My Iron Suit

Chapter 853: Zone 7!

US Department of Defense, Pentagon!

Tonight, there are also many staff members who are busy all night!

The numerous attacks and intrusions that have occurred in these two days have seriously threatened national security and brought the United States into a comprehensive high readiness!

"Huaguo and Russia are very close to our Western Pacific combat zone, and we believe that the situation will soon exceed our control!"

In a conference room inside the command center, Secretary of Defense John Keller and others looked dignified.

The previous base attack and the Air Force No. 1 invasion incident, they put the suspected target on other countries with tension.

Although Maggie Madsen and Glenn Whitman were arrested, the Ministry of Defense did not pay much attention to the scattered information they had deciphered. After all, it was only a piecemeal fragment, which had no practical significance.

And Maggie Madsen’s alien remarks have been regarded as nonsense from beginning to end.

In response to possible further military attacks, they have dispatched aircraft carrier formations to the Persian Gulf and the Yellow Sea for warning.

But at the same time, their sudden and massive military mobilization has also strained countries. Many countries have responded. The international situation has become more and more tense. If it is not good, it may lead to military conflicts, even war!

After the meeting, Secretary of Defense John Keller came out of the conference room, and a group of middle and high-ranking officers at least a major level surrounded him, constantly reporting and asking for various affairs.

While John Keller was dealing with one thing, he walked toward the command area with crowds of people.

The conference room was right next to the main entrance of the command center. Just before John Keller had just stepped out, a tall, thin middle-aged white man with two thick beards carrying a suitcase walked into the command center from the door behind him.

Seeing John Keller, who was surrounded by people, the middle-aged man cried directly to him.

"Mr. Minister."

John Keller couldn't help but stop and turned and looked behind him.

"I am Tom Benachek, part of the 7th District, Advanced Research Department!"

"I have never heard of it!"

John Keller frowned and said.

"I am very busy now, Tom, I believe you can see it too."

After that, John Keller no longer took care of the guy who didn't know where it came out. He turned and continued to walk toward the command area. Now that things are tense, he must keep track of everything and have time to pay attention to others.

But as he walked quickly into the passageway in the command area, the numerous displays on the wall suddenly lost images.

"what happened?"

"do not know!"


In the face of this unexpected situation, many of the staff in the command center were flustered and noisy, and John Keller’s face was equally blank.

Under his gaze, all the computers and displays all over the command center lost their pictures, either blue screens or flashing indiscriminately.

John Keller’s face couldn’t help but panic.

This has never happened in the history of the Pentagon, which is obviously not as simple as a simple computer failure!

"The situation reporter! Come out!"

John Keller shouted at the group of people who were tangled up below.

"All the work is interrupted, sir!"

A bald lieutenant colonel turned to report to him.

"I can see it!"

John Keller said bluntly.

Just then, another major with glasses suddenly remembered something and jerked up and said to John Keller.

"The virus is used to interrupt all work!"


Seeing that the command center was in a mess and busy, no one took care of himself, Tom Benachek from the seventh district, who was hanging aside, licked his lips and said to himself.

"I am going there to sit down."

However, apparently no one noticed him at this time. Several responsible officers were working together to discuss the current situation. John Keller came down from the passage and went to the front of several officers, and frowned and asked.

"What do you mean by the virus interrupting the job?"

At this point, a few people have basically figured out the situation, and the bald-headed lieutenant school immediately explained.

"They use our website to spread the virus to the whole world. This is a global network disruption. We have been disconnected from the global satellite and fixed network!"

John Keller couldn't help but lick his neck and walked to the table next to him.

"You mean I can't call this home with my phone?"

John Keller said that he grabbed the phone on the desk and started dialing, but he just stopped a few times and stopped because the phone was always busy and unresponsive.

John Keller did not believe in his own cell phone, but there was no response. As the Lieutenant Colonel said, all the networks were cut off!

John Keller’s face became very dignified!

The network was cut off, meaning they lost contact with the outside world, including their most powerful aircraft carrier fleet and military bases everywhere!

The Pentagon is the command center of all US military forces and the brain of the US military. Now, the nerves of the brain are cut off, and the US military has lost its command. At this time, the United States completely lost its defensive power!

Once attacked, the consequences are unimaginable!

The situation is unprecedentedly grim, and they are completely helpless, there is no way!

Just as John Keller was sinking into the water, but there was nothing to do, Tom Benachek, sitting on the lounge chair by the wall, suddenly spoke up.

"Mr. Minister, I am coming from the presidency."

The words of Tom Benachek attracted the attention of John Keller and other officers, who turned their heads and looked at him.

Tom Benachek said that he put the suitcase he had been holding in his hand on his knee and patted it twice.

"You need to look at the things in my suitcase."

In an independent conference room in the command center Only Tom Benachek and John Keller are sitting inside.

The suitcase that had been held in his hand was finally hit.

After entering a long string of complex passwords on a keyboard in the box, a seemingly ordinary memory card finally popped up.

Tom Benachek said as he inserted the memory card into the computer.

"You have to know that there are things you can't understand right away."

Tom Benachek first gave John Keller a shot, because then many of the things he had to tell him sounded like a fantasy!

John Keller was serious about listening to him.

“The seventh district is a special department within the government.”

"It was established 80 years ago by the secret order of President Hoover."

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