My Iron Suit

Chapter 1154: Celestial Convergence!

Others also set their sights on Chen Mo, which is related to whether their next research can continue!

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Mo nodded and said slowly.

"The Rainbow Bridge can only be opened by Hemdal, the patron saint of Asgard, but in addition to the Rainbow Bridge, there is a way to reach Asgard!"

"In myths and legends, the universe consists of nine kingdoms. The nine kingdoms travel through the cosmic tree. They orbit Midgade, just like the earth orbits the sun."

"Every 5,000 years, they will appear in a straight line, known as the celestial aggregate. During this time, the borders of the nine nations will become blurred, our world and Asgard, and the other nine nations. The kingdoms will partially overlap, creating space passages in some places, and through these passages, you can reach other nations! "

I heard Chen Mo's words, but all the people present showed a strange look very similar to that of Dr. Abraham Erskine.

Although Thor has been proved to really exist, all of you here are top scientists in various fields. They will not directly explain everything with fairy tales, but will explain these things with science.

They thought that Thor and the Zetaris were aliens, but they had landed on the earth many years ago, leaving their myths and legends on the earth.

As for Asgard, the nine nations should be a way of addressing different planets. There is no world tree at all.

Even if there is any celestial aggregation phenomenon, it should be like the solar system's Nine Star Lianzhu. At most, there are natural phenomena such as solar eclipses, gravitational tides, etc. As for the overlap of kingdoms, space channels and the like do not seem to them. may!

I looked at the people who looked at him differently, and Chen Mo was too lazy to continue to explain to them.

Count the time, it seems that it has not been long before the occurrence of the Thor 2 plot, and when the celestial aggregation really happens, they will naturally know if what he said is wrong!

Chen Mo immediately no longer lost time, stood up and said to everyone.

"The god-building plan is suspended. You first implement the second plan to improve the self-healing function of the Extremis virus and create a self-healing medicine that can regenerate the limbs. I will give me questions about physical strengthening and I will find a way to get the blood of Thor. ! "

Chen Mo said, before waiting for everyone to react, he turned and left the laboratory.

Dr. Abraham Erskine and others could not help but look at each other. Although so many years of experience and cognition told them that what Chen Mo said about the celestial body converging, it is impossible to reunite the nine kingdoms, but in their hearts, there was a voice Telling them that those may be true!

Seeing Chen Mo leave, Howard who followed him from the martial arts quickly reacted, shrugging towards Dr. Abraham Erskine, and then quickly followed.

Chen Mo did not teleport directly away from SHIELD, as he feared, but walked into the elevator to the SHIELD base above.

Squinting as the elevator doors were closing, Howard hurried over and shouted.

"Wait for me!"

默 Chen Mo watched Howard after catching up, reached out and pressed the door open button. The elevator door that was about to be closed reopened. Howard rushed in front of the elevator.

The elevator door closed slowly again, Howard looked at Chen Mo and asked with a serious face.

"What did you just say?"

Chen Mo glanced at him without speaking.

Howard saw this, but his face could not help but dignified.

He knew that if he was not sure, Chen Mo wouldn't just talk casually. Although he still couldn't believe it in his heart, Howard knew that the celestial aggregation that Chen Mo said could really happen, and it didn't seem to be long!

怎么 说 Howard is also the director of the SHIELD. He has been exposed to many special incidents and is very sensitive to potential dangers.

Be aware that the nine nations are about to coincide, Howard soon realized the huge dangers in it!

Last time in New York, Loki led the army of Zetaru to invade the earth, and opened the space wormhole through the cosmic cube, allowing the Zetaru army to reach the earth from the distant universe through the wormhole.

And this time, if the aggregation of celestial bodies really happens, the nine kingdoms overlap, which is equivalent to creating eight wormholes connected to the other eight kingdoms above the earth!

Howard doesn't know what's in those eight kingdoms, but according to myths and legends, the giants, elves, dwarves and protoss living in them are all races with powerful power, and there are many ferocious monsters living in these kingdoms. In.

随 Any country among them has a powerful force that is not weaker than those of the Zetaris. If the eight kingdoms are opened at the same time, the earth will really face the calamity!

"Is there a way to stop this celestial body from converging and avoid opening of space channels?"

Chen Mo shook her head gently and said.

"This is the law of the universe and cannot be blocked! And if the space channel is not opened, we will not be able to find Thor, and the research of the desperate virus cannot continue!"

Howard heard that, his expression could not help but tangled, Chen Mo continued to say when he saw this.

"The celestial aggregation is not as severe as you think. Although the nine channels will gradually coincide, the space channel will gradually appear, but the initial space channel is very unstable, and the size and duration are very limited. Even if there are a few other world biological accidents, Entering the earth, as long as it is cleared in time, it will not cause much damage. "

"Moreover, even if the celestial body reaches its peak, the space channel connecting the nine nations will only last for a short time ~ ~ As the nine nations continue to operate, the space coincidence will be lifted again. The Tauri invasion will not happen again! "

I listened to Chen Mo's explanation. Although Howard was slightly relieved, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Even if the duration of the space channel is relatively short, who knows what powerful alien creatures will land on the earth, and if it comes directly to a densely populated area, it will be enough to cause a lot of casualties in a short time!

"Do you know where the space channel will open?"

Howard looked at Chen Mo and asked anxiously.

Their role of SHIELD is to protect the safety of the earth. This celestial aggregation is undoubtedly a major earth crisis event!

As the director of SHIELD, Howard must respond in time!

Chen Chen heard a smile but said to Howard.

"I think someone will know!"

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