My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 404: Manager Han Fei

No pain No gain.

Huang Ying's efforts have paid off hundreds of times, and even people around Han Fei are talking about him, which shows how well-known he is now.

Open the social platform, Huang Ying has fulfilled the dreams of many actors, occupying the national hot search.

This mysterious man has a kind of charm that is about to overflow, attracting everyone's attention.

Countless game studios, global players, and even the regulatory authorities are paying attention to Huang Ying, and he is no longer simply in the limelight.

After chatting a few more words with the staff at the shooting site, Han Fei took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Huang Ying.

It may be because Han Fei was set as a special concern by Huang Ying. Not long after the information was sent, Huang Ying immediately made a video call to Han Fei.

Now Han Fei didn't dare to connect casually in this situation. He found an unoccupied corner before pressing the answer button.

"You quit the game?"

"I've been playing since midnight last night, and I'll go back to play after I eat something." Huang Ying's surprisingly good condition may be related to the high-end game warehouse he used.

"Pay attention to your body, I won't disturb you." Han Fei trusted Huang Ying very much and didn't want to interfere with Huang Ying.

"Wait a minute." Huang Ying in the video pondered for a moment, and then said, "There are a few things I think I need to respond to you."

"What's the matter?" Han Fei was a little surprised. In his opinion, the shallow world is like a cartoon watched by children, so there shouldn't be anything special to pay attention to.

"It's not quite right." Huang Ying's expression was very serious: "I participated in the previous internal test, and now the "Perfect Life" is completely supervised by the brain after the public test, and many things are not the same as before. As small as the NPC's speech and behavior , as the plot goes, everything is changing, and there are many more inconspicuous spiritual missions."

After a pause, Huang Ying hung up the phone, and he called again with another encrypted phone: "I used the props prepared in advance, and when most players were familiar with the game functions, I directly entered the game that is impossible for players at this stage. It turns out that those NPCs are no different from living people, and it even feels like the soul of a living person is attached to the NPC. I often have an illusion, as if I am not playing a game, but entering another the world, involved in their lives."

"Before the game's release, Deep Space Technology and Immortality Pharma collected a large amount of citizen information, and also purchased a large number of digital heritage left by netizens after their death. It is not impossible to restore the real them through digital memory."

"No, that kind of feeling can no longer be achieved by digital memory." Huang Ying said with certainty: "I can't tell, anyway, no one has seen the so-called seventh-generation intellectual brain. I suspect something. It has been out of the control of deep space technology."

"Can you give an example that you've seen?" Han Fei felt that Huang Ying's speech was topsy-turvy, as if he had been hit by something.

"I have now been transferred to a blood doctor, and I am the first person to complete the transfer in the entire server. According to reason, if I don't wear the mask that can block perception, I should be wanted by the entire server and resisted by all NPCs. This is the rule of the system. But when I left the blood doctor's residence, I met the victims I rescued before. I didn't wear a mask at that time, and they were still willing to follow me, thank me, and even their families were willing to Cover me up."

Huang Ying was silent for a while, and he looked at his hands: "I clearly chose to kill the blood doctor and become a new blood doctor. In the future, I may be wanted by the whole city and become the first S-level in the game. Criminals, but the people I rescued did not resist me according to the system requirements, but made their own choices."

"Are you trying to say that game NPCs are more anthropomorphic? Are they starting to think independently?"

"Compared with the internal test, they have begun to violate some unchangeable rules. I suspect that this is related to the fire and explosion that occurred in the smart city a few days ago." After Huang Ying finished speaking, he shook his head again, as if Denied his own thoughts: "Actually, I can understand giving NPC the right to think, but what makes me feel a little scared is..."

He struggled for a while before telling another experience of his own: "In the brain's judgment, no player could reach level 10 at all. When I entered the level 10 area, I entered. After I completed the blood doctor mission, see The abnormality of the npc arrived. But later, as the player's level gradually increased, when the top player was approaching the tenth level, I returned to the vicinity of the tenth-level city, but at this time the npc there seemed to be normal again. "

Huang Ying's words caught Han Fei's attention, which was a very important discovery.

