My Italian

Chapter 409: set off

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"Your Majesty, this is the casualty of our officers and soldiers."

In the kingdom, Admiral Argier, the Secretary of the Navy, presented Carlo with information on casualties of Italian mercenary naval officers and men in the Spanish-American War.

This is a summary of the casualties of Italian naval officers and men.

As soon as Carlo opened the information, the first article wrote the number of casualties. 447 people were killed, 249 people were seriously wounded, 351 people were slightly wounded, and 19 people were missing, for a total of 1,066 people.

This casualty is enough to account for half of the Spanish naval casualties, which also shows that Italy is definitely doing its best in this naval battle between the United States and Spain.

"What about the Spanish side?"

After simply flipping through the information in front of him, Carlo put it down and asked Admiral Kia Gil.

"Admiral Chelvella, the Spanish navy minister, expressed his gratitude to our naval officers and soldiers. He said that he would ensure that the pensions of Italian officers and soldiers who were injured and killed would be paid on time."

After listening to Admiral Yagier's answer, Carlo shook his head. "This is not enough. Your navy also needs to pay a pension. These officers and soldiers who were killed or injured on the battlefield have all made sacrifices for the interests of Italy. We cannot let them down."

"Okay, Your Majesty, the Navy will provide a pension."

Admiral Yagier certainly understood what the king meant, so he agreed without hesitation.

After Admiral Yagier left, Carlo picked up the casualty information again. The above are the most capable officers and soldiers in the Navy. If it wasn't for the interests of the kingdom, who would want to do this. Carlo looked at this document. The names on it were all living beings.

I didn't give Carlo much time to feel emotional, only to see a servant rushing to report. "His Excellency Bakona, the Foreign Secretary, has an urgent request to see His Majesty."

Hearing that the Foreign Minister was in a hurry, Carlo hurriedly said. "Invite him in now."

"Your Majesty Bakona, what makes you so anxious."

Seeing the sweaty foreign secretary, Carlo was a little curious.

"Your Majesty, something happened to the Far East. The Empress Dowager of the Far East imprisoned the emperor and killed six officials who supported reform."

"Hundred Days of Restoration" A word immediately popped into Carlo's mind.

That's right, this is the Hundred Days Restoration. Unlike in history, due to the involvement of Italy, the call for reform this time is lower. However, he was still regarded by the young Emperor Guangxu as an aid to seize power. Of course, the result is still the same, the reform still fails, the only difference is that the reform time is no longer 103 days, but only 97 days.

It is understandable that Foreign Secretary Barcona is so impatient. At present, the Qing country in the Far East is Italy's largest overseas market. Every year, Italy imports a large number of special products from Qing country and exports various domestically-made goods, which is very important to Italy's industrialization.

In addition, after the emperor of the Qing Dynasty announced that he wanted to carry out political and economic reforms, the European countries were applauded and cheered.

European countries are not afraid of you industrializing, but they are afraid that you will not industrialize, because this will allow countries to make more profits.

The reason is very simple. Do you need capital if you want to industrialize? What if you are short of money? Banks in various countries can accept any mortgage to provide loan services. With money, do you still need to buy various machines, hire teachers and scholars, and purchase various technologies? The money is borrowed and spent quickly (purely left-handed game).

When the debt is high, the banks of various countries will immediately change their faces and ask you to pay back the money. If you don't have money, I'm sorry. The armed debt collection teams in various countries are skilled in business and guarantee that you will voluntarily sell your children and daughters to pay your debts. If that's not enough, sell yourself.

Therefore, industrialization is a dangerous road, and countless countries have fallen on this road.

And Italy, which occupies the first place in the Qing Dynasty market, is gearing up for this, and wants to share the largest share of the cake in the industrialization of the Qing Dynasty. (The officials, including Rome, also thought the same way, and Carlo could not dispel the good thoughts of officials and businessmen. Could it be that he said that the Emperor Guangxu could not succeed, how did he know?)

Therefore, in the reform of the Qing Dynasty, Italy was even more involved, expressing its willingness to provide support for the Qing Dynasty, whether academically or technically.

Under the leadership of Italy, all countries were afraid of missing the opportunity and expressed their willingness to provide support for the reform of the Qing Dynasty.

Okay, now it's interesting.

The empress dowager directly overturned the table when all countries bet on Qing's reform. I didn't eat this meat, but it caused a whole body of commotion.

How can this not make the Minister of Foreign Affairs feel angry? It's fine before I draw a big cake. After I draw a big cake, I can't say it directly, how can I not make people angry.

"This news is really head-scratching."

What can Carlo say, he directly followed the words of the Foreign Minister.

"Your Majesty, this is not the worst. According to the report of our Jia Liwen company, the empress dowager still wants to abolish the emperor and establish a new emperor. In this case, the situation in the Qing Kingdom will be in turmoil, which is very bad for our country's market in the Far East. It's not good. So I called Jia Liwen directly and ordered him to show our country's attitude, and other countries showed their support for the emperor."

"It's done very well, and I very much approve of your handling of things in the Far East."

What can Carlo say, this has already triggered the practice of boxing into Beijing. In order to avoid being caught by crabs, Carlo directly changed the subject.

Therefore, in the reform of the Qing Dynasty, Italy was even more involved, expressing its willingness to provide support for the Qing Dynasty, whether academically or technically.

Led by Italy, the

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ The country is afraid of losing the opportunity, and they all expressed their willingness to provide support for the reform of the Qing Dynasty.

Well, it's interesting All countries bet on the Qing Dynasty's reform, and the empress dowager directly overturned the table. I didn't eat this meat, but it caused a whole body of commotion.

How can this not make the Minister of Foreign Affairs feel angry? It's fine before I draw a big cake. After I draw a big cake, I can't say it directly, how can I not make people angry.

"This news is really head-scratching."

What can Carlo say, he directly followed the words of the Foreign Minister.

"Your Majesty, this is not the worst. According to the report of our Jia Liwen company, the empress dowager still wants to abolish the emperor and establish a new emperor. In this case, the situation in the Qing Kingdom will be in turmoil, which is very bad for our country's market in the Far East. It's not good. So I called Jia Liwen directly and ordered him to show our country's attitude, and other countries showed their support for the emperor."

"It's done very well, and I very much approve of your handling of things in the Far East."

What can Carlo say, this has already triggered the practice of boxing into Beijing. In order to avoid being caught by crabs, Carlo directly changed the subject.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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