My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 850 Six awakened personality

"Eyes! That hatred is a pair of eyes!"

The terror woke up, the water boiled, and the huge resentment rolled upwards, blowing the roof off.

Cracks began to appear on the underwater tunnel, the ground of the deep-sea aquarium gradually cracked, and the dark sea water poured into the cracks, and the pair of eyeballs hidden underwater seemed to submerge the entire area.

Hate's unique ghost domain rapidly expanded around, and the place where the black water flowed seemed to be dominated by this hate. Neither the members of the investigation team nor Han Fei had ever seen such exaggerated hatred.

"Unknown category! Unknown ability! Danger rating out of warning range!"

"All investigation teams are ready to evacuate! The team leaders will be cut off!"

The hatred in those eyes was endless, covering the deep-sea aquarium and polluting the dark river below the city leading to the sea. All kinds of ghosts and resentments never seen before appeared in the deep darkness.

And these are not the most terrifying, those eyes slowly opened, and all those who looked at it were subjected to a strong mental shock, their minds were shaken, and those who were not determined were directly controlled by it and affected by it.

A large number of members of the investigation team began to take special drugs to enhance their mental resistance, but the terrible things have just begun.

The eyes full of despair are just the core of hatred. Under its control, the endless stream of ghosts and corpses are forcibly twisted together, as if to assemble a huge body far beyond everyone's imagination!

"If the eyes are covered, there will be no possibility of saving a group of members! Those ghosts can't be gathered together! The broken head Qi tore off the necklace around his neck, his hands clasped together, the negative emotions in the necklace and his gloomy His personalities blend together, and the power of a ghost is injected into his body.

His face lost all blood, and the first seven came back to life. The three group leaders who were originally tall and thin seemed to have changed, and more and more ghost features appeared on their bodies.

A deep roar came from the depths of his throat, his eyes were red, and he jumped directly to the hateful eyeballs. Stepping on the corpse and the ghost with his feet, the head seven quickly narrowed the distance between himself and his eyeballs.

Stepping on the corpse and the ghost with his feet, the head seven quickly narrowed the distance between himself and his eyeballs. The resentment around him didn't attack him, it seemed to treat him as a kindred spirit.

"Cover for three groups! Create opportunities for him!"

Stabilizing his position, the strength of his personality was struggling in the dark. All the members of the investigation team were desperately resisting, but Han Fei looked at his palm.

Since the resentment awakened, Gao Cheng's two prosthetic eyes have been oozing blood: "These prosthetic eyes contain Gao Cheng's past memories, deep sea aquarium

When everyone was attracted by hateful eyeballs, Han Fei sensed something different through those prosthetic eyes, and a voice in the deep water was calling him.

"Happy and Gao Cheng met again in the deep sea aquarium. They were both here that day, but then their fates will be completely changed. This is the intersection of their memories. Since there are happy memories, there should also be Gao Cheng's memories. "

Happy's memory about reality turned into catastrophic hatred, and Gao Cheng's memory seemed to turn into something, and it seemed that that thing was calling Han Fei now.

This time, with the accompaniment of twelve investigation teams, Han Fei was able to reach this stage smoothly, and it may take a long time to think about this opportunity in the future.

Holding the prosthetic eye, Han Fei walked forward without hesitation. He came to Gulou just for this moment, to find out the past of Joy and Gaocheng, and find the point of the gods.

"Mr. Gao! What are you going to do?" Xueba wanted to stop Han Fei and used his greedy personality too much. Han Fei's breath is weak now, and he has almost no fighting ability. In Xueba's view, he only caused trouble in the past. One more person to be rescued.

"The body of hatred is about to be reorganized, and there is only one way to stop it." Han Fei didn't stop, his expression was serious: "Trust me."

Raising his left leg, Han Fei hid his breath and slowly dived into the black water.

Most of the investigation team members were staying away, but several team leaders and Han Fei went in the opposite direction. The team leaders attracted the attention of hateful eyes, and Han Fei sank silently.

The plan could not keep up with the changes, and the task of attracting firepower had unknowingly been placed on all members of the investigation team.

The healing starlight wine is all over the mind

In every corner, the flowers in the abyss bloomed under the starlight. When it brought a different color to the abyss, it also brought Han Feixin new power.

The bereaved girl who had been devoured and cursed by paper figures also recovered some of her abilities. She guarded the abyss and starlight, and tried her best to heal Han Fei's wounds and remove spiritual pollution.