"you sure?"

"It may also be my illusion." Huang Ying stroked his beard, which he had not taken care of for several days: "After going to your place, I actually feel a lot, if you say that it is complete darkness there And despair, the normal "Perfect Life" is absolute light and warmth, but is there really a black and white world?"

"I also saw light on your side, such as the woman who saved me and looked like my mother; in normal games, I also saw mutated NPCs, such as the out-of-control blood doctor. It's just that your side is completely Covered by darkness, any light will be obscured, and all the imperfections and ugliness here in me will be immediately detected by the system, and then stopped, warned, and forced to change."

"I'm not saying it's bad, I just think the so-called "Perfect Life" doesn't exist at all. The reason why the shallow layers are so beautiful is entirely because the system has deposited all the maliciousness of NPCs into the deep layers."

Huang Ying took a deep breath: "I saw such a beautiful sight.

After the warm world, I always think of the endless dark night where you are, and I feel that the "Perfect Life" I am playing is only a part of "Perfect Life". "

"This game is like an iceberg floating on the sea. All of us play the small part that is exposed to the sun and is crystal clear. The real perfect life is submerged under the sea. That area is soaked in the dark deep sea, and no one knows how huge it is, let alone what kind of malice it symbolizes."

"People can be as bad as they can be. If one day the iceberg falls, everyone will be sunk into the deep sea."

"I used to think that the intellectual brain symbolized the future and represented the ultimate, but now I have slowly changed my view." Huang Ying felt a lot, and he waved to Han Fei: "It's been too long to play games continuously, and my mind is a little messy. I'll think about it again, and I'll tell you when I have a new discovery."

After Huang Ying went through many things, he regarded Han Fei as his best brother and friend. Being able to meet each other between them can be regarded as the mutual redemption of the two social fears.

Hanging up the phone, Huang Ying continued to start the game, while Han Fei was thinking about what the other party said.

Huang Ying did not know the existence of the black box, nor did he know that the black box had given Han Fei a choice.

Two different paths have different obstacles.

"The various performances of Deep Space Technology's intellectual brains increase exponentially in each generation. The sixth generation can already monitor the entire smart city, and the seventh generation is definitely more extraordinary. It's just that the original all-knowing and omnipotent sixth-generation intellectual brains are used in games. Is it really a coincidence that there was a big problem on the eve of the public beta, causing the data databases of Deep Space Technology and Immortal Pharma to explode and catch fire?"

Han Fei stood in the corner of the set, bowing his head: "The butterfly flapping its wings in the deep world may cause a storm in the shallow and reality."

There are definitely more terrifying and terrifying ghosts in the deep world than butterflies, but ghosts with abilities like butterflies should be very rare.

This can be seen from the exclusive talent Huang Ying obtained. His exclusive talent should be related to the torture of the butterfly in the nightmare. And what is exclusive? In the entire shallow world, only Huang Ying can be called a nightmare, which directly reflects the scarcity and preciousness of nightmare abilities.

"The black cocoon under the dead building is also a big problem. I have to pay attention to it all the time."

All the staff at the shooting site were in place, and Han Fei's expression quickly returned to normal. He put away his mobile phone and entered the set.

The filming of "Suspense Novelist" has come to an end. The cost of this play is not too high in a blockbuster, but everyone has given it high expectations. All nine actors are powerful, and there are already many people in the outside world. Begin to speculate, who is the one with the best acting skills among the nine.

Busy until seven o'clock in the evening, Han Fei, who never worked overtime, was going to leave early. He had already finished his work for the day, but this time he was called back by Director Zhang.

Director Zhang is going to use this film to hit the grand prize again, so he is very serious. Every shot will be pondered over and over again. If it is not suitable, he will directly reshoot and modify it.

As a result, this directly led to more and more scenes of Han Fei, and the role of a villain and supporting role was almost more than that of the heroine.

No one thought of this situation before the shooting, but now Director Zhang and the scriptwriter are reluctant to delete Han Fei's scenes, so they had to call Han Fei.

