My Italian

Chapter 421: Munich Talks (middle)

The hustle and bustle of the party has disappeared after a night of precipitation, and a new day has come. The three monarchs (the princes) also reunited happily, but there are more important things to talk about.

"Everyone, we are here happily. In addition to discussing friendship, I also want to talk about the cooperation between our three countries."

William II, the host, has always made an opening statement.

Without waiting for William to continue, Carlo agreed. "That's right, William. Our three countries occupy a vast area of ​​central and southern Europe. As long as our three countries are united, we can make a bigger voice in the world. All countries must listen to our opinions carefully. In terms of diplomacy and people's livelihood, we have reached a cooperation that satisfies all three parties."

Hearing what Carlo agreed with, William looked at him and said. "Carlo, do you have a good opinion?"

"Yes, I have a small opinion."

Carlo waved to the waiter who was waiting beside him. "Bring a map of Europe here."

After the attendant brought the map over, Carlo pointed to the spread out map. "For the alliance of our three countries, I believe that both of them can feel the benefits. Both our country and western Germany border France. We Germany and Italy can exert pressure on France on land and sea, and France must consider us at the same time. The navy and army of the two countries will be under great national defense pressure, which will help these Gauls, who may have a fever, stay awake.

To the east of your two countries is the polar bear Russia. Although Russia has been quiet these years, this bear is very restless, especially after the Bank of France helped it sort out its finances. threaten. As for the threatened Russia, we cannot let our guard down, so it is very important to fight the enemy together. "

Having said this, Carlo looked at the Grand Duke Ferdinand. "Ferdinand, we in Italy have no interest in the Balkans anymore. We can't take care of anything other than guaranteeing our territory in the Balkans. So in the Balkans, we should be collaborators, not competitors."

In the face of Carlo's sudden move, Archduke Ferdinand was a little bit wrong. "Carlo, is there a misunderstanding?"

"It's nothing, I just reiterate my country's position in the Balkans. Believe it or not, my country has no time or energy to focus on the Balkans. The problem in the Far East is enough to give my country a headache, and we don't want to distract our limited energy, what will happen Can't do it."

Ferdinand didn't know how to answer Carlo's words, so he had to say it. "Carlo, our country does not regard your country as a competitor."

"Okay, even if this is over, Carlo said this, it is estimated that he has been troubled by many things recently."

The Kaiser, who came out to round the field, comforted Carlo.

"Thanks, I'm much better."

Replying to William II is a tacit approval of the other party's statement. "I said just now that our three countries are highly complementary in terms of diplomacy. Of course, in addition to diplomacy, in fact, military, people's livelihood, intelligence and other aspects are also highly complementary."

Speaking of which, Carlo gave an example. "As far as the navies of our three countries are concerned, in terms of artillery technology, the two Krupp and Skoda are world-renowned artillery factories, but there is a gap in our country. In terms of ship power research, our country It's pretty good in that regard. Of course there are countless situations where these countries each have a part of the advantage."

Speaking of this, Carlo Tu saw the way. "And now, with the development of the times, weapon research and development is becoming more and more expensive, so I think it is no longer enough to devote ourselves to research and development alone. I think that only joint efforts can make us strong, and everyone can come up with their own technology, only by innovating. Let's make progress."

In the face of Carlo's words, Kaiser Wilhelm's eyes were full of light. This is too true. For Germany, which is about to build warships on a large scale, such a combination of technologies is too much to his appetite.

"Carlo is right, we do need to be united."

However, although William II praised this plan, there are still people who have doubts. "However, this kind of joint research also has a problem, that is, what to do if there are differences in the research direction, and how to allocate resources if the research focus is different, and how to share the investment funds among countries."

It was Archduke Ferdinand who said this, and he obviously saw the difficulty in this area as well. Because it involves the amount of money, or their own needs.

"I also know the issues that Archduke Ferdinand has considered. Before that, our country and Germany had a pilot project, and it felt good, so I would like to share it."

Carlo immediately informed him about the joint research and development of technologies that both Germany and Italy could agree on. The results were shared and the funds were shared equally.

"Well, then my problem is gone."

Although Crown Prince Ferdinand has no problems, Carlo still has problems. "I believe everyone can see the benefits of joint research. Here I have a point of view, that is, it is best to talk about differences first, talk more, and if there is really no agreement, then decide to separate research and development."

Carlo's words are alluding to, and it's you, Serena, that's right.

Originally, this joint research was very beneficial to everyone. It was good at the beginning, but after a while, something went In the last year, there are a lot of differences between the two parties. It is some technical research that Germany has a first-mover advantage, which makes the Italian side a little tired.

And Carlo's words made the Emperor's face a little unnatural, and it was obvious that this person was definitely an insider.

"There may be some misunderstanding in this. You also know that in terms of technical research, most of our countries are doing it."

Facing William's feeble defense, Carlo shook his head. "This is simple. If there are several disagreements, they will be kicked out and another one will come in. If the joint research cannot be combined, then it will be separate. This will affect the relationship between the alliances, which is very detrimental to unity."

Well, Carlo's words are clear enough. If you take advantage of it, just kick it out. This kind of business that doesn't think about the big picture, let it go. It's better for this kind of idiot with no vision to go bankrupt.

And Carlo's rare heavy words made William think more. "This issue does need to be taken seriously, and I assure you that our country will try to avoid this situation, and it will not be higher than the initial number."

Well, this guarantee is very sincere, and it depends on who becomes the chicken in the hands of William II.

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