Without any orders, the flowers and the mourning girl were helping Han Fei out of their own free will, and they were also the ghosts that Han Fei could barely drive now.

"It seems that there is no resentment to find me."

The ghosts and corpses under the deep water poured out hatred, and Han Fei was ignored by everyone.

"No, I can't sink by myself."

A five-meter dive was already the limit for Han Fei now. He tried to call out the blood-colored paper figurine and let the cursed hands grab him down.

Without any communication, the paper figurine's arms hugged Han Fei's waist, and the blood curse from Xu Qin covered the surface of his skin, and the two "people" sank into the groundwater biological museum.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, the voice in Han Fei's ears became clearer and clearer, and the prosthetic eyes in his palm were beating slowly like two revitalized hearts.

"Where? Where is that thing?"

Ten meters, fifteen meters, the sense of room breath is getting stronger and stronger, the surrounding is completely wrapped in darkness, the light above the head is completely unable to penetrate and merge with resentment.

The black water of hatred, Han Fei is contending with the despair in his heart.

"Just be patient, if it fails, then all the investigating members will be sacrificed in vain!"

The discomfort from all over the body has seriously affected Han Fei, all kinds of messy thoughts popped up in his brain, and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

Twenty meters!

The child's voice suddenly disappeared, it seemed that Han Fei approached and scared him, but the two ghosts sealed in the righteous eyes began to guide Han Fei, and they dragged Han Fei to an inconspicuous corner.

Compared with the huge aquatic life exhibition hall, the corner is almost negligible, it is blocked by coral, and there is a small black house inside.

The house is only more than one meter long and wide, because the whole body is dark, if it is not for the guidance of prosthetic eyes, Han Fei can't find it in the dark and sticky deep water of hatred.

Splitting the rotten plank with a butcher knife, a thin boy with closed eyes curled up inside.

The moment Han Fei saw the child, Gao Cheng's cry came from the abyss of greed, and all his fragments of consciousness were crying. The expression of the little boy in front of Han Fei also changed, and he seemed to cry.

The closed eyes were slowly opened, and black and sticky tears flowed from the holes of the two rash people. The children's tears were the same color as the filth in the pool.

Han Fei took a closer look. He felt that his scalp was numb. Someone had poured the world's most filthy and cruel filth into the boy's eyes, causing him to endure pain and torture all the time and experience the worst negative emotions in human nature.

"Attention number 0000 players! You have discovered the core item of the D-level divine food - Gao Cheng's memory."

"Gao Cheng's memory: My world is dark, from the beginning to the end, from the burning of hope to the sinking of despair, I don't know if she really loves me, and I don't know if she still hates me, I It's as if... there's no more father and mother."

Han Fei didn't know why the system called the boy in front of him an item, but this should be what he really needed.

"Child, come with me."

Han Fei grabbed the boy's hand, but couldn't pull it up. The boy seemed to be as heavy as the entire deep-sea aquarium.

"Gao Cheng, I'm here to get your memory back for you! Help me!"

The child in the dark room was indifferent, he had been tortured to the point of numbness.

"Your mother has been waiting for you to come home! She gave me these prosthetic eyes, and she asked me to pick you up!"

to end

This pain, Han Fei turned on the master-level acting switch, maybe the future is destined to be cruel, but at least he wants to give this child a little bit of hope now.

"Give me your hand!"

The memory fragments in the abyss of greed were put together by the mourning girl, and an illusory figure appeared. He stood at the bottom of the abyss and made the same action as Han Fei.

At this moment, the will of Han Fei and Gao Cheng truly merged, and they moved towards childhood together.

child stretched out his hand.

The boy who sank in the water raised his head, and his dark eyes looked in the direction of Han Fei.

The huge hatred that is gradually forming on the water seems to have noticed the abnormality underwater, the whole water is shaking, hatred is like a sharp knife stabbing Han Fei!

"Forget it! I can't take care of that much! The abyss of greed!"

Han Fei opened his arms, and the abyss appeared behind him: "Swallow him!"

Warm hands embraced the child whose eyes were gouged out, and Han Fei and Abyss embraced the poor child together!

Filthy, dirty, cruel, dark, and desperate, Han Fei's mind seemed to be submerged in this black water. Before he lost his mind, he gave the bloody paper man the last order - stay away from the deep-sea aquarium!

