My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 893 Crazy Plan

The white-clothed man from Hope New City had seen many personality awakeners eight times, but this was the first time he had encountered someone as terrifying as Han Fei.

Standing in front of Han Fei, the pressure he endured was much greater than entering the trick building alone, as if standing in front of him was not a person at all, but a ghost city that could move freely!

The man in white had a good plan. He was sure that Han Fei was the one who attacked Hope City that night. If he can take Han Fei away smoothly, then he will just push everything on Han Fei and treat him as a fish on the chopping board; Injury, openly protecting one's own people, completely muddy the water.

No matter what the result is, he will not make this trip in vain, but he never imagined that there is a third possibility--they are also the precious eight-time awakened personality of human beings, and Han Fei actually showed it to him the first time they met. With a strong killing intent!

"Don't worry, I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately." He said no, but the next moment, the abyss of greed had locked the entire restricted area, and Han Fei wrapped the man in white into the extremely evil world.

The man in white didn't even have time to resist, he was already caught in it.

"With the balance in your hand, you should know this person, right?" The black water under the abyss rolled, and the soul of Lawyer Hua emerged. He was entangled by the flower of resentment and merged with the abyss.

The guards in the \u0026nb area?" The man in white had already guessed before, but he didn't expect Han Fei to be so courageous that he dared to put these things directly on the table.

"Not only do I dare to kill them, but you can't run away." Han Fei was in a good mood. He remembered the faces of all the criminals in the ghost card case. This man in white is a king card!

"Do you want to cause a war between Hope New City and the Bureau of Investigation?" The man in white panicked a little, and the balance in his hand could no longer keep its balance.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Han Fei walked under the healing starlight. After awakening his personality eight times, his ability to recover and withstand surged.

"After devouring the top-level hatred, my greedy personality can complete eight awakenings. If I want to awaken my personality for the ninth time, I'm afraid I have to directly devour the shrine and eat the indescribable body alive. Ghosts at that level, the Bureau of Investigation Neither the Hope City nor the Hope City can help me much, only the Strange Building and the Forbidden Building can help me."

In front of the man in white, Han Fei told everything directly. It wasn't that the villain died because of talking too much, but that he had decided to kill the man in white, and he was not afraid that the man in white would reveal it.

The balance in the hands of the man in white began to weigh the personality, and his ability seemed to be able to forcibly balance the unbalanced things.

For example, now, on the left side of his balance is a heart exuding a strong aura of disaster, and on the right side is one of his own fingers.

As the scales swayed back and forth, the breath of disaster lingered on his fingers, and Han Fei's greedy personality was gradually weakened, and he himself was tainted with hatred.

"It's a weird ability, you have successfully aroused my appetite."

Han Fei's words made the corners of the man's eyes twitch. No matter where Han Fei looked from, he didn't look like a decent hero of the Bureau of Investigation.

The god's pupils slowly opened, and the personality of the man in white was immediately affected.

The murderers of these ghost card cases are all outsiders, relying on the protection of the gods to do their best, but now that Han Fei has the eyes of the gods, he can also interfere with some rules of the memory world of the shrine, which directly leads to him becoming a The biggest nemesis of all outsiders.

Cracks soon appeared in the balance of the personality of the man in white. His ability came from the gods, so how could he be qualified to weigh the weight of the memory of the gods?

The black mist dispersed, and the man in white looked at his feet. The four mouths in the dark abyss opened their mouths in hatred, all staring at him, as long as he showed a flaw, he would be torn apart instantly.

The personality ability is restricted, the more balanced, the more collapsed, and then he will be besieged by digital hatred. The man in white is completely desperate.

The member of the Investigation Bureau in front of him is simply a monster!

"Stop struggling?" Han Fei's greedy eyes fixed on

The personality balance of the man in white, his extremely evil world needs a self-balancing force, which can help it become more stable.

"Maybe we can talk about it." The man in white held the scales in his hand, giving in in desperation.

"What do you want to talk about? What can you bring to me? Let me see your value."

Seeing that Han Fei's tone of voice was no longer tough, and there was a hint of heartbeat between the lines, the man in white thought for a moment and then said: "I know the secrets of the gods. If you are willing to open this piece of ghosts and let me go, I can tell you all about the birthdays of the gods." matter."

"not enough."

"I also know the method of the nine awakenings of personality. I can also give me the large number of sacrifices I prepared before. In addition, I assure you that I hope that no one will provoke you in the new city again."

"Do you dare to provoke me now?" The greed in Han Fei's eyes was undisguised: "It's not enough!"

"I... probably guessed the location of the main shrine of the gods, which is the core of the entire city, and can help you obtain unimaginable benefits. The man in white threw the last chip: "I still know the way to leave, I can Take you to see the real world."

After speaking, the man in white carefully observed the changes in Han Fei's expression. He read countless people, and he could see that Han Fei was really moved.

