My Italian

Chapter 385: Sudan question

The launch of the USS Columbus is good news for Spain, but not for some countries. So the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, and the New York Naval Shipyard's four cruise ships invariably accelerated the construction speed.

However, this is a matter between the United States and Spain, and for Italy, it is still a sideshow.

But on the other side, the Italians can't stand on the sidelines.

"King Carlo, thank you for your support on the Sudan issue as always, and hope that the future of your two countries will get better and better."

In front of Carlo, the British ambassador, Sir Mandison, said a word of thanks.

"Ambassador Mandisson is very polite. On the issue of the rebels in Sudan, our country has always taken the same attitude as your country, holding it to grow and develop. For example, our vassal Abyssinia has been at war with the rebels in Sudan for dozens of years. Second, the scale of more than 100,000 people from thousands of dozen has effectively curbed the scale of the Sudanese rebels. Therefore, on the Sudan issue, your two countries are the same."

Carlo's words were insincere, but he didn't dare to let him compete with the British Empire on the Sudan issue.

That's right, the British can no longer tolerate the land of Sudan being out of their control. A new round of partitioning of Africa is underway, and all countries are gearing up to speed up the competition for Africa.

The Sultan, who was out of the control of the British Empire, was so dazzling. Not to mention that the 2C plan is in full swing. If you want to go from Cairo to Cape Town, it will not be possible without Sudan. So the British plan for the reconquest of Sudan. been silently preparing.

Since last year, the newly equipped British colonial army has been testing. It exchanged fire with the Sudanese army in Dongola (a northern city in Sudan) and defeated 45,000 Sudanese with 6,000 troops. Measured the quality of the Sudanese army.

Now that it has been weighed, there is nothing to say next. The most important thing is to retake the Sudan as soon as possible. And if you want to retake Sudan, the neighbors around it must have an idea. The Belgian who occupies the Congo Basin in the southwest corner does not dare to have any ideas if he lends him ten courage.

To the west are the French who have just won the Chad Basin. The French are nothing to worry about. The French colonial government that has just won the Chad Basin has not yet had such a big appetite for Sudan. According to the British's own estimation, an army of less than 10,000 people would not be able to conquer Sudan at all. Not to mention that the French have to cross the desert, which is simply not possible.

On the east side of Sudan, there are Italians who have been cultivating here for many years. Although the border between the Italian colony and Sudan is also desert terrain, which is not conducive to military deployment.

However, Italy has a subsidiary kingdom Abyssinia, which has been fighting with the Sudanese around Lake Tana for many years, and its strength is not weak. Moreover, the Blue Nile originates from the Abyssinian Plateau, and there is a river as a transportation line at the top. It can be said that except for the United Kingdom, which occupies Egypt and Uganda, the only one that can threaten Sudan is Italy.

That's right, it is precisely because Italy is a possible contender for the Sudan that Ambassador Mandisson's visit is made, and it is also to avoid some accidents.

In the face of the British ambassador's visit, of course, Carlo would not have a bad relationship with Britain for the Sultan. Besides, if he really wanted to win the Sultan, he would have already started. It is even more impossible for him to give the British Empire a sling. He is not the Kaiser.

Mandisson, who received Carlo's reply, was very satisfied. This time, the task given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was accomplished very well. He has been in Italy for so many years, and the king's temperament has also been figured out. There will be no twists and turns.

"Thank you Your Majesty for calling, I will inform London of your country's friendliness."

"Goodbye, Ambassador Mandison."

When Ambassador Mandison left, Carlo called a squire. "Get the Foreign Secretary."

"As your majesty."

Half an hour later, Foreign Minister Bakona hurriedly appeared in front of Carlo.

"I have seen Your Majesty."

"Your Excellency Bakona, don't be too polite."

Carlo saw Bacona Road coming. "The British Ambassador Mandisson visited and asked about my attitude towards Sudan. I have already replied to him that my country will not interfere in Sudan."

Hearing Carlo's words, Bacona frowned. "Britain is about to retake Sudan?"

"I don't think it's inseparable. Otherwise, why would the Ambassador Mandison come to visit on purpose?"

Carlo said his judgment, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"It is true that the Abyssinian King Menelik II has a different idea, but I think it can be discouraged."

"What's the specific situation?"

Facing the hesitant words of the Foreign Minister, Carlo immediately felt that there must be something wrong.

Facing Carlo's questioning, Bacona did not hide it. "Well, Your Majesty, the situation is like this..."

In Bacona's account, Carlo felt that Menelik II was ambitious. The Menelik II, after succeeding to the throne of Abyssinia, has repeatedly weakened the feudal separatist forces by military force. From 1887 to 1895, he successively suppressed the rebellions of feudal princes in Reka, Volamo, Cedarmore, Ogaden and other places.

All of this is for the purpose of centralizing power. Under this suppression, the rulers of the provinces and districts are all appointed by them, which greatly strengthens the cohesion of the Abyssinian kingdom.

In addition, Menelik also built a new capital in the middle of the Ethiopian plateau. Queen Taito named it "Fresh Flowers", which is exactly the city of Addis Ababa.

In addition, Menelik minted the national currency, printed stamps, formulated a new domestic financial and postal system, absorbed foreign investment to build roads, railways, and laid telegraph and telephone systems. Of course, in this big move, capital from Italy occupies an absolute share.

Since the internal affairs are almost done, as a wise monarch, how could Menelik not see the weakness of his neighbors. In fact, he could see more clearly than the British that the spirit of the Sudanese was being tossed. Even the annual battle of Tana Lake between the two countries has become two or even three or four years, and the distance is gradually pushed farther and farther from the lake, and it will reach Famarca in the middle reaches of the Blue Nile.

Under such circumstances, Menelik II would feel sorry for himself if he did not take the opportunity to expand. Of course, as a wise monarch, of course he wants to maximize his interests, so he intends to give the sultans a slap in the face, at least by tearing down a large area of ​​territory, so that the Abyssinian nobles who follow him can also taste it. Taste the benefits of expansion.

Of course, only by obtaining the recognition or acquiescence of Italy can you implement your own and Menelik II is also very clear on this point. He went to an Italian bank early to borrow a large amount of money with a lot of interest. In addition, these funds were basically used to purchase materials in Italy. Menelik II, who has the support of Italian banks and factory owners, is not easy to refuse from the government's side, so it maintains a default attitude.

"You mean, this Menelik II is ready to further seize Damazin in the lower reaches of the Blue Nile and the Akobo Valley in the Nile Basin?"

Facing Carlo's question, Bacona replied. "Yes, Your Majesty, the Menelik II has been preparing for this for three years, and has invested 10 million liras to improve the road. As for the material reserves, this is even more."

Well, it seems that this Menelik II has invested a lot of money, and it would be unwise to stop the other party's preparations in this situation.

If that's the case, then consider it from a different angle.

"Negotiate this matter with the British and inform them that in order to maintain the relationship between the two countries, we intend to let the vassal Abyssinia send a large army to help them. Then it is best to make the goal of that Menelik II. , to talk to the British in return for assisting in sending troops."

Facing Carlo's thoughts, Bacona thought about it carefully. "Your Majesty's method is good, and it is very beneficial to our country."

"One more thing, tell that Menelik II that expansion needs to be moderate, otherwise problems will easily occur."

That's right, the ambitious Menelik II, Carlo still has to give a little warning, not to let him eat too much.

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