My Iron Suit

Chapter 948: Unable to cross the sky!

Fortunately, the heavy horse's horsepower is large enough to maintain a certain speed under this huge resistance. It crashes into the dense zombies in front and rushes forward. If the ordinary off-road vehicle is already stuck in the dead sea. No bombs can be swallowed up by this endless zombie!

However, everyone on the wall is not optimistic about the outcome of this heavy truck. They have already seen that this heavy truck has not had the momentum of the past when it first rushed into the corpse, with the zombies getting more and more Intensive, heavy trucks are suffering more and more damage, and the momentum of advancement has become more and more difficult.

Perhaps, as Angel Ortiz said, it is impossible to break through the corpse by relying on this ordinary heavy-duty truck that has not been modified!

The subsequent situation is as they guessed!

The bumper that had been severely deformed first fell off, and a large section was left under the front of the car. Most of the zombies in front of the car were bumped out by the bumper. Now there is no bumper. These zombies are directly pushed into the car. Under the front of the car, it was finally crushed by the wheels and the chassis!

Compared with the previous structure, the structure and parts of the front and the chassis were more damaged. The zombies that were crushed by the wheels were much more. The entire front, the chassis and the tires were under more pressure. It is possible to "strike"!

At the same time, the speed of heavy trucks is inevitably reduced again!

Gradually the zombies hang around the sides of the front and rear of the car and try to climb towards Chen Mo in the cab!

The people on the wall could not help but be anxious. Although they were psychologically prepared, they still did not want to see a survivor die in front of them!

Especially after the heavy trucks approached, they were able to see the survivor in the cab through the windshield!

Although the glass is covered with blood, even if the wiper is cleaned, it is still covered with blood, so that they can't see the face of the person inside, but they can feel the other person's gaze toward them!

Behind the windshield is a human survivor like them!

But what about them?

They are themselves a group of survivors trapped inside the wall. If they can rush out, they will leave early, and they will wait until now.

So looking at the heavy trucks whose situation is getting worse and worse, they are powerless except for their urgency and anger.

They can only pray in the heart, this heavy card can stick to the end!

With dense corpses and more and more zombies on the body, the heavy truck continued to move forward and struggled a lot. At this time, there were only less than 100 meters away from the wall, but for the survivors, This hundred meters in the corpse sea is a scorpio that cannot be crossed at all!

Anyone who is in it has only one dead end!

In the end, the heavy truck tires still failed to last until the end!

Numerous zombies on this road were crushed by the heavy-duty wheels, which directly broke the body and crushed the head. However, the bones of the zombie fractures caused great damage to the tires, and finally 70 to 80 meters away from the wall. Local puncture!

Although Chen Mo slammed the throttle and continued to drive forward, the speed of heavy trucks after the puncture was inevitably reduced again. More zombies were hung on the body, and zombies climbed into the front of the car. Extend your arm to Chen Mo!

After the speed of the car has dropped again, it has been difficult to completely break through the encirclement of the zombies, and the number of zombies that have been rushing around is getting more and more dense.

Numerous pairs of claws were caught on the body, and countless zombies were in front of the front of the car. The dense zombies completely surrounded the heavy truck. Although the car continued to move forward, but under the blockade of countless zombies, the speed of advancement was Slower and slower!

Although the horsepower of heavy trucks is large, it cannot compete with the number of zombies that are difficult to count. When the speed and impact are lost, this heavy truck is still inevitably caught in the dead sea!

As the zombies around them became denser and denser, more and more zombies climbed onto the body, and the speed of heavy trucks became slower and slower, eventually stopping at only thirty or forty meters from the wall!

Immediately, more zombies rushed up, and the body was quickly surrounded by layers of zombies. The windshield on both sides of the cab and the front windshield were covered by zombies. The people on the wall completely watched. Not in the car!

"Do not!"

Christo, the only woman present, shouted excitedly, and her eyes could not help but burst into tears.

Seeing that a survivor broke through the heavy zombies and came to them, but failed at the last moment, the death and zombie mouth, which made her heart very uncomfortable!

Although other people did not speak, the emotions were equally heavy!

While feeling sorry and regret for the survivors of this heavy truck, they could not help but feel a sense of death and sorrow.

The heavy truck failed to penetrate the corpse and arrived in the prison. They also could not escape from it. They could only continue to be trapped in this cage. When the rest of the food in the prison was consumed, they could only wait for death. Now!

Among the people with low mood, only Bennett’s mouth showed a sneer of gloating, and in his heart he laughed at the survivors of the card.

But what makes Bennet happy is that the uninvited survivors are about to be buried in the sea, and no one is going to **** the food they have left!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

Just as everyone looked at the heavy truck that was gradually submerged by the zombies, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded at the heavy card, and everyone on the wall could not help but change!

In their gaze, the zombies hanging outside the cab suddenly fell, and the door was quickly exposed.

The next moment The blood-stained door slammed out like a hammer hit, and shot several zombies that were coming to the cab directly to the ground, but very It was quickly drowned by the zombies that came up behind!

At the same time as the door was smashed, a black figure suddenly flashed out of the cab. Without waiting for everyone to see it clearly, he had already turned over the roof flexibly and stood there firmly in the middle of the car!

The survivors on the wall were amazed, but they quickly reacted.

"He is still alive!"

Christo shouted excitedly.

Angel Ortiz was also a surprise, and then he said with a firm voice.

"We are saving him!"

Bennett’s words were frowned and directly retorted.

"How to save? Go out? If you want to find death, don't count me!"

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