My Italian

Chapter 183: Amendment (middle)

The enthronement ceremony of William II, needless to say, was solemn and grand. Various teams of young boys and girls formed various floats and phalanxes, which filled the entire parade site with the atmosphere of the rising sun.

As for the enthronement scene, there is nothing to say. Carlo and all the princes and crown princes stood by and watched William's enthronement ceremony up close. First, he presented the crown, then the people present paid tribute to it, and then his enthronement declaration.

Of course, in addition to these major steps, there are some episodes in it, but this does not need to be described one by one.

On the contrary, the parade that followed was much more beautiful than the enthronement ceremony. Of course, Carlo also achieved a task in it, that is, he took the opportunity to speak to Wilhelm II, who had just become the German emperor, and wanted to talk to him about revisions. The terms of the alliance between the two countries.

Facing Carlo's whispered words, William II showed a slight surprise, but then he gave a no problem gesture.

After completing the task, Carlo can finally relax and watch the grand parade of the Germans. Sometimes I have to say that the species of girl is really good, no matter what country the girl is, it can be pleasing to the eye. Even German women who are tall and strong and take a tough style are equally good-looking in Girls' Generation.

This grand parade continued until the beginning of the lanterns, and the happy people left later, because the grand dinner began again.

Everyone who waited for a day was a little hungry, so it was time to replenish their physical strength.

The location of the dinner party is that in the palace not far away, the long table in the hall has been covered with a snow-white tablecloth, and it is filled with all kinds of food and drinks from all over the world. Every guest can choose freely.

But no matter whether the belly is croaking or not, everyone can't help but pick up a glass of champagne first, because the parliament will definitely use it.

Sure enough, Prime Minister Bismarck and Wilhelm II appeared in front of everyone.

"Let our esteemed emperor have a cup, and wish Germany a better future."

As the Prime Minister said the words of blessing, everyone raised their glasses. Even the representatives from various countries who were watching the ceremony also wanted to give the host this thin face. Didn't they see that the French representatives were also raising their glasses. As for the true thoughts of the French people, it is unknown.

With the end of the on-site toasting ceremony, this is the official start of the banquet. Of course, there are always people around the long table who take the food, but everyone is very restrained. Carlo didn't approach the long table. It wasn't because he wasn't hungry, but because he ate something secretly before.

In addition, he was waiting for news from the Kaiser. Although he was uncertain, Carlo believed that Wilhelm II would definitely find him.

Sure enough, his prediction was very accurate. After waiting for about half an hour, a servant came to his side.

"Your Majesty King Carlo, His Majesty the Emperor wants to invite you over for something."

Facing the attendant's words, Carlo showed a smile.

"No problem, please lead the way."

Under the leadership of the attendant, Carlo soon saw the Kaiser Wilhelm on the right side of the hall.

"Ha, look who's here."

Seeing Carlo's William II, he immediately greeted him.

"Congratulations, William."

Facing the German emperor who greeted him, Carlo of course also showed a bright smile.

"Why, you didn't come, but asked me to come to you?"

"There are too many people around you before, I don't want to add trouble to you."

The question and answer of the two completely ignored the others around them. Of course, these people are also very discerning. When they saw that the two monarchs wanted to talk, they naturally walked away. No one would stand in front of the two monarchs like a log.

At this time, William II whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "You said before that you wanted to revise the alliance treaty, but what's going on, why are you telling me now??"

William II's words were obviously filled with a hint of questioning, because it was too sudden, and the wind didn't reach his ears at all, it just popped up.

"Why don't you know?"

Facing Carlo's surprised expression, William II was a little confused, should he know?

"What our foreign minister mentioned to you before is the one who informed His Excellency Frederick."

Carlo's words caused William's complexion to change slightly, and then he recovered.

"I remembered when you said that. You did tell it to me before, but you know, the enthronement is too busy, so I forgot about it."

The explanation given by Wilhelm II, of course, Carlo knew that it was false, because he found that the Kaiser's hand with polio was slightly indented in the sleeves, which was the proof of his lying. Luo's conclusion after observation.

But if that Carlo would not expose it, he would instead give a step. "It doesn't matter, this kind of thing is understandable."

After saying this sentence, Carlo continued to say after patrolling around. "Actually, this revision of the alliance treaty is mainly to make our alliance relationship closer. You must know that the alliance treaty we signed is about to expire. My country believes that it will be beneficial for both of us to continue to sign the alliance treaty."

Carlo's words are true, because Italy sincerely hopes to continue to sign an alliance treaty with Germany, which can guarantee Italy's interests. Besides, in this alliance treaty, Italy has paid a lot and gained a lot. There is no reason why such a cheap alliance treaty should not be signed.

Of course, this is also a very favorable alliance treaty for Germany, which can pose a threat to France from both sides. In addition, with the help of two allies, Austria-Hungary and Italy, the German forces can also penetrate into the Dezhonghai area.

Among them, the role of Italy is even greater. Although Germany's interests in the Mediterranean are not too many, it is better than nothing, and the interests can be developed slowly. How can anyone have luck and pick up a Lanfang colony!

But Carlo's also explained why Italy proposed to revise the alliance.

After he finished speaking, William II replied directly. "I think the time is ripe to agree on the terms of the new alliance, your country's ideas give our country's attitude."

After getting a clear answer from William II, Carlo knew that the matter was half done. "Thank you for your answer. I believe that not only our friendship will last for a long time, but also the relationship between the two countries. In fact, I have another idea."

"Oh, what's the idea?"

Facing Carlo, another idea came up, and William II was a little curious.

"It's like this, I think your country's army is the best in the world, and our navy is not bad. Then the communication between us, just relying on the exchanges between the officers of the two sides, feels too slow. I think, It would be better to have a direct comparison between the armies of yours and ours so that you can see the difference."

In fact, Carlo's method is to send a troop from each of the two armies to conduct joint training, which can magnify the shortcomings of both sides.

Carlo's words silenced William II, because there is no precedent for this situation, and I did not check the object.

"We can start with a small scale. I think a battalion-level scale is enough. Take one year as a stage to see the effect. Of course, in terms of locality, you can choose between the two countries."

In the face of Carlo's overweight, William II said after thinking about it. "I'm talking to the military and I'm sure they should bring good news."

Carlo, of course, knew that William II was talking about the army, and his navy was even more in favor of it. You must know that the current Italian Navy is the envy of German counterparts.

Well, the purpose of Carlo's visit this time has completed the seventh floor.

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