My Italian

Chapter 660: Bulgaria's accession preparations

Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. As a major player in several Balkan wars, the Bulgarians have fully defended the title of Balkan Prussia.

Of course, this also allowed Bulgaria to acquire a large number of land and population, and also made it stand out among the Balkan countries and become a powerful country in the region.

However, the development and growth of Bulgaria is not a good thing for its neighbors, because the mixed ethnicities of the Balkan countries can easily lead to territorial disputes.

So after the Second Balkan War, Greece joined forces with Serbia and Romania to wage war against Bulgaria (known in history as the Third Balkan War). As a result of the war, Bulgaria lost a lot. Not only did it lose the territory acquired in the Second Balkan War, but it also lost most of the territory in the First Balkan War (Italian-Turkish War).

After the Third Balkan War, the voice of revenge in Bulgaria has never subsided. However, in view of Bulgaria's severely weakened strength, there is no way to regain the lost territory from the three countries. Therefore, domestic nationalism in Bulgaria turned its guns and blamed the government.

Therefore, the domestic political situation in Bulgaria has been very turbulent in recent years, and the anger from nationalism has made the Bulgarian authorities feel like they are on fire. In the past few years, Bulgaria has had four prime ministers. One of the prime ministers, Igniovsky, was also assassinated because he called on the people to remain calm and needed to re-accumulate strength.

It can be seen that the Bulgarian nationalists have reached all kinds of crazy levels, which can show the negative side of nationalism. The cries of revenge in Bulgaria made the other three countries always maintain a high degree of vigilance against it, ready to join forces again and beat Bulgaria again at any time.

It can be said that if it were not for the outbreak of the war, if Bulgaria was not self-destructed, it might be beaten again by the Three Kingdoms, which is extremely dangerous.

As for why the Bulgarian people are so violent?

The reason is simple. In the original history, Bulgaria did not occupy much of the Macedonian region, and it was more reflected in the agreement. Things that have never been obtained, although missed, will not make people overwhelmed.

And now Bulgaria, which has occupied most of Macedonia for nearly two decades, is suddenly divided between Serbia and Greece. In the eyes of the Bulgarian people, this is already a cession of land for compensation, and a piece of land as large as Bulgaria was cut off, and three-tenths of the Bulgarian people were cut off. It is not normal if there is no overreaction.

This is also the main reason for the political turmoil in Bulgaria in recent years.

After the war broke out, both the government and the people of Bulgaria were already eager to try. They haven't forgotten that Serbia has taken away the most territory from Bulgaria. If it weren't for the current defeat, they would have wanted to teach this shameless person a lesson.

However, it has been delayed until now and has not participated in the war. The main reason is that the conditions have not been negotiated, because Austria-Hungary did not agree to Bulgaria's request.

Again, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which dominated the Serbian War, was unwilling to offer too many benefits to win over Bulgaria. This is actually typical high-sightedness and low-handedness.

If you want to say who has the deepest experience in two-front warfare, it is not Germany as everyone thinks, but Austria-Hungary.

In the two Serbian campaigns launched by Vienna, on the one hand, the Serbs resisted bravely, and on the other hand, it was Russia's help, which was actually mainly Russia's help.

In the first Serbian campaign, the main reason for the failure of Austria-Hungary was the disastrous defeat in the Galician campaign, which forced Vienna to withdraw the troops attacking Serbia and invest in the defense of Russia.

As for the second Serbian campaign, the same was true. After the Austro-Hungarian army entered Serbia, Russia launched the siege of Przemyšl. The Przemysl Fortress is the fortress of Austria-Hungary in the Carpathian Mountains. If it is lost here, the Russians will attack the hinterland of Austria-Hungary, so the fortress cannot be lost anyway. Therefore, Austria-Hungary immediately withdrew from Serbia and assembled its forces to try to break out of the siege.

Unfortunately, the Austro-Hungarian army was once again defeated by the Russians, and the fortress was still under siege.

Don't mention the third time, it ended without a problem in the Russian offensive.

The successive failures woke up the top leaders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, coupled with Italy's dissuasion, the Austro-Hungarian Empire finally realized the fact that it was very difficult to capture Serbia on its own and Italy, which did not work hard.

Therefore, after receiving instructions from Vienna, the Austro-Hungarian ambassador Bateman went to visit Prime Minister Radoslavov together with the Italian ambassador.

