My Italian

Chapter 169: 2nd visit to Germany

"My Italian (

The news brought by the captain of the guard really shocked Carlo. Because he did not know the time of the death of Kaiser Wilhelm I.

However, the news of William I's death is indeed very surprising, because this is the founder of the Second German Empire. The story of him and the unified three heroes can be described as a household name.

Of course, among the three heroes, the most famous is Prime Minister Bismarck, but the other two are not small. The military reforms carried out on Prussia have made its military power soar.

Of course, if Prussia could unify Germany and expel Austria, it was not just the emperor and the three heroes. It also needed thousands of people and soldiers who fought for it. Of course, the Prussian army was more effective, otherwise it would not be It's called an army that owns a country.

But it's too late to say this, and the death of William I also represents the exit of an older generation of politicians. In any case, one emperor and one courtier, this is not only valid for China, but also for other countries.

While currently grieving Germans don't know this, Carlo as an outsider knows it all too well. Of course, he also knew that the Hundred-Day Emperor Frederick III, who was misdiagnosed by a quack doctor, was a pity to die.

However, Carlo has no idea of ​​changing his trajectory. The reason is very simple, that is, if it changes, then the historical trajectory he masters will inevitably change. Although his appearance has been regarded as changing the historical trajectory, at present this influence is mainly reflected in Italy, and the situation in Europe has not changed much, and Carlo can still grasp it.

Also at this time, Frederick III, who was about to succeed him, could no longer speak because his trachea was cut and a silver snorkel was inserted.

This result has caused many German officials to hesitate about the imminent succession of Frederick III, so they can focus more on Crown Prince William.

Of course, this is only a private act, and on the surface Germany is mourning the death of William I. For the founder of the German Empire, he not only led the reunification of Germany, but also made great contributions to the development of Germany in these years. Although a lot of work is done by Prime Minister Bismarck, without his approval, can the Prime Minister have so much power?

Of course, for the current Carlo, that can't be done like William I. There are many reasons, among which he is not at ease with the Prime Minister, this is the most critical.

No one understands more than him how important the future development track of Italy is. It can be said that if it were not for the complicated situation in the future, Carlo could also try to delegate some power to the prime minister. On the one hand, it can make officials more active, and on the other hand, it can make the throne more stable. After all, power also represents responsibility, absolute power represents, and Carlo also bears all the responsibilities on him.

But unfortunately, Carlo has not met that kind of trustworthy prime minister now, and the same is true of the current Prime Minister De Pretis.

And now, in the face of the news of the death of Kaiser Wilhelm I, Carlo ordered after thinking about it. "Hire the prime minister immediately, I have work to do for him."

That's right, Carlo has already thought about it, he is going to attend the funeral of Kaiser Wilhelm I in person. On the one hand, it is out of respect for Germany as an ally. After all, the king is much more important than the prime minister. On the other hand, it is also to make good relations with William II, who was promoted to the crown prince.

At present, the correspondence between Carlo and William II is not bad, basically reaching the point of a week. However, the last time we met was five years ago, and we haven't seen each other for such a long time. It's time to move around. And Carlo also wants to see if the current William II has changed.

It didn't take long for Carlo to wait, and an hour later, Prime Minister Depretis appeared in front of him.

As soon as they met, without waiting for the Prime Minister to catch his breath, Carlo spoke up. "Prime Minister, have you received the news of the death of Kaiser Wilhelm I?"

In the face of Carlo's question, Prime Minister Depretis nodded and answered. "I found out more than forty minutes ago that it was a big deal."

After seeing that the Prime Minister knew, Carlo directly stated his intentions. "I will lead the team to see the funeral of the German emperor and the enthronement of the new emperor this time."

Obviously, what Carlo meant in his words was that the Prime Minister stayed.

Facing the arrangement in Carlo's words, Prime Minister Depretis agreed without thinking. "Okay, Your Majesty."

It is impossible to know that the Prime Minister does not want to represent Italy at the Kaiser's funeral. But since the king is gone, it makes sense for him to stay and guard the family.

Of course, Carlo is not only instructing people, he will also finish the previous work.

"In addition, I will approve the matter of Governor Kairoli wanting to cut off the money for the construction of the railway. I will also ask Mr. Tejella, the Chancellor of the to inform me of the decision I have made, and let him take care of it. These gossips."

Why does Carlo say that?

Because he doesn't want to embarrass Depretis, who doesn't know the government's situation, and lack of money is an eternal topic. And let him increase the amount turned over by the Lanfang Colony, which is not what he wants, because he does not want to have a reputation for bullying the former Prime Minister. Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, I want to make Cairoli better and make Lanfang a place of wealth in Italy.

But no matter what, what Carlo does continuously is helping him to end. It's not helping him either, Carlo himself thought so.

After hearing Carlo's words, Depretis immediately asked. "Then how long is your Majesty going to set off?"

Attending the funeral must be very tight, but considering that the work at hand needs to be handed over, Carlo gave a specific number after thinking about it. "Leaving in three days."

Speaking of this, Carlo continued, considering that going to Germany would inevitably involve discussing the relationship between the two countries with his government. "This time to Germany, in addition to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Commerce and Trade, the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Agriculture will accompany you. We may have to discuss some matters with the Germans to strengthen exchanges."

Well, in Carlo's words, this is taking away a small half of the Italian cabinet.

In the face of Carlo's decision, the Prime Minister did not complain, who made Carlo the king.

Afterwards, the two discussed other matters, and when the lanterns first appeared, they were almost done talking.

In the following three days, not only the Carlo government was also busy with the king's trip. After all, as a guarantee for Italy's security, Germany is too important to it.

Three days later, in the railway station of Rome, Carlo took the traveling officials, waved goodbye to the people who saw him off, and embarked on a trip to Germany.

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