My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 922 The God Statue in the Elevator

Han Fei never expected that the first good news he got after entering the Yongsheng Building would be related to Shen Luo.

In fact, he didn't understand why the fragments of Meng's will chose to fuse with Shen Luo. It was Meng who made Shen Luo, who had no friends, popular again.

Laboratory No. 1, which had been closed for more than ten years, had been restarted. Han Fei and his staff came to the back door of the orphanage. Behind this door was not an exit for escape, but an entrance leading to deeper despair.

Pushing open the back door, there are various personality laboratories built by Yongsheng Pharmaceutical. They built a huge experimental area to stimulate different personalities, and even specially found someone to play the relatives of those orphans, giving them the hope of being adopted, and then using deception. , abandonment, hypocritical love to test the limits of personality.

Each personality test is a double torture for those orphans, both mentally and physically. All their physical and brain reactions will be recorded without any dignity, and it is more cruel than stripping naked and standing on the stage.

"It is said that as long as a child can pass ninety-nine tests, he will be released." The staff member noticed that Han Fei's face was very bad, and whispered an excuse.

"Adults often deceive children with promises that cannot be fulfilled." Han Fei glanced at the staff indifferently: "I don't want to be that kind of adult, so I will do what I say, and I will not let any bastards who deserve to be killed be spared." .”

The staff shrank their necks and quickly changed the topic: "The previous operation records should be kept on the console, and we can trace the whereabouts of that batch of 'cargo' through the records."

He hurried to the operating table, called up the operating records, and found that the batch of "goods" had gone to other floors through the internal passage of the No. 1 laboratory.

"Their goal seems to be Laboratory No. 4." The staff took a breath: "Laboratory No. 4 is the most important laboratory in the Yongsheng Building, where the intellectual brain of "Perfect Life" was successfully researched. It is said that there are many 'bodies' of important figures placed on the 18th floor underground, if something goes wrong on the 18th floor, a major earthquake will occur in the whole of Xinhu."

The staff finally realized the seriousness of the problem, sneaked into the "cargo" of the Yongsheng Building, and killed wildly in the laboratory. Those lunatics could do anything!

He wanted to use the console in the No. 1 laboratory to remind others, but the information could not be transmitted at all. After repeated attempts, the console suddenly received an urgent email from the main control system.

"Thursday, *month*, at 14:46, the game "Perfect Life" is running normally, and the number of brain-dead people among the focus subjects has increased to 100! All idle researchers are requested to go to Laboratory No. 3 immediately!"

Looking at the email, before the staff could react, Han Fei turned off the console directly: "The leader with the highest authority in the company is the one who planned all this, and you are all his sacrifices to the gods." products. So don’t have any illusions about them, we’re on our own.”

Walking through different personality laboratories, Han Fei came to an elevator.

The elevator in the entire No. 1 laboratory is currently operating normally, and the number on the elevator display is minus 13.

"They went to the thirteenth floor underground."

The silver-gray elevator door opened slowly, and Han Fei and the staff member stopped in place, and no one dared to enter the elevator.

The wind was blowing, and there was a bloody statue inside the elevator, which seemed to be brought in by the three major criminal organizations.

"Why is there such a thing in the elevator?"

With its back facing Han Fei, the statue was wrapped in human skin, with sacrifices placed beside it, and a few sticks of oil wax lit.

Those intruders used the elevator car as an altar. What did they do it for?

Pulling out the Butcher Knife, Han Fei stared at the statue. He remembered the task issued by the system, destroying the statue in the building would help him regain his strength.

Before, he was still wondering how could there be a happy statue in the real eternal life building? Only now did he know that happiness had already been laid out in reality.

"I've seen this statue in the president's office." The staff member suddenly said, "There was a sudden noise in the No. 1 laboratory, and I immediately reported it to the leader. I saw a similar statue in a corner of the office. .”

"Which floor is that office on?"


"I see, you stand behind me first, don't come over." Han Fei signaled the staff to back up, and the other party obeyed obediently.

Don't look at Han Fei who has been threatening the staff, saying that he will kill him at every turn. When he is really in danger, Han Fei still chooses to protect him behind him.

He can always bring people a special sense of security, as if anyone he likes can only be killed by him.

The bloody paper figurine hugged Han Fei. He used his spiritual power to accelerate himself, and swung his knife at the statue as fast as he could!