After a brief greeting, the Austro-Hungarian ambassador Bateman was ready to offer Austria-Hungary's conditions.

"Your Excellency, Bulgaria can get everything it wants only by joining our camp. Considering your country's situation, our country is willing to return the land he took from your country to you after liberating the Kingdom of Serbia. In addition, our country is also willing to Your country provides 50 million kroner in economic aid and 30 million kroner in weapons and equipment."

After the Austro-Hungarian ambassador finished speaking, Toledo, who is the Italian ambassador, then spoke. "Prime Minister Radoslavov, the friendship between your country and our country has lasted for a long time, and now our country is very willing to see your country join our camp. If your country joins, our country is also willing to provide 60 million lire of economic assistance, and 40 million lire Arms aid."

Hearing the conditions given by the two ambassadors, Prime Minister Radoslavov was very happy. With these funds and arms, at least the government can breathe a sigh of relief, and two more divisions can be formed. But although he was happy, the expression of the Bulgarian Prime Minister showed a very embarrassed look.

"I'm very sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am very willing to join your camp. But you two also know that such an important decision needs to be discussed by His Majesty the King with all the cabinet ministers, so I would like to invite you two How about waiting a while?"

The Prime Minister Radoslavov's words, how can the two ambassadors not know that the other party's words are prevarication. If it weren't for your king's intention to come over, there would be no time for your pro-German, Italian and Austrian prime minister to come to power.

At this time, Ambassador Bateman asked, "There is always a time limit, so please tell us how long we need to wait?"

Obviously, this is to inform Bulgaria that Italy and Austria need Bulgaria to give generously directly, and there may be no more benefits for continuing to delay.

"Well, how about a month's time, considering that you have to convene the ministers to attend the meeting, and discuss and resolve differences and other issues?"

How can it be possible to hold a meeting to discuss issues for a month? The Bulgarian Prime Minister seems to have committed an old problem.

At this moment, Ambassador Bateman spoke. "Our country believes that ten days is enough to negotiate a result."

"Our country also thinks so." At this time, Ambassador Toledo also expressed his attitude of advancing and retreating with the Austro-Hungarian ambassador.

Seeing the serious attitude of the Italian and Austrian ambassadors, Prime Minister Radoslavov felt the pressure. It seems that trying to use time to get more benefits is no longer possible.

"Don't worry, the two ambassadors, I will definitely give you an answer in ten days."

After sending the two away, the prime minister called for his secretary. "Get the car ready, I'm going to meet the king."

Soon, the prime minister came to the palace.

"Your Majesty, just now the ambassadors of Italy and Austria came to visit me..."

Radoslavov reported to King Ferdinand I the conditions given by the two ambassadors and the alliance camp's unwillingness to wait.

And the king listened attentively to the prime minister's report, and asked a few questions from time to time.

After the prime minister finished his report, King Ferdinand spoke. "It's not difficult to understand. Britain and France are attacking Paris, while Russia is also launching an attack on the Eastern Front. The alliance camp is under pressure, and one more ally is needed to share part of the pressure."

"So you found us?"

Ferdinand I nodded in response to the Prime Minister's flattery. "It should be like this, then we are valuable allies. If this is the case, then talk to them. You can try to ask whether the Nis region can be handed over to us. In addition, you can talk about more assistance. Whether it is funds or arms, we will need."

"I'm afraid that Italy and Austria will not agree to this condition?"

Hearing the conditions offered by the Minister Radoslavov, I feel that the conditions are difficult to negotiate.

Facing the Prime Minister's words, King Ferdinand did not think that the talks would be impossible. "Then tell them that we, Bulgaria, are willing to send an army to help them fight. As long as we don't send us to the Eastern Front, we can send up to 150,000 people."

Obviously, the Bulgarian king intends to use the army as a bargaining chip so that Bulgaria can gain more benefits. The performance of the three countries of Germany, Italy and Austria on the battlefield made the king think that this war would end with the victory of the alliance camp. Looking at the performance of Britain and France in Paris, they lost more than 80,000 people a day. This kind of performance makes it hard to believe that the Entente camp can win.

And Radoslavov's eyes lit up when he heard the king say how to increase the chips. "Your Majesty, this idea is really brilliant. I believe that even if we don't want to confront Russia, we will definitely need troops on the Western Front and North Africa."

At this time, the Bulgarian prime minister was full of confidence and vowed to fight for more interests for Bulgaria.

(end of this chapter)

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