My Iron Suit

Chapter 985: Evacuation!

Chen Mo did not stop at the same place. The number of zombies in the passage was limited. Chen Mo did not need to go all out to be able to control it. Therefore, while shooting, he also watched the speed of evacuation while facing the gate. Retreat!

When Alice called him, he was actually not far from the gate, and the zombie was under his firepower, and he was only a dozen meters away from him!

So after Alice shouted, Chen Mo stopped the shooting directly, put away the pistol, and stepped up the pace toward the door.

Alice and Luther West stood on both sides of the gate, staring at Chen Mo, who was rushing inside. When Chen Mochong gated, the two men immediately yanked the roller shutter door and put more than 20 behind the gate. The zombie of the meter is inside!

Although the roller shutter door is not particularly strong, it is enough to block these zombies for a while, and everyone is temporarily safe!

Standing in front of the roller shutter door, Chen Mo glanced at a few people in the armored car who looked at him with a look of horror, and immediately said to Alice.

"You two get on the train right away!"

After Chen Mo finished, he did not pay attention to the two people, but rushed straight toward the gate of the wall!

Alice and Luther West looked at each other and listened to the sound of the impact that began to sound at the shutter door behind them. They did not delay, and quickly penetrated into the armored vehicle according to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also quickly came to the front door, the headless body of the giant axe executioner still fell behind the door, and the zombies pressed underneath were still struggling to climb out.

Chen Mo looked back and confirmed that after everyone had got on the bus, he immediately opened a heavy door bolt and opened the door!

As the door was opened, a large number of zombies crowded behind the door quickly came in. Chen Mo did not shoot, but immediately turned back and rushed back to the back of the armored vehicle, and slammed into the car.

Before the numerous zombies rushing into the wall chased him, Chen Mo reached out and closed the door behind the car, then turned and looked at the car.

All of Lucer West, Angel Ortiz, Alice and Claire are watching him. On their faces, Chen Mo sees excitement, expectation, worry and embarrassment. He is about to leave this trap. In their four or five-year prison, everyone’s mood is very complicated!

"Touch! Touch! Touch!..."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

The sound of a slamming and scratching sounded from the outside of the armored car. Obviously, the zombies pouring in from the gate had already surrounded the armored car!

Listening to the sound of this close-up, everyone’s eyes are more than a dignified and embarrassing!

Chen Mo’s eyes swept across the faces of everyone, and then he said in a deep voice.

"Sit all right, let's go!"

When Chen Mo finished, he immediately passed through the middle of the crowd and entered the front cab of the armored vehicle. The others looked at each other and immediately sat down on the long benches on both sides of the carriage.

The armored car that had never been turned off quickly started, feeling the speed of the car gradually rising, moving forward steadily, and a touch of excitement could not help but surface.

Finally have to leave here!

The strong horsepower made the armored car easily push open the zombies in front, and against the raging corpse, slowly opened towards the open wall door.

The zombies in front of the car are either squeezed to the sides or they will be rolled under the bottom of the car and under the wheels, which will not stop the armored car from moving forward!

With the influx of corpses, the armored vehicles slowly buffered the door!

The zombie, who was crushed by the heavy body of the giant axe, was struggling to climb out. When he saw it, he would break free. The wheel of the armored car that was slowly opened was just pressed from its head!


The zombie's head exploded directly, and then several tires rolled over were continuously smashed. When the armored vehicle drove off, there was only one headless zombie and a layer of pressed very flat bones. !

The armored car opened the door, and the outside was the endless sea of ​​corpses. Chen Mo immediately stepped on the throttle. In the roar of the engine, the heavy armored car began to accelerate!

The people sitting in the carriage only feel like driving on the rugged mountain road, the body is constantly bumping, but the speed is slowly improved!

They naturally know what it is under the wheel!

With the increase of the speed of the car, the position of the front front is also constantly sounding the impact of “touch! touch!”, and as the speed of the car increases, these crashes are getting faster and faster, and more and more loud!

When the speed increases to more than 20 miles, it will be difficult to continue to improve!

After all, this type of armored vehicle is only used for riot prevention. The horsepower is far less than the military armored vehicles and tanks. Although it can still break through the blockage in the dense corpse, it can move forward steadily, but the speed cannot be raised too high.

This also led to a problem. Some of the zombies have a higher degree of evolution, and the speed of running is faster, so they can keep up with the speed of armored vehicles!

With this part of the zombies only occupying a small part of the corpse, but as the armored car progressed, more and more zombies caught up with the armored vehicles and climbed up!

In the carriage, Alice listened to the sound of the sound coming from the top of her head, her face could not help but dignified, and everyone else looked up at the position of the roof, worried.

With more and more zombies climbing to the top of the They also feel that the speed is constantly decreasing. If they continue to develop like this, they are likely to be crawled by more and more zombies. In the car, a corpse that completely covered the armored vehicles was finally formed, and they were completely trapped in place!

This is what they didn't think of before!

The fears of the people are not superfluous. In fact, at this time, a small corpse mountain has been formed on the armored roof. Dozens of zombies are entangled and hanged firmly on the roof, and zombies are constantly being Climb up and increase the size of this corpse!

Although I didn't know the outside situation, the slower and slower speed of the armored vehicles and the constant movement of the roof caused them to feel a strong uneasiness. Alice glanced around the car and immediately spoke to the crowd.

"There are shooting holes on both sides of the compartment, we can clean up some of the zombies!"

The anxious people in the car heard the words and quickly found the shooting holes on both sides of the carriage, even when they acted.

There are a total of six shooting holes on both sides. Except for Christo, the other people occupy one place. Open the shooting hole and start attacking the zombies that flew outside!

The attack of six people was somewhat effective. The zombies that rushed from both sides were wiped out by them a lot. Especially those zombies who grabbed the body and wanted to climb the roof of the car were completely cleaned up by them.

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