My Iron Suit

Chapter 590: Then we made one by ourselves!

That night, the local police issued a briefing on the case, which was basically consistent with the previous news content on the Internet, indicating that the case is under further investigation and processing.

However, looking at the case report, "Father Chen (84) will kill the knife with Zhao Moumou (34 years old), son Chen Moumou (55 years old) will hold the knife of Qian Moumou (29 years old), Sun Someone (31 years old), Li Moumou (28 years old), Zhou Moumou (32 years old) was seriously injured, and everyone still felt a strong sense of violation. Many of them did not understand the situation before. The first time someone who knew this happened to wonder if the police were wrong.

"Is this wrong? Is it 84 years old? 55 years old? It should be 48 and 25. The case report can also be wrong, too careless!"

"That is! 84-year-old empty-handed killing knife gangsters is simply illogical!"

"These two people must be from the special forces, and the combat power is explosive!"

"Are you just online? Age is right, give you a link to see yourself!"

After the announcement of the case, with an official statement, this matter was completely confirmed, and related topics quickly climbed to the top of the topic and hot search list, and did not fall until the next day.

The next day, the local procuratorate also intervened in the case in advance, and the entire case was quickly sorted out.

In fact, the case itself is very simple, but the necessary legal procedures must still be completed, filing, investigation, autopsy, notification of the victim's family, transcripts, witness testimony, evidence collection, case analysis.

Therefore, even if the police speed up, it is impossible to get things done in a short time.

Chen Mo has always been closely watching the progress of the domestic situation, and on the Los Angeles side, the preparation for advertising has also encountered problems.

On the morning of the same day, Chen Mo confessed that Su Shi should not rush to contact Enron, so that he could take a break from Enron's plan, so Su Shi started the preparatory work before the shooting according to the plan.

Others say that the shooting equipment and equipment Su Shi can be rented directly from the school. The rest is nothing more than the preparation of some venues, vehicles and drivers.

The venue was well settled, and there was money to clear the road. Su Shi quickly rented the required space, but the vehicle encountered problems.

Enron's super sports car campaign requires an F1 car, but Susie contacted all F1 teams, but none of them were willing to rent out.

After Enron completed the plan and sent it to Su Shi in the early morning, he couldn’t hold on, and fell asleep. He woke up until 12 noon. It’s been so late, although the head still hurts, Enron still Contact Susie immediately.

"How, sister, is the plan passed?"

"It's also used to say that the advertising program that our genius director personally produced, how can it be passed, the boss is very satisfied, let the filming start immediately."

Enron was very happy, but then saw the time displayed on the clock hanging on the wall, and asked inexplicably.

"Then why not call me, I forgot the alarm clock, I have been sleeping until I just got up."

Su Shi heard it, but he smiled and said on the phone with a smile.

"Our boss heard that you had an all-night wanted for the program, and deliberately told me not to contact you, so that you can sleep well."

After listening to Enron, I couldn’t help but see, how is it possible? The arrogant guy will be so considerate of others? Enron’s mind could not help but show the indifferent face of the Aegis president who had a three-point appearance with Chen Mo, but his character was cold and overbearing.

Shaking his head, Enron didn't think much, she was most concerned about advertising.

"Let's start preparing for the filming now. I can implement the personnel and equipment today, and I can start the filming tomorrow, but the venue and the vehicle still need your help."

"I just want to tell you about this, there is no problem with the venue. I have already set it, but I don't have to rent the F1 car you want. They are going to race soon. The training and preparation work are very close. The car can't be used outside. Rent."

After Enron learned that he couldn’t help but look a little dignified. After considering it, he frowned and said to Su Shi, who was on the other end of the phone.

"Or else I will change the plan again."

Su Shi heard the words but immediately shook his head.

"First, I don't have to, I am looking for a boss to think of a way."

Enron has no hope for this. The F1 car is the most important thing for each team. In order to prevent the technology from leaking or being damaged and affecting the game, it will not be easy to borrow, especially the World Formula One Championship is just around the corner. It is even more impossible to lend the most important race vehicles. She also wanted to be simple at first. She only considered the effect of advertising, but ignored the actual situation.

However, after this plan, Chen Mo nodded personally, and could not say that he would change it. After the change, the plan was definitely not perfect now, and Su Shi still had great trust in his boss. She believed that Chen Mo would have The solution is solved.

So in desperation, Su Shi had to ask Chen Mo for help.

After Chen Mo heard it, he just said something lightly.

"Then we make one ourselves."

In the evening, a complete drawing was handed over to the R&D department of Aegis Motors. Chen Mo personally ordered the F1 car to be built within three days!

So the R&D department that just finished the follow-up research and development work of the new model was busy again, but this time, although the time is more tight, the complete set of drawings is already in place. All they have to do is to build a prototype and only add one. There is no problem with overtime work.

Enron learned from Su Shikou that "Chen Mo" intends to build an F1 car in three Only when he is crazy, although your Aegis car company is very powerful, but three days to create One of the world's top F1 cars is simply impossible. It's just a matter of months, not to mention manufacturing and assembly!

If it's a go-kart, Enron may still believe that the strength of Aegis can be built in three days, but is the world's top Formula 1 racing so easy to manufacture?

Enron did not know that Chen Mo had a design work for several months, and Chen Mo got it in one afternoon.

Of course, she did not understand this. She only thought that Chen Mo, the arrogant madman, did not understand the difficulty of making F1, and easily exaggerated Haikou and forced the task to the company.

However, there is no other way in front of her. She can only imagine the advertisement of a luxury car while conceiving a new sports car advertising plan.

However, before the filming, Enron urged Chen Mo to name the two new models as soon as possible.

Because until now, the names of these two new models are just a code name! My steel coat

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