My Italian

Chapter 34: New Prime Minister

In the face of Italy's submission to French pressure, European countries have different attitudes. Some are gloating. For example, Austria, France, Russia and Italy almost formed an alliance to declare war on Austria two years ago. If it wasn't for France's concerns, this battle would have been fought. Woke up.

And seeing the dog bite the dog inside the former enemy, there is nothing more comfortable than this.

As for other countries, it's nothing to do with them, they hang up high, and they have an enthusiastic attitude.

Although more attention is paid to the dilemma of Italy internationally, more attention is paid to the candidate of the new prime minister in the domestic political arena. Although the wave of opposition to the French occupation of Tunisia reached a new height among the people, everyone in the political circle knew that it had ended the moment former Prime Minister Cairoli signed the withdrawal order.

Although there is a follow-up, but it is no longer important. Anyway, the former Prime Minister Cairoli will bear the blame, and all the losses of Italy in Tunisia will be remembered by him.

For the next new prime minister, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is still confusing. Several people have announced that they will compete for the prime minister's post. They are all big names familiar to everyone. will be the new Prime Minister. Everyone else is there to highlight his presence.

However, although Depretis is already the candidate for the future prime minister, what needs to be done is still to be done, at least to let ordinary people feel that the prime minister is still elected by them.

Therefore, the former prime minister frequently appeared in front of the public to show himself. In addition, the newspapers reported on him, talking about his great achievements, and also introduced his life. Of course, it is not that there are no newspapers reporting his taint. Among them, the biggest The taint is its pro-French attitude, but these newspapers are basically third-rate tabloids, and no one has reported them in the mainstream media.

Such large-scale publicity is of course very effective. Whether you are in a prosperous city or a remote mountainous area, you basically know Depretis.

Of course, few of these people had an impact on the De Pretis election.

It needs to be explained here that it is not easy for Italy to be eligible to vote in elections. First of all, you need to be Italian, and you also need to pay more than 25 lire per year to be eligible to vote. So how many people can there be? At present, the qualified people in Italy are in the early 400,000, accounting for a few percent of its total population.

From this, we can see the weakness of the Italian capitalist class, which still needs government support.

Such a small number of bases means that the election of the prime minister has a lot of control. Of course, this is not unique to Italy. At present, it is basically the same in all European countries, regardless of whether it is a republic, an empire or a kingdom. A movement that few people participate in. The same is true of the afterlife, but with an extra layer of disguise, so that ordinary people feel that they can also decide, and pay more attention to eating. Now, everyone looks equally ugly, let alone the second brother.

In addition, DePretis did not patronize to show his face in front of the public. For him, who aspires to become the new prime minister, the exchange of interests is the key. During this time, His Excellency Depretis was also very busy, negotiating with various political groups.

Among them, there are only three that make him the most important, and the Savoy family, which represents the kingship, is one of the keys. There are also centrists, represented by Leslie, the head of parliament, and right-wing moderates, represented by the rebel trio.

De Pretis also learned the lessons of his predecessor, Prime Minister Cairoli. In his opinion, whether or not there is a sudden crisis in Tunisia, his reign will not last long. Its tough attitude of suppressing various factions in the country will lay a lot of bombs for it. Although Cairoli's attitude has improved a lot later, but the thinking of suppressing other voices has not changed, and he will still sit in the crater. As long as there is a chance, this result will not be changed.

And Depretis wouldn't use such rude means to make himself countless enemies.

Of course, the exchange of interests is not a warm feeling. After all, everyone wants to maximize their own interests, so how to arrange them reasonably becomes the key. For this, Depretis believes that in Italy, no one can do better than himself.

"Tell Brewer that his Unity Party is not eligible for a cabinet seat, and let him consider his position."

"Okay, sir, I'll tell Mr. Brewer at home when he visits."

In his study, Depretis was talking with the old housekeeper. They were talking about a small Italian party, well-known in northern Italy, with a decent unification proposition and three seats in parliament.

Depretis rubbed his temples and continued to speak despite his exhaustion. "Has Baron Filimickey come again now?"

"not yet."

"Then get in touch with the baron as soon as possible, I need to meet him."

The reason for DePretis's urgency is the fact that there is a big gap between the results of the negotiation.

In the previous secret discussion between Depretis and Carlo, because Cairoli was still the prime minister at the time, it was more about dealing with the former prime minister. But after he steps down, the issue of power distribution will be involved, and there is still a certain gap between the two.

The condition given by Depretis is that Carlo can arrange two people to join the cabinet, and Carlo's request is also for two cabinet positions. It seems that the conditions are very suitable, but in fact the difference is very large. Because De Pretis gave the Secretary of Health and Education and the Secretary of the Interior. What Carlo asked for was either the Minister of the Interior or the Minister of the Navy and Army. The difference in the weight of com is very large.

That's right, Carlo wanted to reach out to the military, but DePretis was a little reluctant at this point.

Although Carlo will automatically obtain the support of the military when he becomes an adult, it is not in Depretis's interest to allow Carlo to obtain the support of the military prematurely, which makes the negotiation deadlocked.

Although De Pretis can form a cabinet without the support of the royal family, but after all, Italy is a kingdom, and it is impossible to avoid the royal family. In addition, when Carlo is an adult, it will be difficult for him to deal with this matter.

Through this period of observation, Depretis believes that His Majesty Carlo is very young and mature, and it is not suitable for the relationship to be stiff.

So he had the intention to make concessions. Of course, after he made concessions, the young majesty also needed to make equal concessions, otherwise it would be quite difficult to talk about.

Depretis' orders were done quite quickly, and it was passed on to Carlo that day.

Of course, Carlo would not refuse the kindness from Depretis. In fact, for Carlo, his real purpose is to get close to the military. Of course, whether it is the army or the navy, only he knows.

However, this will not be an obstacle for him to negotiate with Depretis. As long as the other party can accept that he will extend his hand to the army, then he does not care how many cabinet seats he has.

So after several contacts, the two reached a consensus. As for the specific content, others will not know.

In the end, in the election of the new prime minister on June 15, De Pretis became the 16th prime minister of Italy by a large margin.

And the new prime minister needs to do a lot of things, but I believe it should not be difficult for him.


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