My Italian

Chapter 121: family property

As the king of Italy, does Carlo know how much money he has? In other words, does Carlo know how much financial resources he can use?

It is very responsible to tell everyone that Carlo himself does not know. Although he doesn't know, he knows that there is one person who must know, and that is the palace steward, Mr. Alejad.

Speaking of which, it is also pitiful that Carlo has been a king for five or six years, but he doesn't even know how much the family business has. In fact, it is also to blame that he is not an adult, and the treatment of adults and minors is very different.

First of all, minors have guardians, and the mother, the Queen Mother Margarita, is in charge of managing the family property.

Although the family property can also be used, but the mother must be persuaded.

Fortunately, the mother has not interfered with his need for funds in recent years. Even if it is a large amount of money to build two Venice-class cruisers for the Navy, as long as Carlo explains the reason, he will still support him.

When he became an adult, the right to supervise property would logically fall on him. Some time ago, Carlo was busy with government affairs and did not have any extra thoughts to check the family property. Now that he has free time, Carlo needs to be concerned about it, after all, it is related to his ability to make money.

"Your Majesty."

"let's start."

As the general manager, Alejad, holding a thick ledger in his hand, began to introduce the current royal family's property to Carlo.

"Currently, the royal family has 37.14 million lire in cash and marketable bonds. Among them, 20 million lire is the third payment that needs to be invested in the State Grid Corporation in the next week, and the second 10 million lire of the Ministry of Industry, which has not yet been made. I have sent someone to urge him. His Excellency Stam has said that the arrangement must be in place before this Friday. The 10 million lire is used as the start-up capital for the power laboratory in Milan. At present, the project has a planned location and is waiting for payment. The construction can start. There is also 2.4 million lire annuity to be paid to the royal family members this month, including 350,000 lire of Queen Margherita, 150,000 lire of Prince Vittorio, Yolanda and Mafar 240,000 lire for the two princesses, 300,000 lire for the Duke of Genoa, 300,000 lire for the Duke of Aosta, and…”

In Alejad's words, the annuities of the members of the royal family are clearly visible. From this, it can be seen that the Italian royal family's annuity is okay. Although it is not too high, it is at least very nourishing.

Of course, the royal family's annual 30 million lire from the government is definitely not enough, because the royal family just pays more than 28 million annuities to its members, not to mention other expenses, such as the royal family's travel, as well as the cost of serving many people.

In addition, the maintenance expenditure of royal estates in various places is also a large part. You must know that Italy was in a state of disintegration before, and there are many ancient buildings left from ancient times to the present. When they were unified, they didn't know what the royal family thought, and they took all the essence in their pockets.

This has also led to many ancient buildings under the name of the Italian royal family, each of which has a wonderful history. This has also led to the high maintenance costs of the royal family. The maintenance costs of these ancient buildings alone reach tens of millions of liras every year.

At present, the annual expenditure of the royal family has reached more than 50 million lire, which is also very staggering. You must know that the Savoy family is not very prosperous, and its expenses are so huge. If it is replaced by the prosperous Habsburg family, or Germany (whose royal family is not particularly prosperous, but has a prominent grand duke or The prince has too many families), and its expenditure in this regard is even greater.

Therefore, since the first generation of Italian King Victor Emmanuel II, the royal family has tried to expand its family industry so that its family industry can catch up with the royal family's expenses.

After years of hard work, especially after Carlo came to power, this goal has been basically achieved. In the past few years, although Carlo had not been able to grasp the power, the family business was involved a lot. Not to mention, he still knows which ones are popular in later generations, so under his guidance, the royal family's industry has grown well, and the annual income can basically reach 50 million yuan, which is enough to ensure a balance of payments.

If it weren't for this, how could he dare to directly raise the matter of building a warship for the navy? Although this is to win over the navy, at least the money manager must be willing to pay for it.

Carlo, who has now changed his identity, did not disturb the words of Director Alejad, and continued to listen to him.

After talking about expenses, Alejad talked about income. "Your Majesty, at present, the family's investment income is not small. The companies invested in foreign countries and the operation of the financial market have made it an annual income of 10-15 million liras."

After talking about foreign investment, Alejad continued. "As for the country, the family's investment income in various parts of Italy has reached 26-28 million lire. In addition, in the agricultural and animal husbandry industry, the family probably did not receive 6.5 million lire. In addition, the rent and sale of real estate, the income of nursing homes, and the sale of various royal souvenirs , and can provide the family with an annual income of about 5 million Of course, I have not included the scientific research projects funded and invested by His Majesty in the past few years, but according to my expectation, its income will be a little bit. It's amazing."

Alejad said that at the end, it was a small toast to Carlo. To make the old fox-like Alejad boast, Carlo has enough reasons to be proud.

This is a joke.

Carlo can hang himself if he knows the direction of history and what makes money. Because he was too embarrassing and lost the pride of the transmigrator.

"Mr. Allejad, thank you for your dedication to the family. It is only through the years that you have run the family business that it will continue to grow."

Faced with Carlo's sudden thanks, how could Your Excellency really accept it. "Your Majesty is very kind, this is what I should do."

In the face of Alegad's courtesy, Carlo did not want to dwell too much, because he had a more important issue that he needed to clear up.

"Can Mr. Allejad help me calculate how valuable the agriculture and animal husbandry currently held by the royal family is."

"Your Majesty, wait a moment."

Faced with Carlo's question, after Alejad replied, he immediately rummaged through the documents.

"found it."

Looking at the figures on the document, Director Al Rajad is reporting truthfully. "Your Majesty, the agriculture and animal husbandry controlled by the family are mainly distributed in Turin, Milan and Sardinia, and we also have a lot in Sicily, Naples and Rome. The total value should be 8.7-9.1 100 million lire, of course, there is no way to give a specific figure, only a rough estimate."

Faced with the numbers given by Director Alejad, Carlo made up his mind.

"What do you think about taking these agriculture and animal husbandry out?"


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