My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 954 People who know me well know that I am reasonable

There is a special connection between Han Fei's greedy personality and impermanence, which cannot be cut off even by shrines and nightmares. He tried to use his greedy personality to call out, and soon got impermanence's response.

Creeping noises began to be heard from the building shrouded in gray fog. Some of the butterfly patterns imprinted on the building dissipated inexplicably, and the gray fog stopped spreading in the direction where Han Fei was.

"Impermanence is the top level of hatred, and it is also the most valued ghost of the twin flower Gao Cheng. It can be said to be the ghost version of Gao Cheng, but such a powerful hatred can't get out of the nightmare immediately?" Han Fei suspected that the nightmare that Wuchang entered had nothing to do with The nightmare that the player enters is different. There is a high probability that the impermanence is directly sent to other places by the dream using the power of the shrine.

Han Fei could feel Wuchang approaching, but it was coming very slowly.

For safety reasons, Han Fei did not urge Wuchang to pay attention to his own safety first.

Standing near the exit of the hospital, Han Fei took out a pen and paper, and summed up all his discoveries, customs clearance experience, and various guesses in his nightmare.

Seeing that Han Fei and Bai Xian were unwilling to leave for a long time, other players passing by whispered to each other and talked a lot.

"I saw three players from the happy community enter the nightmare in the morning, but now two people have come out, stronger than the first guild, and they will reduce their staff when exploring the nightmare. This place is too scary."

"Hey, their level is so high that they can't escape unscathed. I, a little scum, will die if I enter!" "The happy community has reduced staff. I have to report to the guild and re-evaluate the difficulty of nightmares."

"Aren't you a bit too mythical and happy community? I admit that Huang Ying is a god-like existence, but this does not mean that everyone in their guild is very powerful. It is normal for people to die when exploring nightmares."

"There is really no need to myth them. Maybe the happy community is not as strong as we think. In addition, Huang Ying doesn't seem to be trapped in the game. He lost the first guild of the first player. Is it still the first guild?"

Han Fei didn't try to defend himself, his mouth grew on other people, and if he cared about everyone's opinion, it would be too tiring to live.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Wuchang was very close to Han Fei, but he couldn't break through the last barrier, so Wuchang himself was very anxious.

Through the greedy personality, Han Fei briefly appeased Wuchang, and then led Bai Xian to the central square of the main city. All major guilds have received Han Fei's email, and the upcoming emergency meeting is very important to all trapped players.

The top 100 guilds entered the arena first, and the weaker guilds consciously stood behind. They vacated the central area, which belonged to the top ten guilds.

Regardless of the previous conquest of the Paradise Passage, the inability to quit the game this time, and the turmoil in the city, the performance in "Disaster" again and again has established the status of the top ten guilds.

The fact that the hundred guilds will hold an emergency meeting before noon today has spread in the player lobby. The four million survivors in the city are paying close attention to this special meeting. The city publicly broadcast the meeting process.

But even so, there are still a large number of players gathered near the central square, wanting to see it with their own eyes.

It was twelve o'clock at noon, and representatives from ninety-nine of the top 100 guilds had arrived, but there was still a large area left in the central area, which was reserved for the first guild.

This emergency meeting was proposed by Han Fei. Now that no one from the First Guild showed up, the meeting could not start. "I heard that people in the happy community also died in nightmares. This is not a good sign."

"They are also players, and if they are players, they will die, which is normal."

"The conditions for membership in the Happy Community are extremely strict. Every member is carefully selected by Huang Ying. It is said that they must have A-level talent. The three lists of "Perfect Life" can be in the top 100 at the same time. Such people are placed in other guilds. They are all regarded as trump cards, and they need to be cultivated with all the strength of the guild."

Trapped in the game and unable to exit, everyone is very anxious, and if there is any problem, it will be discussed.

"There are a lot of people, how do we get in?" Bai Xian stood outside the central square, all of them were players at a glance


"It's okay, they'll get out of the way

. "When Han Fei touched the ghost pattern, a calamity and ominous aura gushed out of him like a storm. Black arms engraved with the brand of the shrine stretched out from the ghost pattern, and Da Xie raised his head and let out a roar!

The sunlight in the shallow world made Da Nie a little unhappy, the soul poison dripped, and the spikes on its body stretched around. The crowd fled frantically at once. Han Fei and Bai Xian sat on Da Nie's shoulders and walked towards the center of the square. The dense crowd gave way to both sides, automatically making way for Han Fei.

"Well, what is that thing! It looks scarier than a ghost in a nightmare! How can there be such an ugly monster in the healing game!"

"Unrecognized by the system?"

"I'm not sure. Is there a possibility that the monster is a pet raised by someone in the Happy Community?" A female player holding a small rabbit paper looked up at the huge body of Da Xie, and both the person and the rabbit were shaking.

The ground is shaking, and the cursed road will be left where the evil walked. Even if it has left, no player dares to stand on it.

It was also the first time for Bai Xian to see such a scene, and fortunately he is a professional actor, so the shock in his eyes did not show.

After walking through the crowd, Han Fei came to the open space belonging to the happy community.

