My Italian

Chapter 276: queen maria


The news of the king's choice of a wife spread very quickly in Italy. In less than three days, everyone knew that a Habsburg girl named Maria Annunziata would become their queen.

Although some people have some objections to this, the reason is very simple, Italy and Austria were not very good a few years ago.

But for the vast majority of people, it is very happy to see it.

This is only a domestic attitude, and it is even more different in foreign countries.

Most countries were surprised that the King of Italy had chosen a Habsburg girl as his wife.

Because the relationship between Italy and Austria-Hungary is well known, the two countries have been in constant disputes before. Although it has been better in recent years, it is not an exaggeration to say that the relationship is ordinary. Why did Italy suddenly choose to marry Austria-Hungary? (European countries did not know the treaty of the Three Emperors Alliance)

For this reason, each country has its own guesses, but no matter how guessed, this is more or less changing the diplomatic situation in Europe. After all, the union of the two royal families of Italy and Austria is also a major event for Europe.

Of course, while countries are evaluating this marriage, they are also evaluating the impact on their own countries.

In general, there are many countries that can benefit from this marriage, such as Germany, which dominates the Three Emperors Alliance, Bulgaria, which is favoring the two countries, and Romania, which has signed a defense treaty with Germany and Austria.

But where there are beneficiaries, naturally there are losers. For example, with France, Russia, the Sehi countries in the Balkans, and other countries involved, they are not satisfied with the marriage between Italy and Austria. As long as you carefully observe, you will find that these countries whose interests are damaged are basically the Mediterranean coast. Or the Balkan countries.

Needless to say about France, the marriage of Italy and Austria-Hungary will inevitably lead to the dissolution or suppression of the contradiction between the two countries. Besides Austria-Hungary, Italy's biggest foreign dispute is France, not to mention the territorial disputes between the two countries regarding the Alps. , the Tunisia crisis ten years ago made the contradictions between the two countries irreconcilable. Now that the relationship between Italy and Austria-Hungary has gone further, it is naturally not a good thing for France.

Russia's situation is somewhat similar to France's, but somewhat different. The marriage between Italy and Austria has reduced Russia's influence in the Balkans, where its influence has gradually weakened. This is something Russia does not want to see.

However, although Russia does not see the reason, it has nothing to do with the marriage between Italy and Austria. Because they, like France, cannot influence the marriage between the two countries.

As for the Italian side, although many people have doubts, they will not object to the future queen coming from the Habsburg family.

In Vienna, discussions are also underway on the selection of a Habsburg girl by the Italian King Carlo.

"I didn't expect that this young man from a neighboring country would choose Maria."

In the Hofburg Palace, as the father of the client, the Grand Justice Ludwig was discussing what happened in Rome with his brother, Emperor Joseph I of Austria-Hungary.

The father of Maria is not simple. His eldest son, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, is currently the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. A generation. It can be said that Carlo's chosen wife's maiden family has a great influence on Austria-Hungary.

"I hadn't thought of that either."

It was Joseph I, the founder of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, who was speaking. In fact, he was very happy with Carlo's choice of the Habsburg family as his marriage partner. If nothing else, just because his heir, Archduke Ferdinand, is his eldest brother, at least twenty years of peace between the two countries can be guaranteed, which is also very beneficial to Austria-Hungary.

Although the King of Italy was ten years older than Maria, it was nothing. The difference between spouses among European nobles is more than ten or twenty years old, so Carlo's age is considered appropriate.

"So that's the decision?"

Although Joseph I said it as if he was asking for his younger brother, but after having been together for so many years, how could Archduke Ludwig not know what his elder brother meant. This kind of thing that was beneficial to the Habsburg family did not need to be considered at all.

Marriage was a Habsburg tradition, and it was not negotiable at all.

As for Maria's own attitude, it doesn't matter, as long as they have negotiated it, then it is passed.

"I think it works."

So in the discussion between the two, the marriage with Italy was tentatively decided.

Maria and her sister Margaret, who were completely unaware of this, boarded the train back to Vienna.

Different from when I came, this time I returned to Vienna by two additional floats. The bedroom, living room and kitchen are all available, and there is a dedicated servant cook to serve the two of them. Everything is prepared according to the royal family's travel.

This is also shocking enough for the two girls from the Habsburg family. You must know that they usually travel in private boxes. Only with their father is a float. In Austria-Hungary, only uncle Joseph's family rides in two cars. And now the two of them are riding on two floats, which is self-evident.

Margaret felt a burst of frustration at the thought of knowing that her sister had been spotted by the King of Italy. There is something about her sister who looks like a noble lady, but I didn't expect the king of Italy to like this.

Yes, Margaret has analyzed the reasons for her failure, but this is already an afterthought. The result has come out, regret is useless, can only look at the still stupid sister, become the queen of Italy.

"Margaret, both carriages are ours."

That's right, looking at the startled sister, why can't I describe it as stupid. Not reserved at all, just know how to yell.

But his sister is really lucky. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but care about another thing, his sister's feelings.

"Maria, what do you think of that King Carlo?"

Hearing her sister's words, Maria thought for a while and said with a serious expression. "Carlo, I think he is as stable as the big brother, but he is much more funny than the big brother."

Am I asking this? It's just a bull's head and a horse's mouth.

This is the main reason why she thinks her sister is stupid. Anything she asks can be answered incorrectly, unless it is very clear.

Not to mention the topic of the two Habsburg Grand Duchess, less than half a month after the two returned to Vienna, the Savoy family formally proposed a marriage request to the Habsburg and Habs Joseph I, the patriarch of the Fort family, naturally agreed.

During this period, the two royal families naturally had many private exchanges, but one wanted to marry and the other wanted to marry, so the private exchange went very smoothly.

Then the uncle Amedio, Duke of Aosta, led the team to Vienna to discuss the wedding of the two young people.

Of course, in addition to the two major families, the government also has representatives to talk with the Austrian government, all of which work at the government level, mainly on the issue of goodwill and friendship between the two countries, which can also be regarded as contributing to the marriage of the two families.

Three months later, a grand wedding that attracted much attention in Europe was held in Rome. Nearly one million people and representatives from various countries attended the marriage.

When Carlo kissed Maria, the whole wedding venue cheered. As a mother, Queen Mother Margherita left tears of happiness. Now that both sons are married, the next step is to wait for the family to add a baby.

With this grand marriage, Carlo also bid farewell to being single.

Everything is so beautiful.

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