Han Fei fled upwards at the fastest speed, and the hatred that his body had not yet fully converged had gone mad. He wanted to catch Han Fei, but was held back by eleven members of the investigation team. Everyone could say that he was using his life for the sake of it. Han Fei bought time.

up! Hurry up!

The curse of hatred contained in the blood-colored paper figurine opened the way for Han Fei. Countless people in the slaughtering knife held up Han Fei's body, and light appeared under the dark water, and the most beautiful human nature penetrated the darkness.

"Look! It's Teacher Gao!"

"Attack with all your strength! Cover the thirteen groups to evacuate!"

The personality power suppressed in the catastrophe broke out in the deep-sea aquarium, and no one in the investigation team retreated. They are the real teammates.

The bloody curse broke through the sticky and smelly water, and the paper man carried Han Fei out of the water.

"The thing has worked! I'll attract it! You guys hurry up and save a group!"

The hatred of hatred is all on Han Fei, and it is difficult for him not to attract the other party.

The blood-colored paper figurine ran out of the aquarium with his back on his back. The groundwater biological museum and several underwater tunnels behind him all shattered, and the hatred centered on those two huge eyeballs rushed out of the water.

All kinds of ghosts and corpses accumulated in underground, deep water, and dark rivers are combined into its body, and the members of the investigation team have never seen such a huge hatred.

"Concentrate on attacking the left eye! The team leader is still alive!" The head seven, who almost turned into a ghost, ran wildly on his body of hatred. His hair was rapidly turning white, and wrinkles began to appear on his skin. He was overdrawing his life.

The ten groups of masters also knew that when the most critical moment came, he decisively pressed the red button on the instrument control device.

The three instruments fixed in the Aquarium were all detonated. The bomb hidden in the instrument was so powerful that the ground was shaking.

Bombs have no effect on ghosts,

However, a large number of carrion corpses were twisted in the torso of the hatred of the eyeballs, and the explosion shattered the corpse almost at once.

The body condensed with hatred leaned to one side, and it could be repaired in about ten seconds with its ability, but the investigation team members and Han Fei needed only these ten seconds.

Han Fei stimulated the children in the abyss of greed, and while pulling away, he continued to attract hatred, and all the group members took the opportunity to attack hatred's left eye.

The power of personality shattered the outermost layer of protection in the eyes, and the group leader trapped in it let out a roar, his spirit and will burning like fire!

With the cooperation of the two sides, the hatred left eye was barely injured, and the team leader also fell from the depths of his eyes while holding the bodies of the two team members.

"The mission objective has been completed! All investigation teams retreat!"

If it wasn't for Han Fei's life-threatening hatred to attract those eyeballs, the investigation team would have paid a heavy price to withdraw from the ghost realm, but now they only

You need to escape in the opposite direction to Han Fei.

The ground was cracked, and the black water was surging. Han Fei alone couldn't get out. Fortunately, there was a blood-colored paper figurine made by Xu Qin with all his heart.

In a race against time, the paper figurine took Han Fei out of the ghost realm at the last minute, and the surrounding temperature returned to normal. At this time, they were already a block away.

The deep-sea aquarium has a wide range of influence, which no one expected. This ghost domain includes not only the aquarium on the ground, but also many areas that are invisible underground.

"Mr. Gao! Is the thirteenth group safe? Mark your location!"

"Teacher Gao! Please reply when you receive it!"

The anxious voices of other team leaders came from the black ring,

At the last moment, Han Fei and the blood-colored paper figurine fled with hatred, and he was under the greatest pressure.

"The thirteenth group received it. The person is still alive, but the situation is not optimistic." Han Fei put the little boy under the water into the abyss of greed. At this time, his mind was completely occupied by negative emotions, and the mental pollution index reached a horror. At this point, his firm will far beyond ordinary people also began to slacken.

"Hold on! We'll be there soon!"

Han Fei poured ghost blood into his mouth, but the effect of ghost blood was not great. He gathered all his memories and remaining consciousness next to his healing personality, holding on to the last glimmer of hope.

After swallowing up the little girl with the black fire of hatred, and swallowing up the memories of Gao Cheng's reality, Han Fei's abyss of greed has changed again, and his personality seems to be about to awaken for the sixth time.

But now Han Fei has no energy to pay attention to those. The last few sounds he heard before he fell into a coma were the shouts of the three team leaders and the roar of the engine.

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Chapter 850 Six awakened personality

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