My Italian

Chapter 144: Battle of Alem (Part 2)

The sun rises again and a new day begins. But for the two sides fighting in Alem, the arrival of this new day means that the battle is about to start.

At the foot of the mountain, the Abyssinians were praying their last prayers before the war, led by priests and patriarchs. Judging from their pious expressions and meticulous actions, the Orthodox Church has a high prestige in the local area.

When the Abyssinians were preparing to pray before the war, the Italian troops on the mountain were not idle, and they continued to reinforce their trenches with tools such as shovels in their hands.

Yesterday's battle made Italian officers and soldiers feel the pain of not having a bunker, so after the battle, a trench was repaired overnight. This is also due to the fact that they took into account the possibility of being attacked by the enemy when they set out, so they brought a large number of digging tools.

The time for the Abyssinians to pray soon passed, and as the sun gradually rose in the sky, the two sides who were ready began a new day of battle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

According to Lie, the artillery was the first to speak. The Abyssinian artillerymen from the bottom of the mountain were bombarding the Italian positions firmly on the mountain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

The Sixth Mountain Brigade, which was standing on the mountain, did not eat for nothing. Facing the enemy's artillery fire, the Italian army, which also carried a large number of artillery, also began to counterattack.

There was a fierce artillery battle between the two artillerymen.

The Abyssinian infantry was not idle when the duel between the artillerymen was taking place, and they attacked the hills under the leadership of the officers.

Tens of thousands of Abyssinians took their weapons and bent over to touch the top of the mountain.

"The enemy is coming, get ready!"

The grass-roots officers who were lying on the ground observing the enemy immediately greeted their soldiers to prepare for battle after seeing the enemy touch it.

From the sky above the battlefield, the Italian officers and soldiers formed a ring position, surrounded by a large number of Abyssinians.

It was not until these Abyssinian officers and soldiers entered the range of three or four hundred meters that the firepower from the position began to shoot.

"Bah ah ah~"

Intensive firepower attacked the attacking Abyssinian officers and soldiers, and the Abyssinians, who were at a disadvantage because of the attack, used the terrain to hide their shadows, and also used the rifles in their hands to fight back.

"Quick shot."

The officers kept in the trenches, directing the soldiers to shoot while observing the situation on the battlefield. Seeing where the enemy is emerging, he is responsible for commanding the soldiers to suppress it.


An Italian soldier lying in the trenches pulled the trigger, aiming at a lower-level officer who was directing the soldiers to attack. I saw the Abyssinian officer who was waving his arms, a bloodstain splattered from his chest, and he fell heavily to the ground. And the Abyssinian soldiers around him, the morale they had just boosted, fell back again.


A gunshot rang out, and an emerging Abyssinian soldier was shot, blood dripping from his shoulder, and he yelled in pain.

However, on the battlefield, although the defending Italian army had a terrain advantage, the Abyssinians had an absolute advantage in numbers. Moreover, the guns and ammunition strongly supported by Britain and France are not vegetarian.


An Abyssinian soldier, hiding behind a boulder, aimed his rifle at an Italian soldier who was shooting. He gently pulled the trigger, and the gunpowder pushed the projectile out of the barrel, hitting him heavily.

I saw that the Italian soldier who was hit made a piercing cry, which attracted his comrades to drag him to the back of the position. Here, the medics wearing the red cross armbands are checking his injuries, and then decide whether to send him to the field hospital in the rear or to treat him on the spot.

If there is any difference between the Italian army and the Abyssinian army, the medics are definitely the biggest difference. Whether it is equipment or training, it can be purchased through outsourcing, or trained by military consultants, but it is not enough to have such medics.

Although this kind of arms that requires professional medical and nursing capabilities may seem inconspicuous, it can greatly improve the morale of the army. Because for the soldiers, the difference is very big when they know whether they are injured or not. And this is also one of the important symbols of a modern army. It is a matter of peace of mind for officers and soldiers to have medical soldiers who save lives and help the wounded.

As for Abyssinia, it is estimated that no more than three digits of the word medic know the word, so for them, the injury can only be hard, and of course the blessing from the priest. As for whether or not to survive, in addition to relying on oneself, it depends on God's will.

