My Italian

Chapter 284: cleaning

With Cadorna becoming the new marshal in charge of the Army Department, as the so-called emperor and courtier, a series of adjustments will inevitably be made to the Army. Of course the most important adjustment starts with the War Department. Within three days of taking office, Marshal Cadorna integrated and changed various departments of the Ministry of War, and a large number of officers who originally belonged to the other four army heads were transferred, dismissed, and used for other purposes.

The vacancies left by these people were also filled by Cadorna's personnel brought in from the General Staff.

In addition to removing the influence of several retired generals, Cadorna did this for the reason of slimming down the bloated army. You must know that when Admiral Saragat was in office, the Army Department, which was dominated by several army chiefs, had as many as 591 officers at all levels. There were too many personnel, overlapping management, and reaching out for everything, which led to the inefficiency of the Army Department. This is in Cardo. Erna does not seem to be desirable. How to distinguish him from his predecessor without making the War Department a capable leadership department?

Of course, in the process of slimming down the War Department, many powers will also be delegated to other departments. Among them, the most profitable is the General Staff. At present, the Italian General Staff is not as good as the German army, even the Russian army.

In previous military exchanges, the German side has repeatedly pointed out that the Italian Army Ministry has too much power, which is not conducive to the construction and command of the army. However, the Italian Army did not pay any attention to the opinions of the allies.

The reason for this was precisely because several military leaders were unwilling to lose their power. They don't even want the king to intervene in the army, let alone the nonsense of others. After several discussions with no effect, the German side stopped talking.

However, Cadorna shared the rights of the War Department with the General Staff. In addition to conforming to the development of the times, he also did not want to give people a posture of being in power. After all, several people who held the power of the army before have now retired and enjoyed their old age, and he did not want to follow in his footsteps. He is only 68 years old now and can still fight for the kingdom for more than ten years.

And the General Staff, where he had stayed for more than ten years before, was a good object of decentralization.

On the one hand, this allows the government and the king to see the new look of the army. On the other hand, how can I say that I have stayed in the general staff for so many years. Although a large number of officers have been recruited to fill the army department, the influence is still there. As time goes by, his influence in the General Staff will also become lower and lower, which is also something that can't be avoided.

And when Marshal Cadorna made a big splash to cleanse the Ministry of War and reduce the power of Saragate and others, the troops stationed there would inevitably be affected.

Currently stationed in the headquarters of the Sixth Army in Albania, Lieutenant General Baxter is as restless as an ant in a hot pan.

The reason is very simple. What is happening in Rome makes him extremely worried. The old superior, Admiral Tapea, and several others suddenly announced their retirement a few days ago, which shocked him. He knew something must have happened in Rome, but he was left powerless in Albania.

So he was very concerned about the news in Rome, and he checked the newspapers and telegrams every day.

Of course, the news in the army is the first time to pay attention. Any trouble must be seen with a magnifying glass, let alone Marshal Cadorna, who is fighting in the Ministry of War.

And it was by watching Cadorner's actions at the War Office that he was all the more worried. Because Cadorna, the newly promoted marshal, is purging other forces, and Lieutenant General Baxter is the second person in Admiral Tapea's forces.

For this reason, he had to use military confidential communications to contact several other colleagues in person to discuss everyone's way out.

Of course, he is also in contact with other forces, but the result of the contact is not ideal. Those people are timid, and they are simply people who can't work together. So there are some things that have to be considered.

"General, Major Kazm has arrived."

Hearing the guard's report, Lieutenant General Baxter immediately spoke with a hint of anticipation. "Invite him in now."

Kazm is a key figure in the plan. As the chief officer of the army, his travels are very eye-catching, so he has made this Major Kazm out for many private matters. .

"how is the situation?"

When the guards withdrew, Lieutenant General Baxter immediately asked the former adjutant in a low voice.

"General, the travel situation is not good. Except for Colonel Rennes of the 18th Division and Colonel Uller of the 23rd Division, the others did not agree. They said that the general's move was too risky, and it was very possible. There will be serious consequences.”

Lieutenant General Baxter's expression darkened immediately after Kazim's words.

Looking at the lieutenant general's gloomy expression, Major Kazm asked in a low voice. "Lieutenant General, what should we do next?"

"Since they don't want to, then leave them alone and keep in touch with Ren and Uller, but you must pay attention to confidentiality, and let me tell you the rest."

"Okay, Lieutenant General."

It was only after the former adjutant left that Baxter showed a look of frustration. It's so hard to protect yourself. These people were all drawn by themselves, and I didn't expect that they would retreat so much, ignoring their own expectations.

But he was unwilling to accept himself like this. After working so hard in the army for so many years, he was ordered to retire. Wasn't all those years of hard work in vain?

When Baxter was worried about his future, Kazm, who left, also looked gloomy. Like Baxter, he is thinking about his own future.

Having followed Baxter for so many years, Kazm also has a very good understanding of the senior management in the The retirement of several former bosses also shocked him a lot. However, considering that he had followed the general for many years, he suppressed it.

As for now, he feels that he needs to think about himself. Continuing to follow the general will only lead you to a dead end. Maybe it's time to think of other ways.

Thinking of this, he turned a direction and walked towards an unknown building. There is a row of letters on the building, which reads the Military Police Department of the Sixth Army.

Two days later, when Baxter was presiding over a military meeting, a group of soldiers with the word gendarme poured in. Lieutenant-General Baxter, who was slumped on the ground, was taken away after the gendarmerie captain, Major Gallopa, presented a warrant from Rome.

The 18th Division Chief of Staff Colonel Wren and the 23rd Division 2 Commander Colonel Uller were also given the same treatment as Lieutenant General Baxter. They were arrested for trying to create a rebellion in the army.

It can be said that the arrest of Lieutenant General Baxter made many people in the army dissipate their dissatisfaction. Many felt that this rectification could not hide from others, and even directly requested retirement for reasons such as their age and health.

Facing the application for retirement sent over, Marshal Cadorna waved his hand and agreed directly.

In the past three months of cleaning, 38 generals and 126 school-level officers were retired from active duty. As for Lieutenant General Baxter, there are very few daredevils, and most of them can go home and enjoy their old age.

Of course, this is also why Cadorna is reluctant to expand the scope of the purge. After all, purging too many officers will reduce the combat effectiveness of the army.

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