My Italian

Chapter 434: Naples Refinery

As the largest city in southern Italy and the top three cities in Italy, Naples has always had a very high status.

Especially in these years, with the development of Italian industry, Naples has enjoyed rapid economic growth by taking advantage of this shareholder wind. After all, the Italian government's inclined investment in the south for so many years has prevented the development of several southern cities from being left behind by northern cities.

In particular, Naples has invested in many companies in recent years. Such as the Naples Steel Plant (the third largest steel company in Italy), the Naples Machinery Plant (the only diesel engine production plant in Italy and the only one in the world), the Naples Textile Plant, etc. These factories are large enterprises, and the workers they recruit are measured in thousands. unit.

And now, Naples has added another big company, where the Italian oil company has opened a large refinery that processes 2 million tons of oil a year. That's right, the refineries that can handle 2 million tons of oil today are big corporations. Of course, Naples did not do anything to keep this oil refinery that can drive the economy. For example, Naples opened a special terminal for oil companies to unload and load oil.

The construction of the Naples refinery is also a major event for the Italian oil company. Because Libya was discovered to produce oil, the Italian oil company sent experts, professors and other professionals to carefully conduct a professional investigation on the Harigai area where oil was produced. The conclusion is that the area is Oil has reserves of at least 500 million tons. Of course, Italian oil companies will not ignore the newly discovered large oil fields. In addition to the construction of an oil pipeline from Benghazi to Harigai, they are also expanding oil storage tanks and oil transportation terminals in Benghazi. They also purchase oil at the same time. 100,000-ton oil transport ships. Of course, the refinery in Italy is the top priority.

To this end, the Italian oil company dispatched elite soldiers to ensure the construction of the refinery.

Molina is the former head of the petrochemical department of the Italian oil company. This time he was appointed as the head of the Naples refinery, which is quite cherished to him. Because this alone is the time to show one's own ability, to show one's ability to the head office, and to be promoted to the vice president of a certain part of the oil company in the future, it is not too much to say.

Therefore, after being appointed as the head of the refinery, Molina was even more sleepless, contributing to the construction of the Naples refinery.

"Dover, has the equipment shipped from America arrived?"

Molina stood on the refinery site, looked at the busy construction workers around, and asked his secretary.

"Factory director, according to the delivery time given by Mobil, the second batch of equipment should be arriving soon."

"You make a record of this matter, and you need to follow up at any time."

"Okay, factory manager."

After making some explanations with the secretary, Molina then learned about the progress of the factory construction at the construction site. According to the person in charge of the construction site, the refinery could be delivered to them in two months, and Molina was very satisfied with the progress. .

After instructing him to complete the construction tasks according to quality and quantity, Molina continued with other work. The next step was to inspect the recruitment of employees. Molina left the construction site and drove his beloved Fiat Model A to a temporary recruitment site not far from the construction site.

Even if you don't need to look at Molina, you know that there must be a lot of people at the recruitment site. As a result, when I went to look at it, it was indeed the case, and the number of people was not less than the previous few times.

"Director, why are you here?"

The person in charge of on-site recruitment rushed over immediately after seeing Molina's arrival.

Molina looked at the situation at the recruitment site and asked. "Why can't I come and see?"

Recruiting is the most tricky thing to do, especially when there are more people in Naples and fewer job opportunities. And the salary given by their oil refinery is definitely very popular in Naples. They work six days a week, eight hours a day, and can get 140-180 lire per month. This kind of job opportunity is considered a very good job in the three northern cities. Get Naples that's not about breaking your head. (It must be considered a high salary to put the good work benefits of Beishangshen in inland Wuhan, Chengdu and other places)

And this kind of high-paying job also means that recruiters only need to move a little bit, then there will be a lot of extra income.

Maybe another time, Molina may not care too much about it, because it can be regarded as a reward, but it is definitely not right now. He needs the recruitment department to select excellent talents, which will be beneficial to the work of the oil refinery in the future, instead of being stuffed into his pockets and giving himself some crooked melons and jujubes that go through the back door.

Therefore, visiting the recruitment site also represents his level of attention. Although it is impossible to completely avoid some phenomena, it will at least converge a lot.

"Where and where, it is our honor that you can come to guide our work, Director."

Obviously, the person in charge of recruitment also knew some of the plans of the immediate boss, so he did not dare to flatter.

"Let me take a look."

Under the leadership of the person in charge, Molina watched the recruitment process on the spot, and under his watch, the recruitment scene was orderly, and the candidates and the recruiters got along well, creating a happy scene.

"How many people are still applying for jobs these days?"

During the inspection process, Molina also asked some questions.

"Yes, factory manager, because of our salary and working hours, there are no less than 2,000 applicants every day. At present, we have selected about 3,000 people, and if we choose another 2,000 people, we will be able to complete your job as factory manager. It's our task."

"The selected personnel must meet the conditions I put forward."

Facing Molina's words, the person in charge patted his chest and said. "You can rest assured, factory manager, the personnel we have selected have been checked by me and absolutely meet your requirements. If there is anything wrong with the personnel, you can just come to me directly, factory manager."

If the person in charge of recruitment patted his chest and was willing to take responsibility, Molina felt much more relaxed. Since he dared to say this, it meant that he strictly adhered to the bottom line he gave.

"How can I not trust you, or I won't let you take care of it."

Just as the two were talking, an employee in charge of recruiting rushed over in a hurry.

"Mr. There is a little situation here, and you need to take care of it."

The person in charge of recruitment who didn't stop immediately felt that this person was too naive. Didn't he see that he was accompanying the factory manager on a tour? Why did he call him at this time?

"What's the matter, don't you see I'm busy?"

The employee heard the words of the person in charge, and saw the Molina factory director on the side, and his whole face collapsed.

"There may be a situation that this employee can't handle, so let's go and have a look."

Stump stared fiercely at the ignorant employee and could only say. "Let's not lead the way, let's see what's going on."

The two were led by the hated employee to a rest area, where a person who was obviously not an applicant was sitting and resting.

"Hello, Mr. Stamp, and Director Molina."

The visitor read out the names of the two people at once, which made Molina a little surprised, because he did not have the image of this person in his mind.

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