My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 900: Catching Souls

Numerous deformed flesh and blood were swimming in the reddish-brown liquid. Mucous membranes grew on the walls of the underground building, undulating as if they could breathe. Han Fei felt as if he had returned to his mother's belly, and his life had a new life here. definition.

"It turns out that people after immortality will become so ugly."

Han Fei remembered all the scenes he saw in his heart. If he could escape the happy shrine smoothly, he must visit the headquarters of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical.

"The will is immortal, and the flesh and blood become clothes that can be changed at will. The gardener's coat we wear is a relatively low-level body, responsible for communicating with the outside world and taking care of the flower of the soul; the big fish I saw just now is the manager. Its **It can last for hundreds of years, not to mention its extremely long lifespan, and it also has strength and adaptability far beyond ours." Ah Nian has the information of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical hidden in his head, and he patiently explained the secrets of the world of flesh and blood to Han Fei: " Humans replaced God and evolved a new aesthetic. You may think this place is ugly and dirty, but in their eyes, this place is sacred and solemn, and it is the most perfect place in the world.”

The reddish-brown liquid became thicker, and the flesh and blood coats worn by Han Fei and A Nian opened their mouths. They had no teeth, and there was a thin mucous membrane between their lips. They seemed to be able to obtain nutrients from the blood.

At first, Han Fei was curious about where the nutrients in the blood came from, but soon his doubts were answered.

In the central area of ​​the sea of ​​flowers, all the drooping rhizomes gathered in one place, and a deep blood hole was built there.

Even in a very far place, it can be clearly seen that the color of the liquid inside and outside the cave is completely different.

The reddish-brown liquid outside the cave is more like a mixture of blood and underground rivers, while inside the cave is real blood.

"Are we going near the entrance of the cave?"

"The flowers most valued by the gods are there. If you want to help hate regain your humanity, you must go there." Ah Nian was indeed helping Han Fei, but he also had other ideas. After the catastrophe, he did not keep himself Maybe he, as the father, still has a little luck in his heart, and maybe he can find the soul of his child in the center of Huahai.

Among the densely hanging rhizomes, there are some heads. They have no torso or legs, and there are six arms of different lengths around the head.

"Don't be afraid, they are flesh and blood tools lower than the gardener's level. The huge head is convenient for the will to descend, and can execute complex orders. The arms allow them to complete the instructions issued by the brain, because their lifespan is extremely short, and they can be discarded at any time. So there is no need for a torso to maintain life." Ah Nian swam past the head monsters, as long as he didn't destroy the flower stems, those monsters would ignore him.

"The lifespan is extremely short? What will these flesh and blood bodies look like after death?" Han Fei was simply curious.

"The will to control them will return to the sea of ​​flowers through the flower stems, and bloom again, and the flesh and blood will fall into the blood hole." After swimming forward for a certain distance, Ah Nian pointed downward, and a large number of dying people Flesh shells will jump into the blood hole here, and their flesh and blood will be crushed and blended into the blood of the deep hole.

Some flesh and blood died, and some new flesh and blood monsters crawled out from the depths of the blood hole.

Those newborn monsters of flesh and blood, every time they climb up, their bodies will be transformed by the blood in the blood hole, and most of them will not be able to bear it, and die again halfway.

But there are also some monsters who overcome all difficulties and successfully climb out of the blood hole and become new flesh and blood shells.

The collective human consciousness of Huahai will guide and influence everything, which kind of flesh and blood body is less, and the probability of which kind of flesh and blood monster will be bred by the blood hole will increase.

Monsters with different life spans consume different flesh and blood, so that's why the big fish just looked down on Han Fei and A Nian.

"Remember, don't get sucked in, we just need to be by the side." A Nian and Han Fei passed through countless hanging flower stems and came to the edge of the blood hole.

After really getting close, you will find that this place is much larger than you imagined. It is not so much a blood hole as it is a lake of blood.

"Shouldn't the flower of human nature be in the sea of ​​flowers? What are we doing here?" Han Fei did some calculations, and they had about an hour and a half left.


If you violently snatch the flowers of the gods, you will be besieged by all the hatred. Haven’t you experienced it yourself last time? Besides, the human flowers of hatred are very fragile, and they can be easily destroyed in a fight. "Ah Nian smiled wryly: "You look gentle and gentle, why is your personality so wild?"

"Don't steal or rob? Do you have to rely on them to deliver it to your door?"

"Almost." Ah Nian stood beside the blood hole, looking at the bottomless blood: "Occasionally, some special flesh and blood bodies will be born in this hole. Those bodies have extremely long lifespan and certain wisdom. They don't want to It is dominated by human will, so it will hide in the blood hole. As long as we can fish it out, those most precious souls and wills will actively want to descend into the body."

"We're here to find the hateful humanity. Are you sure we can succeed?" Han Fei didn't think they could catch the rare flesh and blood shells in more than an hour.

"I know all the flowers in the sea of ​​flowers very well. The flowers of human nature of hatred are used by the gods to control hatred. They are usually hidden in the deepest part of the sea of ​​flowers. You can't find them by yourself, so you have to find a way to get them They are attracted." Ah Nian patted his chest: "Trust me, you are my savior, can I still lie to you?"

