My Italian

Chapter 469: the dust settles

In May 1902, a news shook the whole of Italy and even Europe.

The Italian government has just foiled an attempted armed rebellion. The heroic Italian military police arrested 82 people including Count Berwick, Viscount Fiorella, Baron Carboni, and 5 others including Viscount Belle. major political events.

For such explosive news, in addition to the Italian domestic media, foreign media are also scrambling to report. In the face of the influx of media, the Ministry of the Interior produced a lot of evidence, such as seized guns and artillery and other weapons, as well as confessions of criminals. In the face of the evidence presented by the Ministry of the Interior, the domestic media naturally had nothing to say. Of course, they kept praising the courage of the Ministry of the Interior, and in one fell swoop, they wiped out the local nobles who were ready to launch a rebellion.

As for the foreign media, they are not so easy to talk about. Many media claim that this is just the **** of the Italian government, because the local aristocrats are not satisfied with Rome's behavior of taking power.

Well, a lot of guesswork has really caught the truth, but does it work?

For the Kingdom of Italy, as long as the people approve of their own words, it is good for the media of other countries to directly say that the other party is spreading rumors and causing trouble, because the other party cannot produce evidence. Since there is no evidence, it is just a dog barking, just ignore it.

And the arrest of dozens of bigwigs of local forces who resisted Rome's takeover of power has an even greater shock to Italian politics. These officials are quite sensitive to politics. No matter what the charges of the arrested local powerful figures are, just look at the actions of the Roman government to know that whoever dares to resist Rome's power-taking action next will not be better than these big figures.

So after these big men were arrested, the rhythm of Italy's transformation of regions into provinces suddenly accelerated, and the officials who complained before immediately praised the bill, saying that it was the beginning of Italy's prosperity, the correct way to open a game of chess in the whole country, etc. Anyway, anyway The person who complained before was not me. I was a member of the supporters of Rome. Whoever raised my objection to the bill would be anxious.

The huge change in the attitude of officials also shows the strength of the Italian central government. I believe that after this experience, the officials will be more complimented to Rome, and will be more diligent in implementing Roman orders.

Facing the big change in the attitude of the local officials, this made everyone in Rome very comforted, and it was worth spending such a big price.

However, after arresting the big figures who oppose these places, there is still a problem that needs to be solved. This is not only the government's concern, but also Carlo.

"Your Majesty, this is the property we seized from the criminals who conspired to rebel."

Home Secretary Cruz put a detailed list of possessions in front of Carlo.

Now Cruz can be described as complacent. As soon as he took office, he led the Ministry of the Interior to handle such a major case, which cleared the obstacles for Rome to take power. For him and the National Socialist Party, it was a good start.

For the list that Cruz handed over, Carlo took a serious look at it. It listed a lot of assets, including land, factories, plantations, estates, etc., which could be counted as property. Moreover, this list is also very careful, and the prices of each item are also listed at the back, which makes it very neat and standardized at a glance.

Of course, at the end of the list, the asset valuation of 710-830 million liras is also the reason why the government has been reluctant to decide on its own.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what you think about the distribution of these assets."

But it's still coming, and Prime Minister Antonio blew the clarion call for asset allocation.

"Your Majesty, our army's funds have been in short supply these years, and the army's total strength has also dropped again and again. Please also consider our army."

General Simeone, chief of the army's general staff, came out on top with a one-step advantage. At this meeting, the army minister, Marshal Cadorna, was in poor health, so the army only participated in the general Simeone, but even so, Simeone must do his best to seize his share for the army.

Simeone's words, of course, Carlo knows, and he also knows that he has treated the army a little bit in recent years, which has led to a decrease in the size of the army, and its scale is already at the bottom of the European powers. This is a last resort for the Army's new technology research and development and the use of new equipment.

"Your Majesty, our prime ministers and the navy have not invested enough in these years. At present, the number of main naval battleships has dropped to the lowest level in history."

Admiral Yagier, Minister of the Navy, is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. After seeing Carlo's expression a little loose, he quickly added a sentence. Because with his years of experience in capturing military expenditures, His Majesty has a proportional share of the military allocated to them. If the army is too large, then it must be made up from the navy. He can't let such a thing happen.

Besides, what he said is true. The total tonnage of the main battleships currently in service and under construction in the Navy is indeed the lowest in recent years. The reason is very simple, that is, the Navy has just retired the two Durio-class battleships in its hands (the Durio and Dandolo), freeing up more funds to build new ships for replacement.

Of course, the three DURIO improvements will also be out of service within three years (Lepanto, Morosini and Italia). Although these 50,000-ton battleships are all old battleships in the 1980s, and they have not experienced much war, but as the main battleships of the navy, they have also contributed to the Italian Navy.

"Your Majesty, the government is also in great need of capital investment. At present, there is a considerable shortage of funds for public infrastructure construction in our country, and infrastructure investment also needs to be increased. Therefore, Your Majesty, the government's capital is also urgently needed."

The prime minister took the lead, and several other cabinet ministers followed suit.

"Your Majesty, our health department intends to continue to promote primary medical care."

"Your Majesty, our education department intends to increase investment in higher education."

"His Majesty………"

"Okay." These gossips made Carlo feel a little dissatisfied. These guys are really poor and crazy, and they don't care about money when they see it. Well, Italy is not financially rich, it is really poor, but it can’t be so disregarding decency for a small proportion of expenses.

"For the distribution of funds after the sale of these properties, I think the government can take 65%. As for the remaining 35%, the army and the navy should split half."

Carlo directly did not give them the opportunity to continue talking, and directly divided the funds.

And Carlo's words left the government and the military speechless. After all, the king has already been cut, and who would dare to make trouble at this time.

"Prime Minister, what are your plans for these confiscated lands?"

After dividing the confiscated property, Carlo inquired about the land.

Antonio naturally knew what the king was thinking, and he replied immediately. "Your Majesty, for those confiscated land, we give priority to selling it to those tenants. Of course, if it is land that has completed industrial cultivation, it will be sold as an asset first."

The Prime Minister's remarks are also the result of the government's comprehensive Those large farms that have completed industrial farming must be better able to sell at a higher price.

As for the land that has not been converted into a large farm, of course, priority is given to the tenants who have been working on the land.

In the face of the Prime Minister's answer, Carlo nodded to accept the government's arrangement. It's not easy to do anything without money.

This imperial meeting didn't last long, and the Prime Minister and others left after a while. After all, this trip was to discuss the distribution of these confiscated properties. Now that the distribution is over, what else is there for the senior military and political officials to gather together? Discuss together?

After everyone else had left, Carlo glanced at the detailed list of properties in front of him and sighed deeply.

Because the matter was a bit ruthless this time, the nobles had a lot of opinions on this. Although there were charges of treason and armed rebellion, so many nobles had their property confiscated, which also made other nobles feel terrified. It can be said that before this, if the nobles were in awe of the royal family, then only fear is left.

For the centralization of the kingdom and financial problems, Carlo is digging his own corner to make up for the big tree in Italy.

For Italy, Carlo can be regarded as paying all his heart and soul.

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