Heaved a sigh of relief, the man in white secretly stimulated the personality energy

Speed ​​up to balance the strength of himself and Han Fei, trying to find a loophole to escape.

At the moment when he let down his vigilance, the four haters hidden under the abyss launched a surprise attack on him without warning!

From the beginning, Han Fei never thought of letting the other party go. With his master acting skills, he has been cooperating with the man in white to perform, in order to be able to kill him with one blow at the least cost.

"You!" The man in white responded hastily, but it was too late.

"I'm really curious about your secrets, but as long as I can imprison you in the abyss, I can figure out everything about you sooner or later."

The four hated men in white were restrained. Han Fei took out the butcher's knife, and the black mist under his feet condensed into steps, and he walked up to the man in white step by step.


The power of the extremely evil world was blessed on Han Fei. At that moment, Han Fei felt as if he was the master of the world. All the crimes that were slain were turned into his power, and his body, spirit, will and soul became extremely powerful!


With the knife in his hand, the corpse of the man in white was separated, his soul was taken away by hatred and tortured, his personality was deprived of fear and nightmare, and embedded in the land of the extremely evil world.

The killing was successful, and the extremely evil world became more stable, and Han Fei could clearly feel that his abilities were getting stronger.

"These alien eight-time personality awakeners have no ability to resist in front of me, the road ahead has been cleared, and the next step is to integrate their forces and enter the forbidden building!"

The birthday of the gods is getting closer and closer, and Han Fei's pace of killing the gods is getting faster and faster!

The black mist dissipated, Han Fei stood on Da Nie's shoulders, and the restricted area had been cleared by him.

Half a minute later, Fu Lie and the members of the thirteenth group arrived here.

"Have you completed the eight awakenings of your personality?" Fu Lie looked at Han Fei in disbelief. He had endured so much torture in the laboratory before he climbed to his current position. It turned out to be the same as him.

"It's just luck." Han Fei is not an ordinary eight-time personality awakener. In addition to the greedy personality, he also has a rare healing personality, and the double personality has eight breakthroughs. This is the first time in post-disaster history.

"Where is the judge from Hope New City?" Fu Lie knew that the other party was looking for trouble, so he was a little worried about Han Fei.

"I've chased him away." Han Fei naturally wouldn't say that the other party was eaten by him in front of so many people from the investigation bureau.

"The situation is getting more and more chaotic now. That guy will definitely not give up. Although you have achieved a breakthrough in personality, you still have to be careful." Since Han Fei's breakthrough in personality, Fu Lie and Han Fei no longer have the same overbearing feeling when talking to Han Fei. .

"I know." Han Fei nodded, and he said to Fu Lie again

: "I succeeded in breaking through with the full help of the Investigation Bureau. I will keep my promise and enter the forbidden building before the god's birthday."

"Don't worry, your potential exceeds that of anyone in the Bureau of Investigation. I guess even if you take the initiative to go to the forbidden building now, those old guys will stop you." Fu Lie handed a brand new black ring to Han Fei: "This is The black ring that only squadron leaders can wear has more functions and stronger performance.”

"Thank you."

"Thank you? You won everything by yourself." Fu Lie was in a good mood: "I really didn't expect the investigation squadron to have two eight-time personality awakeners. Now I am full of confidence in the future of the survivors."

After chatting for a few more words, Fu Lie told the other members of the Bureau of Investigation the good news.

Han Fei came to the school in a hurry. During the three days when his personality broke through, the students in class seven seemed to have left the investigation bureau many times, and some of them have not returned yet.

After finding the person in charge of the school, Han Fei realized something was wrong after chatting with him for a few words. The person in charge of the school who had awakened his personality four times was actually controlled by hypnosis and became a puppet manipulated by the students of class seven.

"What the hell are those kids trying to do?"

Taking advantage of Han Fei's absence, the students became active, which made Han Fei a little puzzled: Do they think I will hinder their plan?"

Rushing into the dormitory building, Han Fei found that the dormitory building of class seven was almost empty, and only number five of the top ten students was still there.

"Teacher, congratulations on your personality breakthrough again." No. 5 seemed to know that Han Fei would come, and greeted him at the door of the dormitory in advance.

"What about the rest?"

"They went to Hope New City and Freeport." No. 5 didn't lie to Han Fei, and said truthfully.

"The memory world of the shrine has entered the second stage, hatred can move around, it is very dangerous for you to do so!"

"Some things, even if you know it's dangerous, you have to do it." No. 5's attitude towards Han Fei has changed a lot: "I know you are worried about them, and everyone left without saying goodbye. In fact, I was afraid of disagreement with you, so I decided Act alone."

"Differences? What do you want to do?" Han Fei looked at No. 5, at the child who had experienced countless trials and tortures.

"Hateful people prepare a blood sacrifice to Hope New City, to celebrate the god's birthday..." No. 5's eyes became fierce: "And we are going to change the target of the blood sacrifice, so that No. 0 can be resurrected!"


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