My Italian

Chapter 477: 10-Year Shipbuilding Plan (Part 1)

Remember [New] for a second,! In the second half of 1903, the navies of various European countries received news that Italy secretly built an epoch-making warship with four double-mounted main guns of 300 mm or more. In addition, it ran fast, with at least 21 knot speed. And its displacement is not small, it is estimated that there is a standard displacement of 18,000-20,000 tons. The above is the information collected by the navies of various countries.

The new battleships that Italy has been struggling with for so long are still known to the navies of various countries. But this is also normal. You must know that the Adriatic Sea is a very busy sea area. In addition to Italy, the Austro-Hungarian maritime trade route also needs to pass through here. Therefore, after the Intrepid sea trial, it is impossible not to be seen, and since someone saw it, how could it be kept secret, so the news is completely normal.

Of course, the navies of various countries have different attitudes towards this news from Italy. Some are dismissive, some have heard the big change, and some are eager to inquire. But in any case, all countries still need to think carefully about the emergence of a distinctive new battleship in Italy.

After all, although the total tonnage of the Italian navy is not outstanding, the quality of the warships is not bad. Especially in the past two decades, the warships built by Italy can be regarded as leading the trend of naval shipbuilding.

Of course, no matter what other countries think, this is a good time for the Italian Navy.

In Rome, the discussion of the epoch-making warship is not over.

"At present, the test results of the Intrepid are still continuing, but from the results of the current tests, this battleship designed by Viscount Cuniberti is very good, and it is much stronger than the latest Genoa-class battleship in my country. Comprehensive comparison If the Dreadnought is at least 90% higher in combat effectiveness. Of course, the cost of the Dreadnought is also 85% higher than that of the Genoa class, but the appearance of the Dreadnought in general indicates that the battleship that is not built according to its model is already behind the times. "

In the conference hall, a naval officer explained the epoch-making nature of the battleship Dreadnought to everyone present. And the people present listening to his speech are at least cabinet ministers, not to mention that the respected king is listening to his explanation right in front of him. In addition, he also knew that this meeting was related to the future of the Navy, so even an officer who spoke calmly in the Navy felt a little wet on his back.

"Isn't that the three new Genoa-class warships in the Navy's service, it's out of date?"

At this time, a minister opened his mouth and pointed out a problem in the mouth of the officer.

The minister who spoke did not need to look at the people present, and this was His Excellency Teyera, Minister of Finance. Anyone familiar with the chancellor knows that the chancellor of the exchequer is very sensitive when it comes to extra spending.

"Yes, at least on the main battleships, the three Genoa-class ships that our country has just served are outdated, but the same is true for the battleships of other countries. It can be said that this battleship will pull the navies of all countries to the same starting line."

Facing the words of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the naval officer answered truthfully. However, he also used a clever trick to pull in other countries, which is much better than the Italian Navy.

"At present, my country's navy has a very heavy task. In addition to ensuring my country's interests in the Mediterranean, the interests of East Africa, Southeast Asia and even East Asia also need the presence of a navy."

For this sentence, no one has any doubts, because Italy does have very important overseas interests in addition to the Mediterranean.

The circular trade line of mainland China, Borneo and East Africa alone brings hundreds of millions of liras of revenue to the Italian government every year. Under this circumstance, it is indeed very hard for the navy to fight against pirates and demonstrate the strength of Italy to maintain the trade line. Not to mention safeguarding the interests of the Mediterranean, the navy is the first choice of the Kingdom of Italy.

At present, Britain and France, which are the main threats to Italy, are not weak in the Mediterranean Navy. The French Navy has 69 combat warships in the Mediterranean Sea, with a total tonnage of 190,000 tons. The British Empire is less, with 47 warships with a gross tonnage of 160,000 tons. As for Italy, it has 91 warships with a gross tonnage of 270,000 tons.

Does it seem that Italy is a grade higher than English and French?

Don't think too much, because 90% of Italy's naval warships are in the Mediterranean, and Britain and France have other waters besides the Mediterranean. If nothing else, France has far more warships and gross tonnage on the side facing the Atlantic than the Mediterranean. As for the British Empire, let alone.

It can be said that it seems that the Italian Navy is the best in the Mediterranean Sea, but in fact the Italian Navy is at a disadvantage in the Mediterranean Sea.

The ability to compete with the French Navy is also due to the security needs it faces on both sides of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, otherwise the Italian Navy would be under even greater pressure.

Of course, the important ministers and even the monarchs who were present knew that the navy was not easy. After all, there was no terrain at sea to rely on. Unlike land, although it borders France, the tall Alps allow the two countries to have only a limited number of roads that can be used for military purposes. As long as these key roads are guarded, they can make each other sigh. Therefore, the construction of the navy is necessary. After all, the Italian coastline is too long. In addition to the British Empire, it belongs to the Italian coastline, so the Italian coastal defense pressure is not small.

If it wasn't for the fact that the important ministers at the scene knew this, how could they have agreed to the king's plan to expand the navy. You must know that Italy's finances are not Supporting the expansion of the navy is also money out of the teeth.

"So how large is the new fleet going to be built by the Navy?" It was His Excellency the Chancellor of the Exchequer who asked again.

Faced with the question from the Minister of Finance, before the officer could speak, the Minister of the Navy immediately took over and said. "According to our navy's analysis of the future situation, our navy will need at least 15 new-style battleships, 6 new-style battlecruisers, 26 new-style cruisers, 80 new-style destroyers, and 60 other special auxiliary vessels within ten years."

Upon hearing the words of Admiral Yagier, Prime Minister Antonio immediately frowned. "Battlecruiser, what kind of ship is this?"

No wonder the Prime Minister asked this question. Although the government does not know much about the navy, it still knows the basic types of warships. I have never heard of this battlecruiser.

In the face of the Prime Minister's inquiry, the naval officer who introduced him quickly took over. "This is a new battleship designed by Viscount Kunibetti, the chief designer of our naval ships. It has the firepower of a battleship, the speed of a cruiser, and is mainly responsible for cruising against the opponent, as well as other warships. In addition, in the decisive battle, it can pass the high speed. Forcibly reconnaissance, if necessary in wartime, it can also act as a battleship in the battle line, retreat is a cover mission, and it is responsible for chasing and entangling the opponent when chasing. For example, in the Middle Ages, some of the heavy cavalry and light cavalry were combined. Features, better troops."

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