On the battlefield, the defenders continued to reduce the number of offensive troops, but they also suffered a certain number of casualties. Although this number was inconspicuous, it could not be ignored either. But in the end, it was the Italian army who drove this wave of Abyssinians with its own equipment and technical and tactical advantages.

However, as the Abyssinian Emperor Johnnes IV, he would not give them time to rest. With a big wave of his hand, another army shouted and attacked the mountain.

This Johannes IV took the advantage of the sea to the extreme. He divided the troops into five troops and let them take turns to attack the defenders.

In the face of the repeated attacks of Johannes IV, the Italian officers and soldiers who could not get a rest could only grit their teeth and persevere.

However, Major General Pascal, as its commander, would not watch his troops be attacked by the enemy in turn. He also rotated the troops to rest, but he may only have one or two battalions to take a rest, and he needs to repel the enemy's attack for a short time. Basically, each battalion can have more than an hour of rest, although it is not worth mentioning compared with the Abyssinians, but this is the only way for him.

Knowing that there are too many enemies, he does not dare to let too many people rest.

Of course, the Abyssinian's alternate attack was not very effective at first, because the Italian army was full of energy at this time and could respond quickly, but by the afternoon, the soldiers who had been fighting intensively all morning had already exhausted.

It seems that soldiers only need to be on the battlefield, lying in the trenches and pulling the trigger, but in this one, it is necessary to observe the movement of the enemy at any time, and at the same time, they also need to mainly avoid possible dangers, in addition to the roars of injured comrades and the explosion of artillery shells. etc., need to be excluded. These will make the soldiers highly nervous. It is very tiring to maintain such a state. Therefore, a soldier cannot fight for a whole day for many times, and they also need to rest.

However, during the battle in Alem, the soldiers who lacked replacements could only grit their teeth and persevere.

As the commander, Major General Pascal could temporarily replace a small number of officers and soldiers to rest, but this could not relieve the mental pressure of the officers and soldiers at all.

So in the afternoon, when the Abyssinians approached the position 50 meters, they could come over with a single charge. This made Major General Pascal have to temporarily stop the small-scale rotation and let the officers and soldiers block this wave of attacks.

When the sun went down, the Abyssinian attack for the day was not over. Although the Abyssinian casualties were as high as 11,000 on this day, the officers in charge of the command saw the exhaustion of the enemy. If it weren't for the fact that the Abyssinians had too much night blindness, some people might have suggested night battles.

On the side of the position, the Italian officers and soldiers who had repelled the Abyssinian attack sat paralyzed in the position, wishing they could have a good night's sleep right away.

However, the officers will not let them rest like this, they need to eat first, and then change to a safe place to rest. Moreover, they are busier than soldiers, and need to count casualties, weapon wear and tear, and whether ammunition is sufficient.

As for the commander, Major General Pascal, looking at the statistics, he sighed. This is not to say that the number of casualties is too large. In this day's battle, the Italian army suffered less than 800 casualties. Although it looks good, Major General Pascal knows that if he is faced with such a battle for a few days, he may not be able to wait for the reinforcements of General Simeone.

"We can't fight like this anymore. We need to reduce our defense area and let the soldiers get enough rest. Today's battle can't go on."

Colonel Zelos, who was also worried about the future war, asked. "Then what do you want to do?"

"We need to be prepared to give up the mountain to the west!"

In the face of Zelos' Major General Pascal expressed his inner thoughts. The hills in the west are much lower than those in the east, so for military purposes, Major General Pascal chose to give up.

"Is this too urgent?"

Facing the words of Major General Pascal, Colonel Zelos asked. It's not that he opposes giving up the mountain to the west, but that if he withdraws early, it will greatly increase the morale of the enemy, and the mountain that he gives up defending without a word will also make the morale of the officers and soldiers below bad.

"Let's do it then, gather all the main supplies and carriages. If you can defend the west side, you can defend it. If you can't defend it, then retreat."

After thinking about it, Major General Pascal decided to slow down, but a lot of work that needs to be prepared in advance can be started.

Of course, for the two of them, the best way would be the reinforcements of General Simeone.

Speaking of Simeone's reinforcements, is the general ready?

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