My Italian

Chapter 106: Rome Negotiations (Part 1)

Although Italy and the Netherlands are in a dark cloud in Southeast Asia, the wind and rain are about to come.

But the two countries know that the final result can only be decided in Europe.

So Italy and the Netherlands attached great importance to this negotiation. The Netherlands brought in Britain, France, Germany and a small Spain, while Italy brought in... um... Germany?

Well, not a single country from Italy has brought it. Of course, this is on the surface. Who knows the actual situation. After all, the current international relations have been repeated. Maybe the treaty signed yesterday will be torn up tomorrow.

Due to the urgency of the situation, negotiations between the two parties began quickly.

In the large conference room of the Prime Minister's Office, the Dutch side, represented by Dutch Foreign Minister Becchio, and the Italian side, represented by Italian Foreign Minister Barcona, were waiting at the negotiating table.

As for the representatives of the four countries from Britain, France, Germany and Spain, they sat on the sidelines to witness the negotiations between the two parties.

"Our country strongly condemns the siege of Batavia by your country's fleet, which has caused losses to many businessmen in many countries. Your country's behavior has threatened the stability of Southeast Asia, and its nature is very bad."

At the beginning of the opening, the Dutch Plenipotentiary Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bequiau, stood up and expressed his attitude.

"Are we threatening the security of Southeast Asia?"

Regarding the Dutch's remarks, Bakona, the representative of Italy, gave him a contemptuous look. "If it weren't for your country's shameless killing of two missionaries in our country, this situation would not have happened at all. This is your country's own fault."

"I protest. Your country's accusations are completely unreasonable. Our country will not accept such groundless accusations until the truth of the matter is found out."

Obviously, it is impossible for the Dutch representative to admit this, even if it was really done by the Dutch army, they would not be able to admit it. Although the religious power in this era is not as good as before, it will cause huge damage to the reputation of the Netherlands. In the era of the coachman, this kind of damage would not be a big deal to the Netherlands at all. But the Netherlands, now too weak, can do considerable damage.

So Becchio skipped the missionary problem and started from the other side. "Your country's protection of Lanfang violates the agreement of various countries on the security of Southeast Asia, and countries must not violate the forces belonging to other European countries. Therefore, our country strongly urges your country to withdraw from the protection of Lanfang."

Facing the Dutch representative's words, Bakona couldn't help laughing. "Hahahaha, Your Excellency Beckio, your words really make me unable to bear, hahaha."

Facing a burst of laughter from the Italian representative, Becchio's face became ugly.

"Your Excellency Bakona, can you restrain yourself?"

The British representative, who was watching the negotiations between the two countries, saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he couldn't help but remind him.

Facing the reminder from the British representative, Bakona stopped laughing. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it, because Lord Beckio's joke is too funny."

The dark-faced Beckio was indignant. "Am I funny, please tell me why?"

Facing Becchio's words, Bacona asked solemnly. "Excuse me, does the vassal state need to sign an affiliated treaty?"

Bacona's words made Becchio think of something, and his face was pale, but in front of everyone's eyes, he had to answer. "Mostly it should be."

Facing Becchio's ambiguous words, Bacona immediately refuted the other party righteously. "What should the majority be, I doubt your level of diplomacy."

After belittling the other party, Bakona continued. "Subordinate countries need to sign subordinate treaties in order to be recognized by all countries. And your country has never signed such a treaty with Lanfang, and there is no subsidiary relationship at all in terms of principle and law, then your responsibilities are impossible to talk about. This is the relationship between your country and Lanfang. The conflict in the Lanfang Republic is not as Your Excellency said, it is an internal matter of your country, why can't our country intervene because of the murder of missionaries."

Bacona's words made Beckio unable to speak. Speaking of which, the Dutch have to be too cautious. After Lanfang claimed that he belonged to the Qing vassal, the Netherlands never dared to sign an affiliated treaty with Lanfang on the bright side.

"But Chief Lanfang has always been a Jiabidan appointed by our country, and he should be a subsidiary of our country in principle."

Bequio didn't have no other way. He directly stated that the leader of Lanfang was a colonial official appointed by him, and proposed that Lanfang was his vassal.

Facing the reason given by Becchio, Bacona asked with interest.

"Your Excellency Bequio means that as long as you appoint officials, you can claim to be your own sphere of influence?"

Becchio's heart sank, and he regretted saying this, because he knew that if he admitted it, it would bring endless troubles.

The reason is very simple, as long as it admits itself, then the next day, Italy will have countless ways to get the native kingdom of the Dutch colony to accept its appointment. At that time, Italy can also use this reason to keep its mouth shut.

So he quickly defended. "This is different. Our country has appointed Lanfang Kapitan for decades."

At this time, Bakona said sternly to the Dutch representative in front of him.

"This can't be a reason, Your Excellency Becchio. I think you know, this reason is not tenable at all, so please don't come up with these reasons to make people laugh."

At this time, the British representative suddenly interjected.

"Your Excellency Bakona is right. If you still can't give a convincing reason, please say something practical."

In the face of the British people's sudden comments, the representatives of other countries were a little confused, especially Beckio, who was the representative of the Netherlands, and his heart jumped. He had a very bad premonition.

In the face of the British representative's speech, Bakona, the Italian representative, was not surprised at all, because Italy had already made a secret deal with the United Kingdom before, and Italy assured the United Kingdom that Italy would only expand to the Dutch colony in Borneo. Of course, there is also the reason why the fleet sent by Italy was too powerful, and the British did not intervene.

Another reason that cannot be said is that Italy, as a force to contain the French navy, performed in the Sino-French War, so Britain felt that it was giving proper support to Italy. In this era, the United Kingdom is very concerned about the French navy. Who makes the French navy the second in the world? As the basis for ensuring hegemony, the Royal Navy of the British Empire is always paying attention to the actions of the French. As for making it one more opponent, the British are all over the place. Happy to see. Of course, the eyes of the British would not turn to them until the Germans showed enough interest abroad.

As Britain's support for Italy, Italy promised to exert its influence when the Qing Dynasty wanted to purchase foreign especially in the navy, giving it priority to choose British warships.

That's right, Italy was trading with Qing's influence, and Britain was worried about the decline of its influence in Qing, so the two hit it off. After giving assurances to the British colonies, the two countries reached a consensus.

With the support of the British behind him, Bacona can naturally be justified. "Mr. Flam is right, Beckio, please recognize the truth."

Facing Bakona's words, Becchio couldn't help but look at the representatives of other countries who were sitting aside as intermediaries.

The French representative hesitated for a while, but in the end he pulled back. The eyes of the German representative have been patrolling back and forth on the representatives of Britain and Italy, depending on what they want to see from it, and they are completely ignoring the eyes of Becchio's expectations. As for the Spanish representative, well, let's ignore him.

Failing to get support from the side, Beckio felt that he couldn't continue talking like this, he needed a break. At the same time, press the pause button to negotiate.

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well today, I need to rest."

Facing the pause button that Beckio pressed, Bacona didn't care.

"No problem, we can wait. But I hope your body will get better soon, because if it takes a long time, uncontrollable accidents will easily occur, and the result of our negotiation may be overturned by then."

"Maybe the result will be better."

"It's possible, but I think the chance is too small. If it's more likely, you will lose more."

After the two of them fought again, they both left.

Becchio was anxious to go back to find out the situation and report to Amsterdam at the same time. And Bacona also needs to report to the Prime Minister and King Carlo about the results of today's negotiations.


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