The bright knife light was like a shooting star, and the human skin wrapped in the statue broke open instantly, and the flesh and blood statue wrapped in it shattered to the ground. After the head of the undeveloped statue fell, it turned slightly among the sacrifices. His face finally fixed on Han Fei.

His hair stood upside down and his back felt chilly. If it wasn't for Han Fei's strong willpower, his soul would have been taken away by that look.

"It seems that there is nothing abnormal..." The staff probed to check. Although the scene in front of him was weird, it didn't seem to cause any substantial harm to him: "It seems that those intruders are also superstitious, and they have to pray before doing bad things." Bless God."

"What they worship is not a god, but the scariest ghost in the world."

As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, the statue's head let out a giggle. All the lights in the No. 1 laboratory were turned off, and the only light source left was the candlelight in the elevator.

The oil wax was burning, and the swaying flames gradually became distorted, and the fragments of the broken statues on the ground began to squirm, gathering in one direction like small bugs.

This scene frightened the staff, and his worldview suffered a great impact.

"Get out of the way!"

Han Fei slammed the staff aside. There was a spider web of blood where the other party was standing just now. If the staff still stood there stupidly, he might be dragged directly into the elevator.

"There's something wrong with this statue!" Han Fei encountered hatred in reality, because the deep world is completely closed, and they can't use the power of the deep world, so they can't directly hurt the living, but can only let the living hurt themselves through various illusions Own.

But what he didn't expect was that the unspeakable existence broke this rule, probably because they are believed by living people, they can still directly kill living people in reality!

"It would be much more convenient if the big evil was there, let him chew up the statue and eat it."

Staring at the statue still grinning strangely, Han Fei took out a cursed chain covered in animal hair from the inventory. He wanted to get the statue out of the elevator car: "As long as the gods are knocked off the altar, their power will weaken."

"Why do you carry such a thick chain to work???"

The staff opened their eyes wide. Those who can enter the underground laboratory of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical are scientific research talents, but Han Fei's scientific research direction really makes him a little puzzled.


Thick chains were thrown into the elevator, knocking over the wax, and whipping the statue.

Han Fei's blasphemous behavior triggered a chain reaction. A black phantom that ordinary people could not see appeared in the elevator. Its body continued to grow on the altar, as if it was going to swallow this layer.

Sweating on his forehead, Han Fei didn't stop what he was doing. He wrapped the chain around the statue's neck, trying to drag it out of the elevator!

There was obviously no one in the elevator, but the chain was stretched straight, and it seemed that an invisible hand in the car grabbed the other end of the chain.

Not only was Han Fei unable to pull the statue out, but his body moved towards the elevator car a little bit.

"Is the unspeakable statue so scary in reality?" Seeing that he was about to be dragged into the elevator, Han Fei hurriedly whispered to the blood-colored paper figurine.

The paper figurine who was protecting him grabbed the chain, and Han Fei took this opportunity to rush towards the god again desperately!

His physical fitness cannot be compared with the gods, but he has a knife that can cut through any sin and evil.

The knife light of human nature cut across the shadow, and the shadow standing behind the statue was split open by Han Fei.

The gods did not expect that Han Fei would take the initiative to enter the elevator at this time, let alone that Han Fei had a helper who could compete with him.

The scarlet paper figurine and Han Fei had a perfect understanding. The moment Han Fei succeeded in the sneak attack, all the curses erupted, and the re-condensing statue was dragged out of the elevator car.

After leaving the altar, the idol could no longer repair itself, its eyes became dim, and a pungent stench was emitted from its body.

"Go to hell, you false god!"

Without the slightest awe, Han Fei pierced the head of the statue with the butcher's knife!

The best expectations of the people tore up the ambition of the god, the statue of the god was torn apart, and the lights in the building returned to normal.

"Attention player number 0000! You have destroyed a statue! I am glad to have noticed your existence!"

As the statue was destroyed, Han Fei felt that the shackles on his body were loosened a little. He could feel the greedy personality and the healing personality calling him, and the distance between them and himself was getting closer.

"The soul representing the happy future has noticed me. If I meet its soul now, there is a high probability that I will be killed directly."

A statue caused Han Fei trouble, and the soul representing the happy future was not something Han Fei could deal with now.

Grabbing the staff into the elevator, Han Fei hesitated for a while. Instead of going to the 13th basement floor, he decided to go to the company leadership office on the 31st floor first.

"Find out the inner ghost in advance, and you can avoid tragedies from happening in reality." Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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