My Iron Suit

Chapter 933: The development of 9 snakes!

Although the boss of Chen Mo does not manage the company usually, he gives all the complicated affairs to the people under his control, but this is precisely the good boss that many senior managers dream of!

Chen Mo is only responsible for the general direction. He does not casually intervene in specific management work, and arbitrarily arbitrarily gives them a lot of free space to play, and can fully exert their ideas and talents!

In the face of problems that they can't solve, Chen Mo, the shopkeeper, will not hesitate to help, and always help them solve the problem, which makes Su Shi and Anna and others more confident. Your own talent.

There is Chen Mo, the almost omnipotent backing behind the mountain. They are very practical and will not fear any difficulties and challenges.

The more serious problem, as long as the boss is out, it will not be solved!

With the support and trust of Chen Mo, Aegis Group is the perfect stage for their self-worth!

When the employees were all immersed in the busy work, Chen Mo was very leisurely.

Before in the world of Transformers, there were such excellent targets as the Decepticons. Chen Mo trained his fighting skills and assault and dodge. After returning to the real world, Chen Mo relaxed.

Whether it is physical exercise or spiritual improvement, we must pay attention to a relaxation.

It’s not necessarily the best way to bury your head in hard work.

The real world is his most important foundation for Chen Mo, and he is also the "home" where he can relax and rest!

Every time you travel to a new world, it is actually an adventure. There are many unknowns and dangers. He must play the spirit of twelve points, consider and plan every step of the action, and strive to maximize the safety under the premise of being as safe as possible. The benefits, the biggest improvement, only return to the real world, it is time for Chen Mo to completely relax.

Whether it is Fengtian Group or Ferrari, Chen Mo is just a few clowns. Compared with the super powers, top powers or aliens he faces in the movie world, it is not worth mentioning!

This is also the reason why he has not been eager to send Wade to clean them up. He can finally relax back to the real world. He does not want to casually kill and kill.

Of course, it really violated Chen Mo’s bottom line, and he would not let them go easily!

The end of the Ferrari boss Bernie Todd is the best proof!

In Chen Mo’s “non-violence” plan, Fengtian Group will not be able to stop for a long time!

However, these do not require Chen Mo to do it himself. Naturally, there are Aegis Group, Jarvis, and the Hydra, which is gradually formed under the management of Hill.

Originally, although there were many top-level Hydra agents, it was not a simple matter to quickly build the Hydra.

But with Jarvis's super artificial intelligence to help, many problems become much simpler. The problem that was the most difficult to deal with is easily solved. Everyone's identity can withstand investigation and scrutiny. Instead of the fake identity of some ordinary agents, a little in-depth investigation reveals the stuffing.

This makes it easier and safer for them to break into various organizations without causing any doubt.

Coupled with the full help of the Aegis Group and the abundant financial equipment and information and intelligence support of Chen Mo and Jarvis, the Hydra was established in a very short period of time and put the tentacles into many countries and organizations. Among them, although compared to the Hydrange in the world of the Avengers, the new Hydra is almost inferior in all respects.

But compared with the secret intelligence agencies of various countries, the Hydra is not inferior!

Although Hydra has a large difference in the number of personnel with these large-scale intelligence agencies that are tens of thousands of people, the agents of Hydra are all super elites cultivated by Hydra from childhood, and have been systematically trained by Hydra for many years. Training, performing a large number of difficult tasks, all aspects are extremely powerful!

Moreover, they all have been strengthened by the super soldier's serum, and their physical quality and brain power are far superior to ordinary people. Whether it is frontal combat, sneak penetration, penetration, destruction, spying, etc., all of them crush the top agents in various countries!

Sometimes, the power of a Hydra agent can be greater than the sum of the entire organization of these intelligence organizations!

In many cases, the number does not make much sense. Instead, the level of personal ability of the agent determines the final result!

So in fact, Chen Mo has now mastered a secret organization that is not weaker than the secret intelligence organizations of various countries, and even more in many respects!

Compared with other countries, as the base camp of Chen Mo, the rice country, especially the Los Angeles area is undoubtedly the focus of Hydra development!

Government agencies at all levels and major consortia have been infiltrated by the Hydra to varying degrees. Although due to time, this penetration is not deep enough, far from being comparable to the Avengers world, but it has also been able to Chen Mo brings a lot of help and plays a great role when necessary!

Moreover, with the continuous development of the Hydra, with the excellent ability of the Hydra agents and the secret support of Jarvis, their penetration and control of these organizations will be stronger and stronger, and another world will be re-emerged. The glory of the head snake is only a matter of time!

The daily management of Hydra Chen Mo was handed over to Hill.

As the leader of the Hydra elite, the deputy of the former Secretary of State for Strategic Defence Attack and Logistics Support, Nick Fury, the future Secretary of the National Strategic Defence Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, Hill’s combat power is not the strongest. But she is undoubtedly the most outstanding of all Hydra agents in management, execution, overall planning, and control of the situation and response to the incident!

Hill looks slim and temperamental, but hidden under her beautiful appearance is her tough style and bold and courageous character. Under the management of Hydra, the speed of development is actually On the psychological expectations of Chen Mo, Chen Mo is even more satisfied with her.

The Hydra is under the responsibility of Maria Hill, and the crossbone Brock Rumlo Chen Mo has another arrangement!

As early as when Fengtian Group sent spies to sneak into the Aegis car, Chen Mo had the idea of ​​strengthening the security of the company. After all, with the continuous development of the Aegis Group, more and more forces will inevitably aim at them. And deal with them in various ways.


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