. Abraham Erskine looked at Chen Mo and continued.

"We used your gene as a reference to modify the coding method of the endless virus. After experiments, although the strengthening effect of the experimental body is stronger than the original ultimate creature, it can only be strengthened to eight times the original, which is far from ours. There is still a big gap in the goals! "

"The most serious thing is that because the strengthening of physical fitness can no longer keep up with the increase in flame energy, the brain's control of internal energy has weakened, the internal flame energy has become extremely unstable, and the success rate of reinforcement is much lower than that of the ultimate creature , So far, we have conducted 34 experiments with the latest type of Extremis virus, and none of the subjects survived more than fifteen minutes! "

也就是说 "That is to say, our question now is that the Desperate Virus cannot continue to improve its physical fitness?"

Tony Stark frowned and asked.

"Yes, the desperate virus can improve the quality of all aspects of the body by re-encoding the body's genes, but our current gene encoding method has reached the current limit that can be achieved, although it can be determined ~ ~ Gene coding still has a lot of potential to be tapped, but we don't know how to continue to improve the genes to further improve the physical fitness! We have encountered a bottleneck! "

Tony heard his words, and his face was heavy.

He originally thought that this time was just a small problem as before, and planned to solve it as soon as possible and go back to sleep with Pepper, but now it seems that the problem is serious!

"Can you use other people's genes as a reference to find new ways to encode genes?"

Howard asked.

博士 Dr. Abraham Erskine shook his head and said slowly.

"We have tried it. Chen Mo's gene is already the strongest on the planet. Other people's gene coding enhancement effect is far worse than him, and can only improve the physical fitness by three to five times."

"Have you tried Hulk's genes? He should be stronger."

Chen Chen could not help asking.

The Desperate Virus is also very important to him. Although his current strength is the strongest on the planet, in the future, with the forces of all parties in the universe coming on stage one by one, needless to say that the final big boss destroyer, even if it is his Hei Wu five generals, he is not able to deal with it now!

In addition, there are top cosmic powerhouses such as Odin, Hella, Igo, who can easily kill him now. Chen Mo urgently needs to improve his strength, and the desperate virus is undoubtedly an excellent way to improve his strength. !!

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