My Italian

Chapter 364: German-Italian Naval Cooperation (Part 1)

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After a roar, the Italian officer with the rank of captain charged with his soldiers towards the front position.

"Press them back."

On the side of the position, the defending German officers and soldiers, under the leadership of their officers, were also desperately resisting relying on the incomplete fortifications. This is not an isolated case, we expand our view to a larger area, the Italian army is attacking the defending German army. However, in the end, the defender had more terrain advantages, and the Italian army's onslaught was slowly suppressed.

And farther away, a group of people in two uniforms were watching the performance of the two sides. Of course, in this group of star-studded generals, two too young figures were surrounded by them.

"William, your country's army is elite enough, and our army is indeed still a little weaker."

Carlo let go of the high-powered telescope in front of him and commented to Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was also observing the exercise.

Faced with Carlo's evaluation, the Italian generals blushed. Although they knew that their army was indeed somewhat different from the German army, how could they remain indifferent when pointed out by the monarch so mercilessly.

As the evaluated party, the German generals were also a little proud after being evaluated by the monarch of a country. After all, the Italian king rarely evaluated foreign teams.

In the face of Carlo's evaluation, Wilhelm II, the German emperor, said after leaving the high-powered telescope. "The progress of your team is obvious to all. I believe that your team will perform even better in the near future."

Well, the business is bragging about Emperor William as well. Of course, the performance of the Italian Army has improved a little. In recent years, the Italian side has no longer sent its most elite guards, but has sent troops with moderate evaluations in the army.

Of course, because of this change in the army, Italy has performed poorly in the German-Italian military exercises in recent years. But the performance of the Army, including Carlo, can see the side of its efforts to change. Instead of trying to cover up your own shortcomings, try to find the problems and fix them.

However, in this army exercise, there are a few who seem to be a bit conspicuous. No way, among a group of army generals, a few naval generals are indeed a bit strange.

Of course, two of these admirals looked a little different, because anyone who knew them would be very surprised. The two heads of the German and Italian navies were engaged in a debate that had nothing to do with the exercise.

"Major General Tirpitz, I don't agree with Your Excellency's point of view. The navy is an offensive service. Although staying in a port can preserve its strength, it will lose its strategic initiative. This will also lead to the loss of strategic initiative in the contest with enemy countries. If you lose the wind, it will be exponentially more difficult to regain the strategic initiative.”

Admiral Agier, the Italian navy minister, is refuting Rear Admiral Tirpitz's remarks.

Although one is a major general and the other is an admiral, both of them have similar status and are the heads of the navies of various countries. Therefore, the conversation between the two can also be regarded as the development policy of the navies of the two countries.

"Admiral Yagier, I can only partially agree with your point of view, the navy is indeed an offensive service. Since the British Nelson spirit was put forward, the navies of various countries have been learning its concepts. But I think the navy cannot only have offensive concepts, among which The actual situation also needs to be considered. For example, the total tonnage of our navy is only 300,000, and the enemy who has declared war on our country has a total tonnage of 700,000. In this case, it is very important for the navy to preserve its strength and rely on coastal defenses to resist the enemy's harassment. Reasonable."

Well, at this time, Major General Tirpitz's fleet theory has not yet taken shape, but it has already begun to see signs. When it is at a disadvantage, the idea of ​​preserving the strength of the fleet can already be seen.

However, after communicating with Admiral Yagier, his idea was obviously not recognized by his Italian counterparts.

Even after Major General Tirpitz explained it, Admiral Yagier still did not agree.

Of course, the concepts between the two are different, and there are also reasons for national defense needs.

The German navy, for example, has a short coastline due to Germany's geographical location, so there is a basis for preserving the fleet theory. The strength of the own fleet is not good. In order to contain the opponent, it is necessary to avoid fighting with it, and let the enemy use more naval tonnage on the own fleet to avoid the enemy's navy's harassment of the country's coast.

But this theory may be suitable for Germany, but definitely not for Italy. Italy's territory is like a boot that stretches out to the Mediterranean, which also results in its long coastline. If Italy adopts the concept of protecting the ship, it will cost too much to build coastal defense fortifications in Italy, and Italy cannot afford it (the coastal defense fort is very expensive, at least 150mm cannons are required to start, but generally more than 200mm can be used as a shore anti-main battery).

In view of the high cost of building forts, Italy took another route, that is, except for a few important port cities, the Italian Navy’s funds are biased towards shipbuilding, hoping to use its own naval warships to slow the enemy’s footsteps.

In addition, in terms of shipbuilding concept, Italian shipbuilding pays more attention to the speed of warships than the German Navy, which is mainly armored and protected. In the opinion of the Italian Navy, the speed of the warship is a crucial factor, and with the advantage of speed, the Navy has more tactics available. Regardless of whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage, speed is a priority among the three elements of a battleship.

The German and Italian navies, perhaps due to various differences, have different navies in concept.

The heads of the navies of the two countries, also because of their philosophy, gradually lost their voices in the dispute, which also attracted the attention of others.

"The two generals, with different naval concepts, can actually change over time. For example, after surpassing potential opponents in strength, can their ideas remain the same as before." Carlo came forward to smooth the field, Kaiser Wilhelm naturally Take over. "Carlo, you are right. The Navy also changes its philosophy according to its own changes. Of course, how to measure this also needs careful consideration."

Well, the words of the two immediately dispelled the dispute between the two, and of course, it was mainly to remind them of the reason for coming here.

They didn't come here to learn the experience of army exercises, and everyone didn't have the time or spare time. It is the navies of the two countries that seek cooperation. It would not be fair to say that the German navy seeks help more.

Yes, although Germany has not yet come up with the first naval construction bill, the German navy is expanding. The four Brandenburg-class battleships can be regarded as the beginning of the development of the German navy. Although the performance of this battleship is not comparable to that of the Turin-class that created the pre-dreadnought era, it is a good start.

After the four outdated Brandenburg-class battleships, the German Navy came up with the Kaiser Friedrich III-class battleship plan. Although this class of battleships is much better than the Brandenburg class, let alone the new Italian battleships, the Turin class is superior. If there's one saving grace for this German battleship, it's the sheer number of rapid-fire guns.

In addition, compared with the previous Frederick III-class one-water rapid-fire gun (the main gun was also the largest caliber rapid-fire gun at that time 240mm), the current Frederick III-class has four 350mm caliber main guns. gun. This was also influenced by the naval battle between China, Italy and Japan during the Jiawu period. The large-caliber main gun still has sufficient deterrent effect, so Germany is also taking the road of guaranteeing the caliber.

This time, Kahlo Wilhelm II personally invited Carlo. Naturally, he was still dissatisfied with his own naval warships and wanted to learn from the experienced Italian navy.

As for the naval cooperation that Germany is seeking, Carlo of course also has his own ideas, but how to cooperate will need to wait for him to talk about it.

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