"All the top 100 guilds are here, so let's officially start the discussion about the nightmare now?" The president of the business alliance waved his hand, and all the broadcasting devices in the main city were turned on, so that all players in the city could see the event. Meeting.

"Let's start with Deep Space Technology." As the "game official", the person in charge of the Deep Space Technology Guild stepped forward. First, he apologized without nutrition, and then made a promise without nutrition, saying that the headquarters of Deep Space Technology is doing its best. Find a way to rescue everyone, escape is only a matter of time, I hope everyone must stay calm.

Players have heard enough of similar clichés, what they need is someone who can solve the problem, and a solution that can really solve the problem.

After the representative of Deep Space Technology finished speaking, not only were a large number of free players dissatisfied, but even the representatives of the top 100 guilds raised doubts.

In fact, it can't be blamed on the people of Deep Space Technology. The game suddenly couldn't be offline, the main city was blocked, and they could enter but could not exit. The staff who stayed in the game were also stunned.

Without being able to get in touch with the outside world, they don't know what's going on outside at all. They only know that the cocoon room hackers of the three major criminal organizations have been attacking the company's brain recently. Make a blank promise to temporarily stabilize the situation.

Seeing that the voice of dissatisfaction was getting louder, the representative of Deep Space Technology looked at Han Fei with some intention of asking for help. After all, it was Han Fei who wanted to hold this meeting.

"Let me tell you something practical." Stepping on Da Nie's shoulders, Han Fei walked up to the high platform in the center of the square: "I believe many players have seen it. My friends and I entered the city from outside this morning. .Most of the players in our happy community were not trapped in the game, but we resolutely entered the main city.”

When Han Fei entered the city in the morning, it caused a commotion in the player hall. After the game could not be exited, they were the only players who entered the city in reverse.

With just these few words, Han Fei won the favor of many trapped players. Han Fei led the players in the happy community to the city to support, which made everyone feel that they had not been abandoned.

"Next, I will share everything I know with you." Han Fei put the information he had compiled on the high platform: "First of all, I want to tell you one thing. In reality, Deep Space Technology and the New Shanghai Police She was trying her best to rescue us, but was interfered by some kind of power in the game.”

Han Fei pointed to the nightmare shrines in the city: "The "Perfect Life" you play is healing, warm, and full of positive emotions. You can always draw positive energy here. But you The dark and negative emotions in the heart are left here, and they continue to accumulate and ferment, forming a terrible world that is completely opposite to a perfect life, full of horrible nightmares and cruel ghosts. These shrines are brought to you by that world Maliciousness, too

Pure malice is preventing you from leaving, trying to drag you into despair. We can't rely on others now, we must save ourselves, we can only get through all the nightmares, destroy

Drop the shrine to end it all! "

Many players couldn't understand what Han Fei meant, and some players from the top ten guilds also expressed doubts: "There is indeed a saying before that the negative emotions generated by players in the spiritual paradise are stored in hidden maps, and those hidden maps are extremely dark , it was rumored to be the masterpiece of the chairman of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals, but after his death, all the hidden maps he designed were deleted!"

"It can also be understood in this way, but you need to pay attention to one thing, the perfect life map of your life only accounts for about 5% of the total map, and the remaining 95% are abandoned and buried deep in the dark "Hidden map." Han Fei opened both sides of the black box at the same time. He didn't intend to completely destroy the deep world, so sooner or later he needed to let the players know the existence of the deep world. He also needed to use the shallow world to heal the despair of the deep world.

"How do you know so clearly?" The representative of inevitable truth was very keen, he thought of those players in his guild who had entered the "hidden map": "Could it be where you came from?"

With a smile on his face, Han Fei glanced at the representatives of Inevitable Truth. At the same time, there was a loud noise inside the hospital in the main urban area!

The gray fog covering the hospital was lifted, and the north wall of the hospital collapsed. A man in a black robe was bitten by countless nightmares all over his body, but he just walked out of the hospital step by step.

He was wounded all over, but he didn't bleed, his eyes were burning with black fire, and the hatred he exuded seemed to be able to freeze the entire street.

Nightmare wanted to drag the man back into the hospital, but they couldn't do it at all. After leaving the gray mist, they were swallowed up by the man one by one.

The scene was bloody, cruel, weird, and overbearing.

The players screamed and ran away, thinking that the most terrifying ghost in the nightmare had escaped!

The hatred gradually receded. After eating all the nightmares, the black-robed man walked towards the central square in silence. He followed the cursed path left by Da Nie and finally stopped at the place where Han Fei had stood.

The fog in the hospital in the main city has gathered again, but the collapsed walls can prove that what happened just now was not an illusion. This "player" in the happy community broke through the building covered in gray fog!

The abnormality of the hospital was relayed to the big screen of the square by the business alliance. At this time, countless players gathered in the central square, but no one dared to say anything loudly.

Even the representatives of the top ten guilds shut their mouths tactfully now, and began to listen patiently to Han Fei's speech.

"It's okay, if you have any questions, just ask, don't be nervous." Han Fei stared at the representatives of Inevitable Truth: "Anyone who knows me well knows that I am reasonable." Recently, the transcoding has been serious, let us be more serious Powerful, faster updates, please move your hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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