Among the nine actors, Han Fei was originally the one with the fewest scenes. As the most hidden murderer, his main scenes were concentrated in the final reversal of the film.

And after this reversal, there is another reversal, that is, everything is spiders killing other personalities.

The double reversal and the climax come at the same time, and Han Fei's control is perfect. Apart from these two places, Han Fei's role is relatively small, and his sense of presence in the early stage will be deliberately weakened.

Because there are few scenes, and he is a supporting role with a low sense of presence, and Han Fei is the least famous, the film salary offered to Han Fei in the contract at the beginning is the lowest among the nine people.

For young actors, acting with Director Zhang is a very rare opportunity, and the level of remuneration is secondary.

I used to think this was right, but now that Han Fei has become the backbone and soul of the whole drama, it would be a bit shameless to think this way again.

The playwright also gave Han Fei an increase in film pay for various considerations and the idea of ​​cooperating with Han Fei for a long time in the future.

Han Fei had never encountered such a thing before, he had never heard of it before, and he agreed to the contract after confirming that there was no problem with it.

Cary received another movie fee, and indeed he was very happy.

Back home, Han Fei did not wait until midnight to log in to the game this time. After all, there was a player in the dead building exploring the "hidden map". He wanted to ensure the safety of the other party.

Entering the game room, Han Fei put on the game helmet.

The moment the blood came, Han Fei felt that someone was watching him.

He thought it was singing, but turned his head subconsciously, and there seemed to be a bloody person standing behind him.

Open your eyes!

Han Fei had already appeared in the room where he was offline. He stared sharply behind him, there was no one there.

Han Fei, who took out the death group chat mobile phone and summoned people, only had a drop of blood, and now he didn't dare to separate from his neighbors for a moment.

"Is that bloody person my illusion? Why didn't I see the singing when I logged in to the game this time?"

In the past, Han Fei felt the safest when he exited and logged in the game, but as he slowly came into contact with the ineffable, this sense of security was shattered.

It took a while for Han Fei to recover. He opened the attribute panel to take a look at his wickedness and reputation.

Reputation has not changed, still 34, but Yinde has risen to 86.

"In reality, helping the victim's family members and avenging the victim's grievance can indeed increase the yin! This attribute is so playful, isn't it?"

After Han Fei figured out Yinde, he secretly went to see Zheng Haicheng under the escort of his neighbors.

That young man has a very good character, he has passed the test of Feng Ziyu, and he has been given all the information by Feng Ziyu.

From the jobs he had done to the name of his first love, and even what the first adult movie he saw was, Feng Ziyu now knew all about it.

Han Fei didn't know what Feng Ziyu had done to Zheng Haicheng. Now he just felt that Feng Ziyu was very capable and that he had encountered talents.

Before the soul-returning talent was reset, Han Fei found the owners of the dead building again and told them what happened in reality.

When the businessman who only had money in his eyes heard about his mother, his expression changed. It turned out that there was something more important than money in his heart.

Lai Sheng's parents also knew the current situation of their children. Han Fei promised them that they would help Lai Sheng. After the promise, the friendliness of the husband and wife towards Han Fei increased a lot.

House-to-house voices of kindness were passed from house to house. In the past, the owners of the dead building were more in awe of Han Fei, but now they truly support Han Fei.

When the group's favorability increased greatly, Han Fei's reputation also increased by two points, but it was still far from a hundred points.

"Good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles. It seems that I really have to do some big things."

When midnight came, Han Fei approached Zheng Haicheng, who was about to pass out, in the dark. After inspecting him in all directions, he used his soul-returning talent to send him away.

At the same time as the return to the soul was successful, the system prompted that Han Fei had gained a bit of wickedness and a bit of prestige.

"Send back players who have strayed into the deep world, and they can also get yin and prestige rewards for correcting their mistakes? Then can't I use Brother Huang to brush a little yin every day?"

Han Fei looked at his attribute panel, and he felt more and more like the manager of the deep world, and the system of the deep world seemed to cultivate him with this goal in mind.

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