Ah Nian seemed to be very experienced. He confidently chose a seat to sit down, then cut a small cut in the flesh and blood of the gardener, and took a red stick he had prepared in advance.

The rope was taken out.

"I also participated in the Immortal Project, and I know a lot of details. At the beginning, my mentor took me to a similar place, but I didn't expect that they could actually make everything."

The red rope was made of unidentifiable material, and it was soaked with Ah Nian's blood, which was very attractive to the flesh and blood monsters in the blood hole.

"Since we want to catch the rarest flesh puppets, we can't use ordinary bait." Ah Nian's voice slowly changed, and he tied the red rope to Han Fei.

"What are you doing?" Han Fei grabbed the red rope in confusion.

"Can you fish?" Ah Nian's voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"I was trained in the middle-aged and elderly killer club. I have dabbled in flower arrangement and calligraphy, but I haven't tried much fishing." Han Fei was also very honest and did not deceive Ah Nian.

"Then you can have a good try today. I have prepared the fishing line for you, but the bait is very rare, so you must be careful." After Ah Nian finished speaking, he cut the membrane on the back neck of his flesh and blood puppet, and he never Drilled out of the flesh and blood coat.

Only then did Han Fei see that one end of the red string had sunk into Ah Nian's heart.

"By bait you mean yourself?"

"Is there any bait that is more cherished than a living person who has awakened seven times of personality?" Ah Nian stopped talking, his heartbeat began to slow down, his eyes were a little slack, and the power of remembering personality wrapped him up.

There was no need for Han Fei to do anything. A Nian, who left his flesh and blood coat, jumped directly into the blood hole.

A few minutes ago, Ah Nian had just told Han Fei not to enter the blood hole, and then he jumped in by himself.

"You also said that I am wild, you are crazy enough.

Han Fei grabbed the red rope with both hands, and sat obediently on the ground of flesh and blood, his eyes fixed on the surface of the blood hole lake.

He doesn't have much fishing experience, but the current situation is equivalent to him tying a diver into the water, and normal fishing friends probably rarely fish like this.

Time passed slowly, and Han Fei remained motionless. Tiny blood vessels grew on the surface of his flesh and blood coat, connecting with the flesh and blood on the ground. From a distance, he seemed to be integrated with the ground, turning into an inconspicuous "mound". .

"Maybe it would be more appropriate for me to go down and be the bait? Is Ah Nian worried about me? Worried that I will catch my hatred? That's right, my negative charm is not a joke."

It was okay at first, but gradually, Han Fei also felt a little bored.

Dead monsters kept falling from the top of the blood hole, the corpses dissolved in the bloody water, and new monsters crawled out from under the water surface. It was "thriving", but Han Fei was lifeless here.

"Looking at the unusual atmosphere, I guess it's going to be a big deal."

Han Fei waited for another ten minutes. He no longer thought about what "fish" he could catch. He began to worry about Ah Nian's safety.

"Do you want to pull the rope? I heard that when fishing, lifting the pole up and down can create an illusion that the bait is lively, which can attract big fish to take the bait."

Han Fei had read a lot of books, but at this moment he once again felt that his knowledge reserve was not enough.

Hesitating in his heart, Han Fei tried to pull the rope, but suddenly he felt something was wrong.

The blood became thicker, and all the new flesh and blood monsters were fleeing into the distance!


A few seconds later, a huge force came out from under the bloody water, almost pulling Han Fei directly in.

He secretly used the power of the Abyss of Greed to display the power of personality that had been awakened eight times before he could barely compete with the opponent.

"Caught it!"

In order to ensure Anian's comfort, Han Fei refused to let go. He was dragged by the "big fish" under the bloody water and walked more than ten meters along the edge of the bloody hole.

The two sides wrestled for half an hour before Han Fei moved back a little bit and dragged the terrifying "big fish" to the shore!

"Attention player number 0000! You have successfully caught an ultra-rare and unknown "fish"—big meat!"

"Big meat: An unknown creature that has never been caught by anyone at this stage. It cannot be graded for the time being. No one knows when it appeared, and no one has seen this thing. It has an extremely long lifespan, and the rest of its attributes are unknown. Maybe you can give it a try."

"Attention player number 0000! You have successfully unlocked the intermediate fishing talent. When fishing, the luck attribute will be increased by one! The physical strength will be increased by one!"

Catching a "fish" directly allowed Han Fei to unlock the intermediate fishing talent, but he was not in the mood to look at the attribute panel now.

Looking at the pile of fleshy mountains, the flesh and blood body that Han Fei caught was very large. It was covered with strange patterns. Those patterns were not painted afterward, but grew naturally, containing the secret of flesh and blood life.

"Help!" An arm stretched out from the fish's mouth, and Ah Nian's face appeared in the "fish"'s throat: "I put on this body now, and when we enter the depths of the sea of ​​flowers, I will come from Come out of the body, there will definitely be many consciousnesses and souls competing for it, you should pay attention to distinguishing them!"


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