My Italian

Chapter 148: Mara Treaty

The fighting in Mara City is long over, and the armies on both sides have disengaged. But beside the nameless stream outside the city of Mara, a large tent was put up.

There are only two chairs and a wooden table in the big account, which is very simple.

That's right, this is where Simeone prepares to negotiate. Taking into account the relationship between the two, it is also an expression of sincerity in this place.

Regarding the peace talks with the Abyssinians, in fact, when he was still in Rome, His Majesty had already explained that if the Abyssinians were willing to surrender, then it would be acceptable to retain the Abyssinian regime. .

At that time, in the city of Rome, the attitudes of various parties about the disposal of Abyssinians were very different. The military hoped to directly rule them as colonies, while the government, considering the barrenness of the Abyssinian Plateau, preferred to It's mandate rule.

As for the king who started the war, the attitude was the most relaxed. As long as the Abyssinians were willing to become a vassal of Italy, then the war could be over.

The three attitudes of the king, the government, and the military made Simeone feel that he did not know who to listen to, but in the end, the king coerced all parties, and his opinions were the mainstay.

So in the end, Italy's solution was to stop fighting against the Abyssinians as long as they were willing to become Italy's vassals. In fact, there are other funds, but due to the death of Johannes IV, they are no longer used.

So when Menelik proposed peace on behalf of the Abyssinians, Simeone agreed so happily.

And in order to show Italy's victorious attitude, the place of negotiation was put in Mara.

"General, the Abyssinians are here."

Simone next to the big account, after hearing the report of his subordinates, looked up at several figures on horseback that appeared in the distance.

"Then let's wait for them to come."

Simeone, who stood up, casually instructed the people around him.

Standing beside him are all those who have made great achievements in this battle, such as Major General Wagman of the advance team, Major General Pascal, Colonel Zelos and others who have made outstanding achievements in this war.

Such a star-studded scene greeted the Abyssinian emperor Menelik, but it gave the other side enough face.

After the group of peace talks arrived in front of them, Menelik, who dismounted, immediately stepped forward and said to Simone as if he had met an old friend.

"Hello, General Simeone."

Regardless of the previous fight between the two parties, Menelik is a qualified politician in this respect. Compared with Menelik, Major General Wagman, who fought with him in Mara City, was not at home in cultivation. Looking at the Abyssinian emperor who fought with him and caused a lot of casualties, his face was not good-looking at all.

Fortunately, it was General Simeone who negotiated with the Abyssinian emperor. He smiled as a winner and stepped forward to shake hands with him. "Hello, Emperor Menelik."

After the two briefly shook hands, Simeone and Menelik left the others and entered the big account.

Because the next negotiation needs to be carried out between two people.

After the two sat down, Simeone said. "Your Excellency Menelik, we will not mention the reasons for this war. However, in order to avoid such tragedies in the future, our country needs to station troops in Aduwa. In addition, in order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Abisi Nia’s diplomacy needs to be handed over to my country for implementation. In addition, your country needs to open its market to my country, and you must not charge any other fees except the 5% fixed customs tariff. In addition…”

Simeone said that Italy has various requirements for Abyssinia, basically tariffs, diplomacy, and consultants, etc. It can be said that he has extended his tentacles to all aspects of Abyssinia.

In the face of Simeone's conditions, Menelik did not say a word, and he did not propose a refutation at all. Because the reason is very simple, Abyssinia can no longer fight, and the elite troops concentrated in the whole country suffered heavy losses, so they could only accept the conditions of Italy.

Fortunately, although Italy has put forward many conditions, the most important ruling rights are still left to them. Italy does not intend to rule Abyssinia directly, nor does it want other rights.

Menelik didn't speak until Simeone finished talking about the conditions from the Italian side. "Our country agrees in principle with your country's conditions. But I want to ask, on the Sudanese side, do you want to intervene?"

Menelik could not do anything about Italy's request, or had the courage to refuse, but he had his own careful thoughts about the Sudanese who were invading his own country.

In the face of Menelik's temptation, Simeone shook his head and replied. "We don't know the situation of the Sudanese very well. If your country wants to fight back against the invading Sudan, our country will not stop it."

Yes, Italy is going to cross the river and demolish the bridge. They don't plan to recognize the promise they gave to the Sudan before.

Don't say that the Italians are despicable. There should not be too many countries doing this in this era. In the final analysis, it is still a factor of strength. The strength of the Sudanese is not qualified to be taken seriously by Italy.

Of course, more importantly, Italy doesn't need Sudanese now, so it's time to give up. It would also give the newly subdued Abyssinians a bit of luck, wouldn't it be nice.

Simeone's words let Menelik know Italy's attitude, which is really a great fortune for Abyssinia.

"Thank you for your country's attention to Abyssinia. I have a small gift for myself. I hope Your Excellency Lieutenant General will not dislike it."

With that said, Menelik took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Simone. "Your Excellency Simeone, please don't reject my personal kindness."

Seeing Menelik's move, Simeone raised his brows and took it. "I thank you for your kindness."

He didn't refuse, because if Menelik's goodwill was rejected at the scene, although it would not make the other party unhappy, it would not be a good thing.

Curious Simone opened it and saw a cheque lying quietly inside. It started with 1 and had six zeros. It was still a cheque from the Bank of England. It seemed that the emperor had paid for it.

After getting Simone and accepting the gift calmly, Menelik immediately smiled.

"Can we be friends now?"

"Of course, we're best friends."

As the two negotiated, although there are still some details to discuss later, there is no need for the two to continue to talk, they are mainly responsible for the general direction.

So it didn't take long for the people waiting on both sides to discover that the two negotiators actually walked out shoulder-to-shoulder.

But politics is like this. One second, the two are life and death The next second is like the best brothers, this is all **** politics,

Although the contract still needs to be signed by Rome, it is basically safe. According to the treaty, Italy obtained the diplomatic rights of Abyssinia, and at the same time, Italy obtained the authority to garrison the army in Aduwa, which could deploy the army of no more than 5,000 people. Then Abyssinia opened its market to Italy, and can only charge a 5% tariff, as for other countries, it must charge a tariff of no less than 25%.

There is another item, which Menelik voluntarily added after Simeone gave up the Sudanese, that is, Italy can recruit soldiers in Abyssinia, but not more than 20,000.

Of course, there is also a little thought of the emperor, and although Simone saw it at a glance, it is also very beneficial to Italy, and he is happy to accept it.

When the treaty was handed over to Rome for signature, the war between the two countries was over.

Of course, Simone, who had just received the benefits, decided to give the other party a little in return. Of course, helping the other party to block the Sudanese invasion was also one of the reasons.

"Emperor Menelik, a batch of old ordnance in the middle of my army, I don't know if you need it or not."

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