My Iron Suit

Chapter 951: betray!

Everyone on the fence was anxious, and Chen Mo’s gunshots were stronger. Once the zombies were hit and bitten, they only had a variation!

But now Chen Mo is just blocking these zombies and between them. If they shoot at this distance, they are likely to accidentally hurt Chen Mo. If they want to help, there is no way!

Luther West was too late to throw out the rope hooks that had just been tied in his hand, and quickly reminded Chen Mo, who was still shooting at the zombies still in front of the front of the car.

"Be careful behind you!"

Angel Ortiz, Christo and Kim Young also changed their faces and quickly reminded them loudly.

"Be careful!"

"Behind you!"


However, Chen Mo did not seem to hear the general. He turned a deaf ear to the few zombies who were approaching behind him. He just smiled at the people on the wall, and then suddenly stepped in the eyes of everyone, and rushed forward, finally in the front. At the edge of the force, the body jumped up and fell towards the dense corpse in front!

"What is he doing?!"

Angel Ortiz exclaimed in disbelief!

Bennett, who had been eager to die, had not been surprised.

"This guy is scared, right?"

In his opinion, Chen Mo is likely to hear their reminders, knowing that there are zombies approaching the side, and panic will jump out of the car!

Regardless of what the people on the wall think, Chen Mo has jumped out of the roof and fell to the bottom of the corpse!

However, Chen Mo did not jump directly down, but rushed after the front.

Although Chen Mo did not use all his strength, he also stepped down the iron on the edge of the roof to form a clear footprint, and Chen Mo’s body jumped nearly two meters high and crossed a long line in the air. The long parabola fell to the front of the front of the car nearly ten meters away!

While jumping out of the roof, Chen Mo's double guns began to shoot down and down, and the more than twenty zombies standing in his whereabouts all fell to the ground!

A small vacuum was cleared out ten meters in front of the heavy truck!

When Chen Mo fell to the ground, the nearest zombies were also one meter away from him!

In the face of Chen Mo who descended from the sky, the zombies who lived around were rushing toward him, but Chen Mo did not stop in the same place, waiting for them to come around.

After landing, Chen Mo’s feet kept going, and by the forward momentum, he stepped on the body of the zombies piled up under his feet, and rushed forward flexibly, holding both pairs of guns and continuing to shoot at the corpse in front. shooting!

Along with a series of intensive gunshots, the zombies in front of Chen Mo fell back like a piece of wheat, and soon a new vacuum was formed.

Relying on the two pistols in his hand, Chen Mo actually created a forward passage in the corpse sea!

Although the zombies in front, behind and on both sides are rushing up quickly, but there is no speed to clean up Chen Mo, not waiting for the passage opened by the bullets to be blocked by the zombies that are constantly coming in, Chen Mo has already rushed over. !

Behind him, the passage that had just been cleared by him would be filled up quickly by the zombies on both sides and behind him. They also wanted to chase Chen Mo, but Chen Mo cleaned the zombies and pushed forward too fast. These zombies Although the speed is much faster than before, it still can't keep up with Chen Mo's speed. He can only reach out to Chen Mo, who is far away in vain, and throw out his hands and anger!

Chen Mo completely ignored the zombies behind him. He stretched out his arms and fired his hands in the middle of the movement. A few meters in front of him, a piece of zombie head burst into a **** flower, and then fell backwards. At the foot of Chen Mo, he did not stop, stepping on the body of a zombie who had fallen to the ground and rushed toward the prison wall not far ahead!

The people on the wall looked at the two pistols underneath, and Chen Mo, who had a **** path in the dead sea, was shocked by a look!

What is this powerful existence?



Or, Agent?

Looking at the corpse in the bottom of the corpse, the black suit that Chen Mo wore while running without interrupting the gun, everyone could not help but think of the 007 in the movie!

This guy who is strong enough to be a horror is probably an agent!

And definitely the top of the agent!

But seeing Chen Mo quickly rushing toward them, Luther West first responded from the shock.

The prison wall where they are located is six or seven meters high. Even if it is strong, it is impossible to climb up!

Fortunately, now he has a rope in his hand. He was originally prepared to throw Chen Mo, who was trapped on the roof of the car, and let him climb the wall. Now it can be used to pull him up!

Just as Luther West grabbed the iron hook tied to the rope and prepared to drop the wall, one hand suddenly came out from the side and grabbed the rope that he was holding in his hand. I pulled it over.

Luther West only thought about throwing the rope down to save people. He didn't even think that someone would **** the ropes, so one did not pay attention and did not grasp it, but he was taken over by the people!

Luther West couldn't help but frown and turned to look at it, but Bennett snatched the rope!

"Give me the rope!"

Luther West looked angrily at Bennett and said Others looked at Bennett strangely, and he was extremely puzzled by his ability to **** the ropes.

Angel Ortiz couldn't help pointing the rifle in his hand to Bennett. He had long seen that this guy was not pleasing to the eye. He was always self-righteous, selfish and arrogant, and created a lot of trouble for them. Now at this critical moment of saving people, I ran out again!

Seeing that Angel Ortiz’s muzzle pointed over, Luther West also had the meaning of grabbing the ropes. Bennett did not choose to smash the guns, but instead stepped back and raised his hands. Said quickly.

"Oh, don't be nervous, I am saving you!"

Bennett said to the people with a big face and selflessness.

"Don't forget, those zombies will climb! If the zombies follow him and climb up, we will die!"

"We can kill the zombies that climb up, and as long as he climbs up, we can cut the ropes directly!"

Luther West snarled as he walked toward Bennett.

In fact, as long as they are careful, the danger of saving people with ropes is not great, but Bennett does not take any risk for others!


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