My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 245 An Asteroid About to Hit the Moon

"Red Lotus, download all the information about the controllable nuclear fusion reactor from the confidential database."

"Okay, master, it is downloading, and it is expected to be completed in an hour and a half."

"After the data and design drawings are downloaded, optimize the design drawings, use our materials, and then conduct simulation tests."

After Tang Rui finished speaking to Honglian, he went back to sleep.

Originally, he wanted to study the theory of the electric propulsion engine.

Now it seems.

There is no need for research.

What is missing right now is not theory, but energy.

Tang Rui went back to sleep.

According to his instructions, Honglian downloaded the data, optimized the design, and performed simulations.

After returning home, Tang Rui dragged Li Shuyao to exercise for half an hour before falling asleep together.

Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Tang Rui was going to visit the company to deal with some matters.

When he got out of the mountain base, he saw large trailers parked on the large square in front of the company's office building.

Lin Chao and James were standing next to the trailer.

"Boss Tang."

"Mr. Tang, hello."

Tang Rui nodded to the two, then looked at James and said, "You guys move very fast."

"Of course, there is no problem at Yingjiang's that money can't solve, and these are the first batches, which we bought directly from the zoo and the animal research department.

There are still a few batches left, purchased from all over the world, guaranteed to be treasures. "James said confidently.

For the cubs of these exotic animals, they spent a lot of money, some of which were rare species, and even obtained clues from animal protection organizations, and then captured them by themselves.

"Yes, very efficient."

The animals can be transported over in one night, which is really impressive efficiency.

I have to wait two days to buy things online.

James and the others are halfway across the world, so they can transport things here, and the speed is nothing to say.

Tang Rui looked at the cage unloaded from the trailer, and there were two white deer in it.

It's definitely not dyed.

That is.

These two deer are a variant of albinism.

very beautiful.

Like the alien monster in the novel, it is quite novel.

"Mr. Tang likes it, but most of these animals are cubs and need a lot of staff to take care of them. I have brought relevant breeding materials and recipes."

"Well, this is also a troublesome thing." After listening to Tang Rui, he realized that there were not enough people on his side.

There are simply not that many professionals.

Just relying on the few people in the giant panda base, even if they are exhausted, they can't take care of so many different kinds of animals.

"Brother Lin, help me get in touch and arrange some professionals." Tang Rui looked at Lin Chao and said.

Lin Chao rolled his eyes.

If Tang Rui remembered, half of these animals might have died, so there was no time to make arrangements now.

"It was already arranged yesterday, and the higher authorities decided to build a breeding base for rare and protected animals here."

After Lin Chao reported yesterday, the matter has been arranged.

How much did James and the others pay to get the ticket for carbon-based semiconductors.

Compared with that price, helping Tang Rui collect some precious and protected animals is nothing at all.

So last night.

James submitted the list of animals to be sent. After all, they have to go through customs, and it is impossible for you to send everything in.

In this list of animals, many are world-class endangered animals, and some even have only one group left.

But even so, the entire alliance behind James took action and sent the only single Miao Miao group to Tang Rui.

With these endangered animals.

There was no need for the higher-ups to spend any thought, those experts in the field of animal research came to help with a group of students.

Tang Rui looked at the animals for a while, then walked into the office building.

It's still a little less contact now.

Wait for the professionals to come and make sure there is no problem before he goes to play, but forget it for now.

It's not that they are afraid of microorganisms and parasites on them.

It's because I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I'll play these things to death.

come back to the office.

After Tang Rui signed the two documents on the table, he asked Honglian to notify Feng Yuanxing to come over.

"Master, Feng Yuanxing followed Gao Yang on board the space shuttle to the moon this morning."

Guren immediately replied.

"Going to the moon? What is he doing on the moon?" Tang Rui was speechless after hearing this. What are you doing on the moon as an aircraft designer?

"According to Feng Yuanxing's report, he said that he needs to personally experience the situation of the space shuttle in order to better optimize the internal design."


For good reason.

But to put it bluntly, I still don’t want to go to the moon.

When the large spacecraft is built next year, we can consider organizing a company-wide landing on the moon to go around the moon.

Think of it as a company benefit.

"Honglian, broadcast the live broadcast on the moon side." Tang Rui said to Honglian.

In the past few days, our people have landed on the moon, and he hasn't watched the live broadcast yet.

So he was also a little curious.

What are our people doing on the moon?


The live broadcast of the moon appeared in front of his eyes.

"Our independently developed outer space drilling technology can sample and analyze deep soil, but the environment of the moon is different from that of the earth..."

When I turned on the live broadcast, I saw He Yun explaining to the camera.

by her side.

Two researchers are assembling the lunar drilling equipment, and Feng Yuanxing is also helping.

Borehole sampling?

This is not superfluous.

His geological detection equipment is much more advanced than this thing, why do he do this?

Tang Rui thought for a while, and suddenly understood.

This is so deceitful again.

"Honglian, who else is active on the moon?" Tang Rui asked.

"Master, on the back of the moon, there is still a team of people building a temporary base."

"What are they building a base there for?"

"I don't know, do you want to invade the internal network?"


Tang Rui shook his head, this is unnecessary.

There is no need to invade your own internal network.

He picked up the confidential phone, called the aerospace command center, and directly asked what the base on the back of the moon was for.

This level of confidential information.

He is fully entitled to it.

When he hung up the phone, he already knew what the temporary base was for. Simply put, it was a temporary radar experiment base.

Going to the moon is no longer a problem.

Building a base on the moon is also not a problem.

remaining questions.

Then we have to consider security issues.

It's easy to talk about weapons, the key is information capture, that is, the radar system.

Currently this is just a simple test, find the problem, solve the problem, upgrade the device.

Although it has only just started testing.

But many problems have been exposed.

The environment of the universe is different from that of the earth, and the range of radar scanning is not tens of hundreds of kilometers, but tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

The technical gap here is not generally large.

"Honglian, what is the scanning range of the neutrino information capture radar?" Tang Rui suddenly thought of a question.

What is the scanning range of neutrino radar.

Before, he just used the neutrino radar as a full picture hanger, and didn't care about the scanning range.

Thinking about it now, he didn't seem to have used the full capabilities of this radar.

"Master, the neutrino radar's active accurate scanning range is 10 million kilometers, the active fuzzy scanning range is 30 million kilometers, and the passive accurate detection range is 1 million kilometers."

"The range is so large? In other words, the neutrino radar has never turned on active scanning?"

After Tang Rui finished listening, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Yes Master."

"Then start an active precise scan and see how it works." Tang Rui wanted to try it.

"Okay, master, scanning..."

A full minute passed.

The neutrino radar satellite has just finished scanning.

"Master, I found an asteroid that is about to impact the moon. The current position is 8.22 million kilometers away from the earth."

The scan is complete.

Honglian immediately reminded Tang Rui.

An asteroid about to hit the moon has been scanned.

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