My Italian

Chapter 175: Let's talk.

"My Italian (

"What did you say?"

Carlo, who returned to his residence, did not expect to encounter such news while waiting for the enthronement ceremony of the new German emperor.

Facing his own king who suddenly stood up with a strange expression on his face, Bakona, the foreign minister who served as the deputy of the delegation this time, felt a little ashamed.

Because this time he brought the news that the Germans wanted to re-sign a treaty of friendship and commerce with Italy. The reason is that at the time of the signing, Germany did not take into account the additional colonies in Italy, and the Germans hoped that the ports of the Italian colonies could also give the same treatment to German ships, no matter what type of ships.

It can be seen from this that the Germans are mainly interested in the Lanfang colony in Italy. As for this colony in Southeast Asia, the Germans just want to say that the Italians really had **** luck, and they were able to take advantage of the loophole between Lanfang and the Netherlands, and **** it up.

Looking at its location, the name of the Spice Islands has been famous since the era of great voyages. Coupled with the industrious Chinese in the area, this land has been a steady stream of wealth for Italian creators.

There are even low-level military and political officials who claim that Germany should have a colony in Southeast Asia worthy of its own. Although these people did not say it explicitly, they were referring to the Spice Islands in the neighboring Netherlands.

Of course, in addition to the rich local products, its location is also valued by Germany. Because this is the last stop on the way from Europe to the Far East, it is also a very important dumping ground for Germany at the moment.

Since the Franco-Prussian War, the Qing Kingdom has been a little fan of Germany. Machines and weapons from Germany have been continuously shipped from Hamburg to the Far East. However, due to time constraints and trade reasons, it was not easy for Germany to divide a colony from Qing. Especially after the Sino-French War, it was even more difficult to get colonies from them, which made the Germans lack the sense of presence to show their strength in the region.

Ultimately, there is a lack of military power and the means to deter others.

In the past, that was the solution, because the German navy was too weak to radiate here at all. But now with the capture of Lanfang by Italy, this situation has changed.

Especially this time, when Italy wants to buy German patents and technology, the German government thinks it is time.

Of course, the Germans selectively forgot the price that Italy paid for taking Lanfang. They only saw the thief eating meat, not the thief being beaten.

Of course, the Germans also knew that it was impossible to get Italy to agree to their terms without paying a huge price. I don't see how precious countries are to colonies now, don't even think about whether they want to give huge benefits, even if God himself talks about it.

Prime Minister Bismarck, an excellent statesman, certainly would not have done such an unwise thing.

This time, in order to get Italy to agree, he made a fuss about tariffs. He also knew that Italy’s impact on the market of German industrial products made it difficult for its factories to survive. So this time we plan to increase the tariff between the two countries from 18% to 20%. In addition, the German government can also come forward to facilitate negotiations between Italy and various enterprises.

Of course, this is only a preliminary condition. If the Italians feel that they are still too disadvantaged, they can sit down and talk slowly.

When Carlo listened to the terms of the foreign secretary Bakona, he was silent. This is not that he agrees with the conditions given by Bismarck, but the faint warning in his words. To promote negotiation, is it to talk about success or failure?

"It seems that the Jagged Prime Minister has decided on us this time."

After pondering for a while, Carlo opened his mouth to express his judgment, and several ministers present looked at Carlo's words with their eyes, nose, nose and heart, as if they had settled down.

Of course he knew why these ministers did not speak up, because this matter was not very honorable, so in order to avoid possible troubles in the future, it is more wrong to say more, less to say less wrong, and there is nothing wrong not to say.

But unfortunately, Carlo did not understand their thoughts, or was dissatisfied with their attitude.

"Your Excellency Stam, tell us what you think about the Germans' request this time."

Well, Carlo began to call one by one, and the first one to be called was the Minister of Industry.

Facing Carlo calling his name, Stam secretly let out a bitter cry, but then he said. "Your Majesty, I don't think the conditions of the Germans are in our country's interests at all, but considering the relationship of their allies, I think we should sit down and talk."

Well, don't look at the righteous words of the Minister of Industry in front of him, but the core meaning is to talk to the Germans. In layman's terms, buddy, this price is too low, and you need to pay more.

With the Minister of Industry as an example, it will be much easier for others. As Carlo was called one by one, they were all possessed by the Minister of Industry, and they all said righteous words, but the meaning of the last words was still to talk about.

For his own cabinet ministers, Carlo has nothing to say. Of course, what he means is to talk about it, because Italy cannot lack the ally of Germany at No matter from which aspect, the benefits of forming an alliance with Germany are greater than that of Germany.

With Germany as an ally, Italy is no longer an orphan in Europe. At the same time, when there is a dispute with other countries, it will no longer be alone.

Of course, no matter how important these are, they are not as important as the next Ottoman war.

No matter what, the battle against the Ottomans is a major event that affects the situation in Europe. Carlo must be cautious, cautious, and more cautious.

Didn't you see the Bulgarian crisis that just ended? It almost turned Germany, Austria and Russia on the spot. This is one of the reasons why Russia only sent the crown prince.

Just because Bulgaria, under the secret instigation of Austria-Hungary, annexed the Eastern Rumelia region, Russia was furious, because it made Bulgaria out of its control. So Russia, in a rage, turned to support Seville, and wanted to show Bulgaria a little color, let it know that it would be cleaned up if it changed its door, so the Cypriot War broke out (1885-86).

But unfortunately, the Sevilles who acted as horsemen this time were not at all the opponents of the Bulgarians, and failed to meet the expectations of the big brother.

After the victory of the Bulgarians, the Austrian and British countries who supported them immediately came out as their platform, so that Russia could only swallow the bitter fruit.

Of course, the Bulgarians did not achieve the basic unification of the country without such a smooth sailing. The kings changed to another Bulgaria, and the loss was not small.

Of course, Italy is not a small country like Bulgaria that can only be a chess piece. Although Italy is a little weaker, it is still possible to be a chess player reluctantly.

So if you want to be a chess player, support from Germany is also essential.

Carlo understood this truth, and then said something casually. "Let's talk then."

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