My Italian

Chapter 446: A research proposal for a portable machine gun

Text Chapter 446 Research Proposal for Portable Machine Guns

Beretta Arms Company, located in Brescia, is a well-known local military enterprise. Over the years, Beretta Weapons Company has produced a lot of weapons, but the most well-known weapon is the Maxim heavy machine gun designed by the chief firearms designer, Baron Maxim.

Although it was only used in Italy at the beginning, as time went by, the prestige of the Maxim heavy machine gun gradually showed in various countries. Of course, this has also brought countless orders for Beretta Arms Company, and with the prestige of this weapon, Beretta Arms Company has also become one of the two largest firearms companies in Italy.

Of course, Beretta Weapons Company is very satisfied with the thriving business, but Beretta people are not just relying on credit and do not want to make progress, but want to develop more new weapons to make Beretta more prosperous.

For this, Pietro Beretta, the new general manager of Beretta Arms Company, is very recognized. So under his leadership, Beretta Arms Company is very enthusiastic about the development of new weapons.

In the Beretta Arms Company office building on Walton Street, Pietro Beretta is constantly busy.

"Kannava, give this document to Director Polick and tell them that I have agreed to their development plan for the new revolver."

"Okay, General Manager."

After handing a document signed with his name to the secretary, Pietro rubbed his face and picked up the phone to answer the channel. "Hey, is it the Administration Department? When will the report I want arrive. Let them hurry up, I'm waiting."

Putting down the phone and continuing to work, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in and put the papers on the table."

Pietro looked up when he finished speaking, only to realize that the person who came was not from the Administration Department, but Baron Baekqin from the company's town store. He hurriedly got up and said. "Uncle Mark Qin, why are you here?"

Mark Qin sat down on the chair, and the loud voice resounded throughout the room. "Can't I come?"

"How can you, uncle, come anytime, I'll welcome you anytime."

How can Pietro provoke this great god, the best heavy machine gun the company currently sells is named after him.

"Uncle, why don't you cultivate at White Manor? The doctor said that your health is not yet healthy."

"I'm still cultivating. If I keep cultivating, I don't know if the company still has my share in developing new weapons."

Hearing Mark Qin's resentful words, Pietro felt remorse in his heart and made a mistake. This was a big mistake. It turned out that they had investigated the opinions of the armies of various countries on the use of the Maxim heavy machine gun, and generally believed that this was a good gun for defensive positions, and the pressure of its defense would be much less.

If there's a fly in the ointment, it's that the machine gun is too heavy to charge with the soldiers. In fact, think about it, the total weight of the Mark Qin heavy machine gun reached 5, 60kg, how could it keep up with the attack speed of the soldiers.

Of course, in view of this, Beretta Arms has developed a machine gun that can keep up with the speed of infantry. At this time, the Ministry of the Army sent a notice that the Italian Army intends to purchase a machine gun that can keep up with the footsteps of soldiers. It requires an empty weight of no more than 12kg and is easy to carry.

The request of the Ministry of the Army made Pietro very happy, so let the designers prepare to start developing this machine gun. At that time, because Mark Qin was in poor health and needed to recuperate, Pietro did not notify the company's chief firearms designer. At present, it seems that this is a huge mistake. If this great **** is dissatisfied, it will be bad.

Although Beretta Arms Company is the oldest weapons manufacturing company in Europe, and their Beretta family has been in charge of running the company, the real controller behind the company is the royal family. Not to mention the relationship between the great **** and the king, and there are many places in the family that rely on the great god.

"Uncle Mark Qin, this is my fault. I didn't think carefully before, and I thought that my uncle needs to cultivate, so this is my mistake."

Pietro's words softened Mark Qin's face a lot. He is not an unreasonable person. He was just angry before that this new type of weapon was developed and the chief designer was not notified. Now the other party has apologized, of course he Also down the stairs.

After seeing that Maxim's attitude eased, Pietro continued. "Uncle, since you are here, can you help me see the plan for this weapon research and development."

Saying that, he took out a draft of the weapon design and handed it to Maxim.

As soon as he took over the draft, Mark Qin looked at it. Here is a sketch of the gun case. It is not the same as the gun box used on the heavy machine gun, although this is also a gas-guided gun box. After all, since he invented the muzzle gas recoil magazine, other designers have made basic modifications here, and of course this magazine is no exception.

"This is designed by Yobany Gul from the Design Department, because we have considered continuing to use the gun case you designed before, but this time the army's requirements are too One of the important requirements for the gun Harsh, so we had to revert to a design with less kinetic energy.”

Regarding the army's request for a new machine gun, how could Maxim not know that the weight requirement of 12kg was stuck, and it is true that the modification plan for Maxim's heavy machine gun could not be adopted.

"It's really difficult to do this. It can only weigh up to 12kg. It's a bit of a test."

"That's not it."

Facing Maxim's words, Pietro said immediately. "The current opinion of the design department is that the Army's requirements can only be air-cooled, and water-cooled does not meet the requirements at all."

"But if the air is cold, it doesn't matter how long. Have you considered this issue?"

Of course, Maxim knew the advantages and disadvantages of water-cooling and air-cooling machine guns, and asked the key questions directly.

You must know that although air cooling can reduce the weight of the machine gun, the continuous firing rate of five or six hundred rounds per minute is destined to be very fast. Otherwise, he was crazy and put a thick cold extraction barrel on the machine gun he designed. Without water cooling, he couldn't keep shooting continuously.

Facing Maxim's question, Pietro answered. "We thought about it before, and we actually discussed a solution to this problem, which is to change the barrel."

"Change the barrel?"

"Yes, this is our preliminary plan at present, and it still depends on whether the design can be perfected. If not, then we can only use a short-term shooting method to improve the firepower output time of the new portable machine gun."

Yes, for Pietro, if there is no good solution, let people adapt to the weapon. After all, this new weapon is so light in weight that it is impossible to achieve the same performance as the Maxim machine gun. It is enough to have half the performance.

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