My Italian

Chapter 205: ultimatum

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

Although both Italy and the Ottomans are trying to win over allies, it does not affect the preparations of the two countries in the slightest. Although some people call for a peaceful settlement between the two countries, as long as anyone with a discerning eye can see that a war between the two countries is unavoidable.

Of course, among them, Italy is more active, because Italy's preparations for the war started two years ago. As for the Ottoman Empire, they can only hurry up and prepare for war as soon as possible. Fortunately, the help from French friends made the Ottoman Empire much better, and the weapons and equipment it shipped urgently were timely rain for the Ottoman army.

The weapons sent by the French were very good. The Grass rifle, which was changed from the Chasebo, was very good, and was also liked by the Ottoman military. Of course, there are also some of its new 1886-style Lebel rifles, but the number is too small and only a thousand, which are among the elite troops equipped.

However, although Ottoman received a batch of French equipment, the high-level officials in Istanbul at the time knew that Ottoman was still not ready, so they tried to delay the war.

As a key figure among them, the ambassador to Rome, Akhtar Mohamed Manrso, visited Italian officials frequently. In addition, he also accepted an interview with the Italian media, claiming that the Ottoman government attaches great importance to the teaching plan in Syria and will definitely be strict. Deal with those thugs.

It's just that Ambassador Manrsu's performance has long been known to the Italian high-level officials. This is just an expedient measure of the Ottoman Empire, trying to delay the outbreak of the war and make the Ottoman Empire more fully prepared.

Since we have insight into the intentions of the Ottoman Empire, we will not let it succeed,

So while the Ottoman Empire was still preparing for the war, Bakona, the foreign minister, summoned the latest ambassador, Manrsu, who appeared frequently in Rome after the seven-day period.

"Ambassador Manrso, how will your country respond to our request?"

In the face of Bacona's words, Manrso, the ambassador to Rome, quickly replied, "I also ask you to give our country a little time. Your country's conditions are a bit big, and our country needs to hold a meeting to discuss it before giving an answer."

In the face of the ambassador's words, Bakona certainly knew what the other party was up to, but he didn't plan to give the other party a chance, and Italian roots couldn't afford it. So it took out a new document and said. "This is our country's ultimatum, and your country is limited to reply within 48 hours."

This frivolous document looked like a reminder to Man'ersu, and he didn't dare to accept it at all.

"I'm sorry, your country's request is still under negotiation. Can you give my country some time to consider it?"

Facing Manrso's words, Bacona couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha~"

Then he stopped smiling, his eyes fixed on the Ottoman ambassador in front of him. "Whether your country treats our country as a fool, your domestic actions don't seem to be considering at all. Your country's army is mobilizing more. Does this show that you are already preparing for armed confrontation?"

Of course, Manrso, the ambassador, would not acknowledge Bakona's words. "Your country's reaction is too extreme. This is just our country's normal response to this matter. It is difficult for people to directly agree to the conditions given by your country. Does your country still manage our country's internal affairs?"

While Mansour's words sound reasonable, Bacona isn't a vegetarian either.

"No matter how much your envoy tries to quibble and make excuses, he will not let our country stop. Therefore, your envoy had better read this ultimatum. It is now 14:00 on March 2, 1890, two days later. At this time, if our country has not received a reply from your country, it means that your country has rejected our request. I am very sorry, and our country will use all means to safeguard its own interests. "

After finishing speaking, Bacona left the living room without waiting for Manrso's answer, leaving only the ambassador and the ultimatum that had already fallen on the ground, or the ultimatum would be more appropriate.

After seeing that he was the only one left, Manersu quickly picked up the ultimatum. The content on it was not much different from the last time, but the reply was limited to 48 hours in terms of time. Also at the end, if the Ottoman Empire exceeds the time, it means that Italy will be at war with the Ottomans.

This time, the Italian government did not use any disguised words at all, and directly wrote out the threat of war.

Man Ersu, who knew the seriousness of the matter, had no idea at all. After he picked up the ultimatum, he immediately walked out of the door.

He now needs to rush back to the embassy to inform Istanbul of the news.

As for the Italian people, they also felt the atmosphere of the coming war. In the evening of the same day, major newspapers launched evening magazines, which were full of the evil deeds of the Ottoman Empire, especially the murder of two missionaries of Zabadani, which directly stated that this was instigated by the Ottoman Empire. .

Because the country's persecution of Catholics has never stopped, as a Catholic country, Italy has an obligation to let the Ottomans know that the majesty of God cannot be insulted.

Major newspapers issued such news at the same time, and anyone with a basic sense of smell could feel that the situation had changed.

What's more, on the same day, the Italian people broke out in the largest anti-Ottoman demonstration in history. Especially in the capital the number of people participating has reached nearly 200,000 people. These people came to the Ottoman embassy in Rome in a mighty manner and added colors to their embassy with their own colors.

If it weren't for the desperate interception of the police, these people might have demolished their embassy.

And all this was also seen by other ambassadors who were observing the situation. Among them, Flam, the British ambassador to Italy, wrote in a report to London. "The development of the situation in Italy shows that the country is ready to go to war with the Ottomans. They are already impatient to show their style on the Ottomans. In this regard, the imperial government needs to have its own Prepare to prevent an overconfident performance from Italy."

The ambassador, who has been in Rome for nearly ten years, can be described as an Italian expert. He has certain concerns about the development of Italy in recent years, so he has repeatedly hinted to London to pay attention to Italy's actions. However, due to the fact that Italy is currently at a very low position in the British Empire's attention, the reports on Foram are basically shelved.

Because at present the British Empire is more concerned about France, Russia, Germany and other countries, or it is better to develop colonies than Italy.

But in any case, the ultimatum from Italy has been sent, and we are waiting for the reply from the Ottoman Empire.

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