My Italian

Chapter 651: Submarine Warfare (Part 1)

How could the Italian government not know about the British resentment towards Italian East Africa. Not only do they know, but they also know what makes the British so resentful. It is the Italian Indian Ocean Fleet stationed in East Africa, and more precisely, the submarine formation in the Italian Indian Ocean Fleet.

If you want to say which fleet currently has the most submarines, the Indian Ocean Fleet that is not stationed in East Africa is none other than the Indian Ocean Fleet.

You must know that the Italian Navy currently has a total of 39 submarines, 24 of which are in the Indian Ocean Fleet. Among the 39 submarines, there are three submarines whose early construction performance is backward and can only be used for teaching, there are seven offshore submarines, and two are in service after the war. Look, it's not the Navy that basically puts its submarines in the Indian Ocean.

To be fair, it makes perfect sense for the Italian Navy to place submarines in the Indian Ocean. Mediterranean Italy has advantages on surface ships, coupled with the factors of the Suez Canal, so the most urgent need for submarines is the Indian Ocean, because of the location of East Africa, the interception effect on the Indian Ocean is excellent, but because surface ships do not have an advantage , so submarines capable of underwater navigation have become the preferred choice.

The Italian submarine has a very good performance due to the large investment. Take the C-5, which is currently the most equipped in the Italian Navy, as an example. The boat has a total length of 71.55 meters, a width of 7.6 meters, a water displacement of 1,230 tons, and an underwater displacement of 1,510 tons. Equipped with a 76mm deck gun, 4 torpedo tubes (three in the front and one in the rear) and 16 torpedoes.

The maximum diving depth is 65 meters, equipped with two 400-horsepower diesel engines, the maximum speed on the water is 14 knots, and the maximum underwater speed is 5 knots. The maximum endurance is 7500 nautical miles/10 knots, and the staffing is 27 people.

As for the newly developed C-6 submarine, it is even better. The total length is 81.4 meters, the width is 8.1 meters, the water displacement is 1590 tons, and the underwater displacement is 1910 tons. Equipped with a 76mm deck gun, 5 torpedo tubes (three in the front and two in the rear) and 22 torpedoes.

The maximum diving depth is 55 meters, equipped with two 500-horsepower diesel engines, the maximum speed on the water is 14.5 knots, and the maximum underwater speed is 6 knots. The maximum endurance is 8000 nautical miles/10 knots, and the staffing is 29 people.

The Italian Navy is not only excellent in submarines, but also unique in the use of submarines.

When countries are still using submarines as auxiliary warships and the combat targets are enemy warships, the Italian Navy has developed a new tactic for submarines, which is specifically aimed at the enemy's maritime supply transportation line. This tactic is named Sea Wolf Tactics. As can be seen from the name, it is obvious that someone with later memories has intervened in it.

The East African Fleet also had its own countermeasures against the build-up of British and French troops in Sudan and British East Africa. During this period of time, its submarine formation frantically attacked the transport ship.

On the blue sea and the clear sky, the officers and soldiers on the C-27 submarine, who had just experienced the storm, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the submarine can travel underwater, it only lasts two or three hours before it must surface. The reason is simple, the submarine also needs to take a breath, otherwise the officers and soldiers inside will suffocate.

And the submarine of more than 1,000 tons, although short, is still so helpless in the face of strong winds.

Of course, the officers and soldiers in the submarine were also uncomfortable. The constant shaking made people very uncomfortable, and some people almost vomited bitter bile.

The wind and rain finally subsided, and the captain of C-27 gave a rare rest time in consideration of everyone's hard work. So in Squad A of No. C-27, the submarine officers and soldiers lying in rows enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation wearing only their underpants.

Some people are not satisfied with lying down and sunbathing. They take out a treasured wine and take a sip. It feels so comfortable. Of course, it is definitely impossible to drink wine alone. After sharing it with comrades, there is only half a bottle left when I come back. This caused cursing again, and the comrades-in-arms burst into laughter.

However, some people chatted while enjoying the sun.

"You said how lucky we would be if we had the U-9. The three 12,000-ton cruisers were sunk in less than an hour."

"Defoe, stop daydreaming, I know you want to be a hero like Captain Weidigan. But you only see the success of U-9, and you don't see too many accidental factors in it. Even if you repeat it now Come on, U-9 can't reach that height anymore. Look at the effect of German submarines attacking warships now, is the failure rate extremely high?"

This young man named Defoe joined the submarine force before the war broke out. He was good in other aspects, but he had serious dreams of heroism.

The rest of the crew on C-27 reminded this good student that heroism is not a thing in the army, especially in the navy that needs more cooperation. As for the failure of the submarine attack, the high probability means that it has sunk or been captured.

Although educated by other crew members, Defoe is also a very persistent person, and he does not intend to change his concept.

Just like this time, Defoe ignored the other party's words and continued. "Even if we don't target warships, why can't we ask to go to the 1st Submarine Squadron. I heard that they achieved good results in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. And I heard that a large part of the ships they sunk They are all military supplies, personnel and other ships. If we can be in the first brigade, then we can better fight against the British."

No one refuted what Defoe said this time, because basically everyone present thought so.

It needs to be explained here that the submarine formation is now divided into two brigades, of which the first brigade is responsible for ships passing through the Suez Canal mainly in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. After the present Italian occupation of Malta, the maritime transport routes into Western Europe via the Mediterranean Sea were cut off to the north.

However, in view of the importance of the Suez Canal and the threat of Italian East Africa to the British and French colonies, there are also many Allied ships transporting military supplies and soldiers through the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Coupled with the narrow waters of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, this also led to even though Britain and France deployed many warships here, they still failed to stop the hunting of the first brigade.

As for their second brigade, it is in charge of the Indian Ocean region.

At present, the shipping route from India to Europe needs to go around the Cape of Good Hope. As the most dangerous East African waters, the transport ships departing from India would not go there at all, but went directly all the way south to the Maldives Islands, then crossed the Central Indian Ocean to the Mauritius Islands, and then went to the Cape of Good Hope off the coast of Madagascar.

And the 12 submarines of the second brigade are in charge of such a large area, which is too difficult, and the results are naturally much less than those of the first brigade.

The sudden quiet atmosphere made Captain Claudio, who was sitting by the side looking at his wife's photo, rush to the scene immediately.

He walked over and patted Defoe on the shoulder. "Defoe, if everyone goes to the Red Sea, Lieutenant Colonel Varela (Commander of the Second Battalion) will get his **** kicked by Lieutenant General Hilma. You don't want to see Lieutenant Colonel get kicked."

Captain Claudio's words made the atmosphere alive again. For the captain of their submarine brigade, everyone admired Lieutenant Colonel Varela.

So the uniform voice course not. "

At this time, a soldier said funny. "Sorry, I want to say that I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'll tell the lieutenant colonel that you're screwed."

"Don't worry, we will prevent him from filing a complaint, because we all have to go together."

Just as everyone was joking with each other, someone suddenly stood up and pointed to the distance.

"Pay attention to the northwest, is there a smoke column?"

This sentence immediately made the resting crew members stand up and look around, and Captain Claudio picked up a pair of binoculars to observe carefully.

"There is indeed a smoke column still moving in the northwest. There are still a lot of ships. Let's go and have a look."

Following Captain Claudio's words, C-27 immediately became busy, and soon the submarine slowly disappeared on the sea.

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