My Italian

Chapter 461: Undercurrent

Remember [] for a second,!

After the demand for grain reserves was forcibly suppressed by the Prime Minister and the King, government departments began to operate. Of course, the preliminary work required a lot of preparation. After all, a new department needed to be set up to manage the grain reserves.

Moreover, such a large amount of grain reserves also tests the ability of the new department. The first is the choice of venue. According to the actual situation in Italy, the government found that the six to seven large-scale grain reserves it had previously considered might not be suitable. The government has added three medium-sized grain reserves.

Of course, the location of the grain reserve is very important. First of all, it needs to be convenient for transportation, secondly, it needs to be wide, and then it needs to be close to the water source. In addition to the location selection, the grain reserve system also needs to be fully considered. First, the consideration of fire prevention and theft, and the daily inspection, transportation, renovation, etc., all need to be carefully considered. After all, a grain depot is worth at least tens of millions of liras of grain. If this is lost, it will be troublesome.

For this reason, the government certainly does not dare to slack off, and devotes itself to the matter of food reserves. Even Prime Minister Antonio is not busy during this period of time.

The night lights in Rome are brilliant, and the use of electricity in the second industrial revolution has already blossomed everywhere in Italy.

The Prime Minister, who had been busy all day, returned home in his own carriage under the **** of the guards.

The place where Antonio currently lives is at No. 11 Nong Pomerai Street, which is the most famous residence of the powerful in Rome. It is not far from the Prime Minister's Office and the Royal Palace.

"Sir, there is a visitor."

As soon as he got off the carriage, Antonio heard the report from the butler.

"Who is visiting?"

"It's Senator Sarandra."

"How did he get back?"

Of course Antonio knew about this Sarandra Congressman, and he was considered a figure in the council. He interacts with many people and can be ranked fourth or fifth in the parliament. And Antonio has had several relationships with him, let alone deep friendship and familiarity.

The housekeeper, who was familiar with his own adult's temperament, immediately understood what he meant. "The Sarandra Congressman said that there are very important things that must be met with you, so I can only ask him to wait in the living room."

The housekeeper's approach is very safe. After all, he came to visit and claimed to meet on something important, so it is impossible to leave the other party outside the door.

Antonio cheered up, put on a smile, and walked into the living room.

"Member Sarandra, I've kept you waiting."

Seeing the Prime Minister who came in, the Sarandra MP put down the teacup and said. "Your Excellency Prime Minister, I hope you don't mind if I take the liberty to interrupt this time."

"How come, Your Excellency is so eager to see me, there must be something to tell."

After finishing speaking, Antonio picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, while blowing gently, while looking at the visiting Senator Sarandra, his intention was self-evident.

In the face of Prime Minister Antonio's attitude, Senator Sarandra, who was already in trouble, did not hide it, and said directly, "Prime Minister, this time I have a very important news to inform your Excellency."

This was the words of Senator Sarandra, which made Antonio displeased, and he said something to himself, and this kind of deceitful attitude made him dissatisfied. So he picked up the teacup, blew the hot tea, and took a sip. "Oh, you said."

The Prime Minister's performance, the Sarandra MP, was in his eyes, and an anger surged in his heart, but he was pressed down again.

"Prime Minister, I have heard that His Majesty the King has the idea of ​​supporting the right-wing party in the general election. Especially the National Socialist Party, which has developed well in recent years, I heard that there is also a shadow of the royal family behind it."

"Member Sarandra, criticizing the monarch behind his back is not what a qualified parliamentarian should do."

The Prime Minister's disgust for the Sarandra MP was growing at this time. Does this guy know what he is talking about? To criticize the monarch in front of him is to treat him as a fool. And the language of his provocation is too bad, do you really think he is a waste politician who only knows how to fight with parties?

In the face of Antonio's anger, this Sarandra had a stern look on his face. He looked at the Prime Minister calmly, but continued to speak arrogant words.

"Don't be angry, Prime Minister, how can I be criticized, it's just free speech. It's not the Middle Ages, and I can't be put at the stake, but I'm much better than those lawless anarchists."

"If Your Excellency only has these remarks, then I think I have heard almost everything, and Your Excellency can go back."

Obviously, Antonio's efforts to cultivate himself over the years have not arrived at home, and he does not want to continue talking with this arrogant Sarandra Congressman.

"Okay, the Prime Minister seems to be mad at me, so I will leave. But before I leave, I still have to say that this is not a rumor but a fact. Our esteemed Majesty really wants to change Prime Minister. already."

"Okay, Senator Sarandra, thank you for bringing these unpleasant news. I'm very busy, so I won't pay your Excellency."

Fortunately, Antonio maintained a little sanity, and did not even lose the basic etiquette of seeing off passengers. I believe that he will not want to see this Sarandra MP again in the next time.

As for the Sarandra MP, after being driven out of the Prime Minister's house in a dreadful manner, he could only leave in his own carriage.

"How was the talk?"

In the box of the carriage, in addition to the Sarandra Senator who was driven out in a dreadful manner, there was another person sitting opposite him. At this time, Senator Sarandra didn't look a little depressed. Instead, he picked up a precious cigar from Cuba and looked at each other while smoking.

"It's not bad. The Prime Minister listened to my information seriously. According to my observation, he should have heard some. By the way, how are your preparations?"

Facing Sarandra's words, the figure hidden in the shadows spoke. "I'm preparing. I've already contacted a lot of people. It will definitely surprise everyone."

"That's good, if you need anything, you can contact me."

"Don't worry, I will definitely ask for your help." Having said this, the man sighed. "Actually, our majesty is really wise and miraculous, and has obtained a lot of benefits for Italy. If it is not for taking our power, I believe that we can live in peace. Now we can only hope that the power we show will make that majesty back down. Well. Actually, I'm not optimistic about this, what should we do then?"

"Don't ask, you actually know very well."

The conspiracy on the carriage continued, and on the Prime Minister's side, after the Sarandra MP was driven away, Antonio, as usual, went to the study alone after having dinner with his

"My lord, I didn't know that Sarandra Senator would be so rude."

In the study, the butler admitted this mistake.

"I don't blame you. This matter is directed at me. These local powerful figures really look up to me. It's just wishful thinking to want me to take chestnuts for them."

"My lord, I know what to do next, and I won't let it come again."

After the butler left, Antonio showed a thoughtful expression. That's right, from the moment the Sarandra Senator spoke, he knew the identity of the other party. These local power figures are really crazy. In order to protect their power from being taken away, they actually want to negotiate with him.

How is this possible, knowing that he is also the main promoter of the conversion of districts into provinces, and this kind of behavior that can increase the power of Rome, which national political party does not want to see.

These local forces still want to use their power to resist the orders of the central government, don't even think about it.

But for some reason, the words of the annoying Sarandra MP came to his mind again. Does the king really want to replace himself and let the right-wing party govern?

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