My Italian

Chapter 599: Great Britain enters the war

After Germany, Italy, Austria and France and Russia declared war on each other, Britain, another giant of the Allied Powers, became a bit unusual at this time.

Within a week, Britain had sacked six ministerial-level officials. The reason for the UK to go to war and remove officials is because there is a pro-German faction in the UK. This faction believes that Britain should be friendly with Germany and avoid pulling Britain into the war.

However, when most ministers agreed to participate in the war, the faction was abandoned, and the ministers with a pro-German attitude were all purged from the government.

At this time, the United Kingdom had just completed domestic integration and was preparing to join the war.

At this time, Germany sent an excellent reason, which made the British government feel like a treasure.

That is, in order to implement the Schlieffen Plan, Germany submitted a request to Belgium to allow German troops to transit the day after it declared war on France.

Since France and Belgium have a very good relationship, there are no fortifications on the border between the two countries, and there are very few troops on the border between the two sides.

As for the German-French border, France has begun to build fortifications since its failure in the Franco-Prussian War. They built a series of forts around four cities along the 150-mile Franco-German border. From the Alps, the impenetrable barrier of Switzerland, to the southeast, solid concrete bastions stretch out from Belfort, Urbinal, Tours and Verdun.

A wide gap between Urbinal and Tur was contrived as a huge trap for the enemy to enter, which was then wiped out with crossfire from well-covered concrete box bunkers. About 20 miles north of Verdun are Luxembourg, Belgium and the rugged Ardennes forest.

Compare the undefended French border with the heavily fortified German-French border. You don’t have to think about breaking through there.

For Schlieffen, who formulated Germany's war against France and Russia at the time, this was simply the perfect breakthrough. As long as the German army passes through Belgium, it will take so long to suddenly appear in northern France, and it is absolutely impossible for the French army, which is pinned down on the German-French border, to react. Next, as long as the German army follows his plan and implements the revolving door-like combat plan, France will be wiped out near the German-French border.

So for Germany, passing through Belgium is an inevitable choice.

That being the case, then time is fast. In order not to give France time to respond, it submitted a request to Belgium to allow the German army to transit the border the next day.

Faced with German demands, the shorter-lived Kingdom of Belgium, led by King Albert I, rejected the German demands, saying the German demands undermined Belgium's neutral status.

In addition, he also informed Britain and France of the news, and after receiving the news, Britain immediately issued a warning to Germany, saying that if Germany violated Belgium's neutral status, then Britain would declare war on Germany.

At this time, for the German army that was implementing the Schlieffen plan, it was impossible for them to stop. If it is because of fear of British warnings, it will bring chaos to the German army.

Therefore, even if Britain threatened to declare war, the Germans could not stop. Besides, the Triple Alliance is not much worse than the Triple Entente, so there is no fear of the British threat at all. And as early as when Marshal Schlieffen formulated the plan, he had prepared for the uncertain British in advance.

According to his calculation, in carrying out the plan, Britain might send 100,000 troops to help France.

It can be seen that Schlieffen is worthy of being a great military strategist, and the plan he formulated has taken all factors into consideration.

As for the Kingdom of Belgium's rejection of Germany's request for military access, it also has its confidence, and that is the Fortress of Liege. Liege is located in the narrow gap between the territory of the Netherlands and the forest of Aden, guarding the railway transportation hub in Belgium. Unless the German army borrowed from the Netherlands, it had to pass through the Liege Fortress before going south to France.

The Liege Fortress was built on a steep **** on the west bank of the Meuse River, 100 meters higher than the river bank, and the Meuse River just became a natural moat. There are 12 forts within 30 kilometers along the river bank. Each fort is 6 kilometers away from Liege, and the distance between the forts is also 6 kilometers. Of the 12 forts, 6 face the direction of Germany on the east bank, and 6 It is located on the west bank to protect the rear of Liege, radiating around the city of Liege, and forming a circular firepower network across the Meuse River.

Each fort is integrally cast from reinforced concrete, most of which are built underground, with only the triangular top exposed.

All the weapons and personnel of the fort are hidden underground, with a total of 400 cannons and a large number of light and heavy machine guns.

On average, each turret has 8 120mm fortress guns and 8 210mm howitzers. All turrets are protected by steel armor, can be rotated at a 360-degree angle, and can also be automatically raised and lowered. The fort is also equipped with searchlights for night-time instruction and shooting, which can be raised and lowered like the turret. There are also rapid-fire guns and machine guns to block the wilderness around the fort and nearby blind spots. Under the fort, there are passages extending in all directions and various basements, storing a large amount of food, drinking water, ammunition, medical supplies and power supply facilities.

There are also deep protective trenches dug around each fort, and there are a large number of barbed wire and obstacles outside the trenches. The Belgian army guarding each fort is generally 2 artillery companies and 1 infantry company, with a total of 400 people. There are also mobile infantry companies defending in the wilderness between the forts, with a total force of 25,000. The entire Liege defense The system is considered the strongest fortress in Europe.

One more thing, many of the cannons used in the Liege Fortress came from Krupp.

Although the Belgians used the Liege Fortress in their hands as a barrier to block the attack of the German army.

But still the same sentence, the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it.

So after Belgium rejected Germany's request, Germany submitted a declaration of war to Belgium that night.

In the face of Germany's declaration of war on Belgium, the British did exactly what they wanted. Early the next morning, London declared war on Germany on the grounds that Germany had violated the "Treaty of London" signed by various countries in 1839.

In the face of the British declaration of war, the Germans also declared war on them. Although William II still had a certain favor for Britain, the German people were generally dissatisfied with Britain, especially the German business community. These people raised their hands in favor of declaring war on Britain because the other party refused their own goods to enter their colonial market.

Now that Germany has declared war, Italy and Austria, as allies, are no exception, and they also declared war on Britain two days later.

The British Empire also declared war on Italy and Austria. So far, the two camps of the Alliance and the Entente officially opened the curtain of the European War.

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