My Italian

Chapter 426: hot purchase

"It was really hard work, Ambassador Dagerty."

In his office, Carlo looked at the U.S. ship purchase contract and said thanks to the Foreign Secretary and Admiral Yagier, the Secretary of the Navy.

This is what Carlo said from the bottom of his heart, because although the United States is very eager to buy warships this time, according to Carlo's idea, it would be good to have 48 million US dollars. Unexpectedly, Ambassador Dagerty actually talked about $52 million, which is a pleasant surprise.

Because the sale of warships is also very important to Italy, it's all money. Otherwise, the newly commissioned Garibaldi would not let the Navy return it to the shipyard on the grounds that some performance did not meet the standard. In addition, the Genoa-class first ship, the Genoa, which was about to be commissioned, also delayed the service time, which made the naval officers and soldiers who were already familiar with the battleship depressed.

Ambassador Dagerty, who was far away in New York, did not know that the outcome of his negotiations would be praised by the king. Of course, this negotiation can achieve such an excellent result, in addition to his unremitting efforts, the eagerness of the Americans is the most important. But it doesn't matter, this credit can't escape.

"This is all for the kingdom, and I believe that Ambassador Dagerty also implements this principle."

As his superior, Bacona was polite to Ambassador Dagerty. This time, Ambassador Dagerty has given him a long face. When there is a suitable opportunity, he can give the ambassador more opportunities to express himself.

"We can't treat such a hero who has worked hard for the country, and we must reward this Ambassador Dagerty well."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing His Majesty talking and laughing with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Admiral Yagier on the side was a little anxious, because he heard a bad rumor, so in order to cut the mess quickly, he decided to take the risk.

"Your Majesty, our navy has also dealt with a lot of this battleship sale. We don't ask for anything else. We only hope that Your Majesty can incorporate the money from the sale of the battleship into the five-year shipbuilding plan."

That's right, the price for the sale of warships is too attractive, higher than the total amount of the five-year shipbuilding plan, and the Navy has been eagerly looking forward to it for a long time. And Admiral Yagier just heard the wind, saying that the government is also working on the idea of ​​this money, so taking advantage of the small number of people, he plans to determine the ownership of the money first.

However, the idea of ​​Admiral Yagier wanting to cut the mess with a quick knife was about to be shattered, and when he finished his words, he saw Bacona refuting.

"Admiral Yagier, although the money was purchased by the United States to buy warships, it cannot be said that it must be used for the Navy. At present, the government's finances are very tight, so we believe that this money is allocated to the Navy to continue to build three Genoa-class and After three Garibaldi classes, the rest of the money is spent on other urgent matters."

Well, as soon as the Foreign Secretary opened his mouth, he wanted to deprive him of the profit from the sale of the warships. So how much money is there in the end, so that the government departments are also jealous of this money.

We know that the cost of the three Genoa-class ships is 76.2 million lire, while the cost of the three Garibaldi classes is as high as 103 million lire. The purchase price of the US ship is 267 million lire (1 US dollar ≈ 5.13 lire), and the profit is 87.8 million lire. This money is not enviable for the government.

As for the Navy, this money accounts for 80% of its total annual expenditure, and this money cannot be taken away by the government.

Seeing that the Foreign Secretary proposed that the government should take over the profit, it was worth it, but Admiral Yagier immediately refuted the other party. "Our navy has been escorting the economic development of the people these years. It has been very hard all these years. It's hard to get a little extra money, and your government will come to grab it."

"Your Excellency, this is not a question of whether to rob or not, but the government is really short of money. You saw the drought last year. The government has a debt of 800 million yuan. This money is very helpful to relieve the government's financial pressure. important."

Bakona also said there are difficulties on the government's side.

"The government is short of money and can find a way to issue government bonds to ease the pressure, instead of trying to find a way from the Navy's side. It is much easier to issue government bonds than to beat our money."

It is also rare for Admiral Yagier to be tough on the side of government officials, and it is difficult to directly compare the money to the issuance of national debt.

"Okay, you two, arguing won't solve the problem."

Seeing that the two ministers were red-necked for the money, Carlo quickly dissuaded them. "As for the use of this money, I don't think the two should argue so much. Since the money is from the sale of warships by the navy, the money should be used for the navy. Moreover, the navy has added fewer warships in recent years, which is not good for our territory. Safe, so the money should go to the Navy."

Although Bacona is still unwilling, this money is really helpful to Italy's finances, but the king has already intervened, so he can only go back and tell his colleagues to stop thinking about this money.

After the ownership of the money was settled, there was nothing left to talk about. The two ministers were also very busy, so they said goodbye.

"Admiral Yagier, wait a minute."

Admiral Yagier, who was stopped by Carlo alone, said after the Foreign Minister left. "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"That's it, I asked you before, how is the research and development of steam turbines doing? You told me that research is underway. It's been almost five years now, haven't you produced results yet?"

It is not a good thing for Carlo to keep Admiral Yagier, because there is no good news for the steam turbine he is thinking about, which makes Carlo a little anxious. The three major elements of the dreadnought, which lack the speed represented by the steam turbine.

That's Carlo already wants the Italian Navy to push the construction of dreadnoughts. The large-caliber naval guns can rely on the neighboring countries of Germany and Austria, because the other party's heavy artillery research is really good, and the three-nation alliance will not fall behind no matter what. As for other aspects, it has already been reflected in the Garibaldi class.

Otherwise, is the strongest outfit tour just a name? This is shown by the actual record. Not to mention that it is more expensive than a battleship, it is impossible to say that it is not the strongest.

"Your Majesty, if you don't say it, I want to tell you that the steam turbine has been successfully developed. According to the report of the power station, the steam turbine has solved most of the problems, and it is expected that a usable steam turbine will be available next year."

Well, Admiral Yagier made Carlo not sure what to say. But since the specific time has been given, he can't say anything more.

"Hopefully we can see steam turbines in normal use next year."

"Definitely, definitely."

After Admiral Yagier walked out of the palace, his back was wet. How could he forget about this steam turbine? He hurried to the Power Research Institute and said that there must be physical objects next year, otherwise the fun will be too big.

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