My Iron Suit

Chapter 982: Giant axe executioner!

Although they have long known that the zombies have evolved, the speed of zombies and even intelligence have become stronger than the beginning of the disaster, and they have seen the four tentacles that have evolved from these zombies. But the three-meter-high Tomahawk giant outside the gate still makes them somewhat unacceptable!

And Alice looked at the giant's dress and the huge battle axe in his hand three meters long, but his face became dignified, and a deep anger and hatred also emerged in her eyes!

This huge body shape that transcends the limits of mankind, as well as the attitude of the zombies around him who do not care about him, all indicate the identity of this giant.

Obviously this should be a new type of enhanced zombies, and it is obviously impossible to see the natural evolution of weapons and dresses in their hands. Alice can conclude that this behemoth is definitely a new biological weapon developed by the umbrella company!

Just like the forefingers and followers she has encountered before!

And it seems that this giant seems to be more powerful and difficult!

The giant axe in the giant's hand, on one side is a thick and sharp axe blade, and on the other side is a huge hammer with a half-meter square and full of edges and corners!

The sturdy steel gate swayed violently under the constant impact of the heavy hammer, and the walls fixed on the sides of the door, and the dust was constantly shaken!

Although the steel gate is sturdy, if you let it continue so, it will not be long before it will be tripped!

Angel Ortiz, who first saw the giant zombie, took the lead in reacting, taking the automatic rifle directly from the back and taking a huge figure outside the gate to trigger the trigger!

Others were awakened by gunshots, and they also recovered from the shock of the giant zombies who could use weapons. They immediately took out their weapons and attacked the giant zombies!

The position of the armored vehicle was only twenty or thirty meters away from the gate. As the crowd opened fire, the body of the giant axe outside the gate violently whipped up a string of blood flowers. The front gate railing was also hit by many bullets. In the sound of a "Dangdang", many sparks were shot!

However, although many bullets hit and even bullets hit the head, the movements of this huge zombie did not stop at all. The bullets did not seem to harm it at all. The giant axe in the hand still faces the front. The iron gate is constantly falling!



The huge sound of the heavy hammer hitting the iron gate still sounded again and again according to the original frequency. After everyone shot the bullet in the gun, he couldn’t help but look at the huge figure that was still waving a huge axe in the distance. Shocked!

"What the **** is this, his mother, what!"

Luther West put down his machine gun with a bullet in his hand and said excitedly.

The bullets they had just shot were enough to kill hundreds of zombies, and this horrible giant zombie had nothing to do except the clothes were broken!

This giant zombie is blocking the door. If you don't solve it, don't say that it will be broken by the door sooner or later, with countless zombies rushing in. They will have to pass him when they evacuate. !

Although the armored car is sturdy, it may not be able to withstand the attack of the giant zombie in the giant axe. At least destroying the tire is not difficult for it!

At that time, they can only be trapped in the car and wait to die!

Just when everyone was so frightened that this giant axe was killed, Chen Mo’s calm voice was ringing around everyone.

"Don't waste time, continue to move supplies, hand it over to me!"

Alice and Luther West and others looked at Chen Mo, who was still calm and calm, and could not help but be infected by his calm and calm, one by one quickly calmed down.

Although I don't know if Chen Mo has any way to deal with this powerful giant zombie, Alice chose to believe Chen Mo!

"let's go!"

Alice took the lead and ran towards the building. Claire followed closely. The other survivors finally looked at the giant axe that was still attacking the gate outside the gate. They also chose to believe Chen Mo, together with Alice. Rushing toward the armory.

After the crowd left, Chen Mocai turned and looked at the giant axe zombies outside the door, or that is, the giant axe executioner!

According to Chen Mo’s observation, the strength of the new biological weapon made by this umbrella company is still very strong. The weight of the metal axe with a length of more than three meters is at least several hundred kilograms. The giant axe executioner does not bother to wave, but obviously The strength is very strong, Chen Mo estimates that it has almost reached the level of six times the average person!

In other words, the power of this giant axe executioner has been comparable to Wade and Agent 0!

But to talk about real strength, it is far from being comparable to Wade, because its speed is a fatal weakness!

Even if the strength is very strong, but the speed of the axe executioner is not much faster than the average person, which makes it unable to exert its maximum combat power!

Just like the tomahawk in its hands, can't hit people, sharp, and then heavy and useful?

Although under the attack of everyone, this giant axe executioner also showed a strong vitality and self-healing ability, even if the head was hit by bullets, it would not easily die but for Chen Mo However, it still has no appeal.

When it comes to sandbags, it is far less than the Decepticon of steel and iron, and the T virus on his body will pose a certain threat to Chen Mo, so Chen Mo is not interested in training it.

However, Chen Mo is not allowed to let it continue to destroy the door there!

Before striding to the front door, Chen Mo looked up at the giant axe executioner who was still in the tireless door outside the door and took out the pistol directly.

With Chen Mogao's tall figure, standing still in front of this giant axe executioner is still very short, so Chen Mo had to raise his gun and pointed to the front and the top.


Chen Moxian first shot, hit the eyebrows of the giant axe executioner, a brown **** hole was punched on the brown burlap, a little blood on the hood, and behind his head, it was directly spouted A **** flower!

However, the one-man executioner who was shot by Chen Mo was only slightly tilted back, and the movement in his hand did not stop.

Chen Mo did not feel as surprised as everyone else, but he nodded with satisfaction.

As in the movie, the axe executioner's self-healing ability is extremely strong, and it is enough for a normal zombie to be a deadly headshot attack. For the giant axe executioner, it is only a trivial little injury!

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