My Italian

Chapter 311: Dadonggou naval battle

Then Japan's strategy worked. After the combined fleet approached Weihai, the Qing court was furious, and Emperor Guangxu accused Ding Ruchang, the Admiral of the Beiyang Navy, for not being able to defend the territory.

Weng Tonghe, the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, even criticized that the Beiyang Navy, which had spent huge sums of money from the imperial court, would be able to fight against the Japanese?

Its spearhead is pointed at Li Zhongtang, the helm of Beiyang, and its purpose is self-evident.

The helpless Li Zhongtang had to order Ding Ruchang to go on a cruise in the Yellow Sea to calm the emperor's anger and ease the pressure of public opinion.

On September 12, 1894, 12 battleships of the Beiyang Navy departed from Weihai and went to Dadonggou at the mouth of the Yalu River to **** the army to land.

On September 13, the combined fleet and the first guerrilla team went to the mouth of the Yalu River to search for a decisive battle against the main force of the Beiyang Navy.

Both the Chinese and Japanese fleets are gathered in one place, and it is naturally very prone to war.

On the 17th, in the Dadonggou waters, both warships finally found each other. So a naval battle related to the trend of the Sino-Japanese War began.

As soon as the battle with Japan hit the Universiade, the flagship of the combined fleet, Matsushima, hit the main mast of Dingyuan, and the command signal line was destroyed by the artillery fire. Ding Ruchang, who was supervising the battle on the flybridge, was seriously injured and could not continue to command.

At this opening, the ships of the Beiyang Navy had lost their command, except that they could advance and retreat with Dingyuan.

Afterwards, the large number of cannons equipped by the Japanese fleet caused the Beiyang Navy to suffer. Although the Beiyang Navy was also equipped with rapid-fire guns, because the cost allocated by Li Zhongtang was low and the number was not enough, the naval gun battle was very difficult.

Not long after the battle, the two old ships Yang Wei and Chaoyong were sunk, and the Pingyuan was also set on fire, and had to withdraw from the battle.

Fang Boqian, the leader of the Jiyuan number, was frightened by the tragic battle and evacuated the battlefield without authorization.

The Jiyuan evacuated without authorization, which greatly damaged the morale of the officers and soldiers of other ships (now there are remarks about Fang Boqian's reversal of the verdict on the Internet, which is enough).

The morale of the Japanese combined fleet was boosted, and the commander, Lieutenant General Ito Yuheng, even made a bold statement to wipe out the main force of the Beiyang Navy.

Of course, he also has his own confidence in saying this. The two ships, Yoshino and Akitsusu, which cost a lot of money, performed extremely well in naval battles, and they were the weapons that the combined fleet relied on.

Sure enough, under the leadership of the two ships, the Jingyuan and Laiyuan ships also sank.

So far, apart from the Dingyuan and Zhenyuan armored ships, and the two cruisers Zhiyuan and Jingyuan, the other main battleships of the Beiyang Navy have either been sunk or withdrawn from the battle.

Of course, it is not as easy for these four warships to be sunk as other two or three thousand-ton cruisers.

Its thick armor withstood the attack of a large number of rapid-fire guns of the combined fleet.

However, the current battlefield situation is extremely unfavorable to the Beiyang Navy. The guerrilla fleet that has completed its mission has joined the siege of the four Beiyang warships. The two sides fought from three in the afternoon to five thirty in the afternoon. In a period of more than two hours, the two calm ships each endured three or four hundred rounds of shells. And the two ships Zhiyuan and Jingyuan also had more than 200 rounds. Of course, the combined fleet was not too good. Although the number of shells fired by Beiyang was small, basically each ship of the combined fleet ate thirty or forty rounds of shells. In particular, the 305mm main gun of the Calm Second Ship is even more powerful. The two ships, Hiei and Fuso, were seriously injured and evacuated from the battlefield. And the two ships Zhiyuan and Jingyuan were not far behind, and the two cruisers Chiyoda and Nishikyomaru were seriously injured and pulled out of the battle.

In the later stage, the shells of the four Beiyang ships were in a hurry. At this time, Ding Ruchang, the leader of Zhiyuan, made an important decision to let Jingyuan, Zhenyuan and Dingyuan evacuated from the battlefield. He drove Zhiyuan to break.

In the face of Ding Ruchang's act of giving up his life, the other three pipes also knew that they could no longer fight at this time, so they could only leave the Zhiyuan to evacuate first.

And the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Ito Yuheng, saw the actions of the Beiyang Fleet and decided to accept the Zhiyuan when he saw it. He made this decision because there were not many shells in the Japanese Combined Fleet. It was better to kill one ship in a concentrated manner than to let go of four ships.

As a result, the Zhiyuan was besieged by the combined fleet, and more than 400 shells were fired in it, causing 80% of the personnel loss, and the artillery power was completely lost, and it became a floating coffin at sea. At this time, the Japanese combined fleet was still coveting the ship, and sent a signal to demand its surrender, but Ding Ruchang categorically refused, and was eventually sunk by Takachihui with a torpedo nearby, and Ding Ruchang was also killed with the ship.

Of the more than 400 officers and men on board the Zhiyuan, only 32 were rescued.

With the sinking of the Zhiyuan, it also marked the end of the Dadonggou naval battle.

In this naval battle, the Beiyang Navy lost most of its main battleships, with a tonnage of more than 119,000 tons and a loss of more than 1,500 personnel. The combined fleet lost 2,300 tons of tonnage (the Hiei cruiser was seriously injured and sank on the way back), and more than 600 personnel were lost.

It can be said that after this naval battle, the Beiyang Navy has no power to contend with the combined fleet. Although there were still three 7,000-ton ships left, the other warships had already lost their casualties. After the lack of other auxiliary warships, the strength of the Beiyang Navy had dropped a lot.

As for Fang Boqian, the commander of the Jiyuan number who escaped from the battle, he was taken into custody after returning to the station and was eventually sentenced to death.

In addition to the two countries involved, the results of the Dadonggou naval battle were also spread all over the world at an extremely fast speed.

Although the only war between China and Japan continues, the discussion of the naval battle process has already had a preliminary view.

First of all, the cannon will be the mainstream of future naval guns, and secondly, the formation of warships should also be organized at the speed of tonnage. In addition, the commander must designate a successor officer before the war, not the same warship officer and so on.

Of course the most talked about is that fast cruisers should never be mixed with slow armored ships.

That's right, the biggest failure of the Beiyang Navy this time was to mix the two Zhiyuan Jingyuan cruise ships with a speed of 18 with the 14 knots Dingyuan and Zhenyuan.

Although this greatly enhanced the strength of the Beiyang battle formation, it greatly weakened the cruise formation.

Otherwise, how could the Japanese guerrilla formation destroy the Beiyang cruise formation so quickly, laying the foundation for winning this naval battle.

This also fully shows that Beiyang Admiral Ding Ruchang is not a qualified fleet commander, and his commanding ability is too weak.

Speaking of which, aren't there so many advisors in the Beiyang Navy, especially Major General Antonio who is the general advisor, should point out the mistakes.

Major General Antonio was wronged. He had mentioned it before when the fleet was out to sea, but Admiral Ding insisted that his team was the key. As long as the enemy's own team was defeated, then they would fight against the enemy cruiser formation.

And everyone knows what happened next. After losing the commander due to serious injuries, the Beiyang Navy was fighting on its own.

With the defeat of the Beiyang Navy, after Japan gained control of the sea, the transportation route would have no worries, and the next thing to look at was the performance on land.

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