My Italian

Chapter 311: strong response

"Your country's attitude of undermining the principle of neutrality is a shameless betrayal of the civilized world, and will be strongly condemned by all countries."

In the palace, Carlo sat in a chair and listened to the deafening words of justice from the British ambassador, Mandison.

Carlo knew that the British were in a hurry. He just decided to support Japan to contain Russia, and wanted to find some supplements for Japan, when he encountered Italy himself coming to Japan.

No, Ambassador Mandison's protest was sent directly to Carlo.

How could Carlo not be clear about the anger of the British.

But Italy is not a follower of the British, so why must they listen to the British? Italy also has its own interests. It is not in Italy's interests to make the Japanese bigger in the Far East. Although from a historical point of view, the rise of the Japanese is unstoppable, but for Carlo, it can be counted as a few years.

"Your Excellency Ambassador, do you need a glass of water first?"

After Mandison finished speaking, Carlo also asked a question of concern. This made Ambassador Mandison angry, and for a long time the monarch did not take what he said to heart.

Don't blame Carlo for speaking so bluntly, the British protests are really nothing. As long as the British don't go out to help Japan in person, then Italy won't be moved at all.

No way, money is moving, let alone Italy, which is currently insanely poor. According to the estimates of the Ministry of Finance, there will be at least 200 million lire in direct income and more than 300 million lire in indirect income. This is a huge sum of money. If you want to make Italy give up with empty words, don't even think about it.

In fact, Ambassador Mandison also knew that he was doing futile work, in fact, London knew it too. But some things must be done when they know they are useless, otherwise everyone will not look good.

Otherwise, a newly recruited younger brother was beaten, how could he be convincing if he didn't show anger.

Of course, it is impossible to end the game in person, and it is not bad to be able to scold him in person. The British are very clear about which is more important between Japan and Italy, which is also a major power.

Carlo also knew this, so he intervened in this war in the Far East.

In fact, before helping the Qing country with boxing, Carlo had already analyzed the pros and cons. As long as the British do not act hostile to Italy, then there is no problem. The chances of the British going out for Japan in person are zero. This is the result of Carlo's calm analysis based on the current British diplomacy and the previous troop dispatch environment.

In addition to the British, the United States, as another country that supports Japan, is even more unlikely.

In addition to these two countries, Russia, which has the most geographical advantage in the Far East, was happy to see the Sino-Japanese war at first. However, as Japan crossed the Yalu River and entered the border, its attitude changed. For Russia, which has already regarded Kanwai as its own meat, it has become hostile to Japan. France is influenced by Russia and has a bad sense of Japanese.

Germany's admission to Italy was mixed. The good news is that Italy is its own ally no matter what, and the growth of Italy can be said to be the enhancement of its own strength. The worry is that Italy’s impulsive and desperate approach makes it a little worried about an impulsive ally like Italy. As for Austria-Hungary, the Far East is too far from Austria-Hungary, and its influence in the Far East is limited.

So looking around, there is nothing to prevent Italy from doing things in the Far East. Of course, if Italy divides the circle of influence in Qing, this is another matter.

Since other countries won't or can't intervene in Italy's actions, this is definitely the worst news for Japan.

In fact, after the Qing Dynasty announced to the world, Japan was very worried about the malicious intentions from Italy.

"The war with Qing is now entering an eventful season. Do you have any good suggestions?"

At the imperial meeting, Ito Hirobumi, the prime minister, did not hesitate to express his inner thoughts in front of the important ministers of the Manchu dynasty.

No way. Seeing that the war went smoothly, and when Ito Bowen and others were ready to reap a wave of benefits, they were suddenly told that you just fought a miscellaneous soldier, and now the boss is going to play. Being able to scold someone for being shameless is already considered very educated.

But swearing can't solve the problem. Now, the most urgent request for Japan is that the Italians are coming, how should Japan deal with this new opponent.

"Xixiang-kun, do you have any plans for the Admiralty?"

Ito Hirobumi directly opened his mouth and asked the Admiralty to come up with a solution. As for why the Navy Department should be named first, the reason is very simple. Whether it is to protect maritime transportation lines or to fight for sea dominance, the Navy is needed. It can be said that there is no navy, and the Japanese army in Liaodong Korea is the root of the weeds.

It is also in view of the importance of the navy, so I was the first to ask the navy.

In the face of the Prime Minister's question, Saigo, who is the Minister of the Navy, and Combined Fleet Commander Yuhiro Ito whispered a few words before speaking. "Our Navy does have a plan."

When they heard that the Navy really had a solution, everyone present became interested.

"I also ask Xixiang-kun to tell the truth."

At this time, Ito Yuheng, who was on the side, said, "Before we say it, let's explain that this plan is a bit daring."

"It doesn't matter, at present the empire is troubled, please speak bluntly."

After receiving the approval of Prime Minister Ito, Saigo started talking. "Our navy's plan is to immediately land on Weihaiwei's side and seize Weihaiwei, the most important military port in Beiyang, so that the port will not be used by Italy."


The words of the Admiralty surprised everyone else because it was too dangerous.

"It's just bullshit."

As the replacement for the new Army Minister Takashima Tomonosuke, who had gone to command the First Army Oyamayan, he immediately retorted. Because of this plan, landing the Japanese army will be very dangerous. They must take Weihaiwei before the Italian army arrives, or they will fall into the Jedi.

In the face of Takashima Tomonosuke's rebuttal, Ito Yuheng immediately said loudly. "It's also the best way."

Then he explained. "The most dangerous thing for the Italian army is its fleet, and in the North China Sea, there are currently only three ports that can serve as its ports of call, namely Lushun, Weihaiwei, and Tianjin. At present, Lushun is under the control of our army, and Tianjin is deep in the Bohai Sea. It is surrounded by Lushun and Weihaiwei. As long as Weihaiwei can be captured, the Italian army will have no ports in the North China Sea, so they can only stay in Shanghai.

Attacking from Shanghai, we have enough time to respond, and this will also drag down its combat effectiveness. Therefore, we only have a chance of winning if we win Weihaiwei. Once the Italian army arrives at Weihaiwei, all previous efforts will be in vain. "

In fact, Ito Yuheng's words have a premise, that is, the Japanese combined fleet cannot defeat the Italian In fact, within the Japanese combined fleet, several deductions have been done, no matter how the deduction is performed, the result is In the same way, the encounter between the combined fleet and the Italian navy has only one outcome of defeat.

If nothing else, the three 15,000-ton Turin-class battleships were the unsolvable problem.

Of course, if the Japanese army shamelessly sets up, the Turin class leaves the formation and enters the narrow sea area, and the Japanese torpedo boats are all out, then they can win. But this condition, in addition to sexual obscenity, is simply impossible. It takes the Italian commander to be so idiotic to do such an idiotic move, and it is impossible for anyone in the combined fleet to do this, because it will be sent to a military court.

Therefore, the only way at present is to capture Weihaiwei first and leave no available port for Italy.

Of course, in order to provide enough persuasion for his plan, Ito Yuheng picked up a telegram.

"According to our investigations by intelligence officers in Pontianak, Italians are currently purchasing winter clothes in Pontianak. According to the knowledge of the expiry of the reserve warehouse personnel we bought, the Italian army currently only has more than 3,000 winter clothes, and the Italian army lacking winter clothes still needs at least It will take half a month to set sail, plus the time to go north, we have at least 20 days, and this is our last chance."

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