The closer the two of them got to the giant palace, the stronger Xiao Tian felt the force of the space seal exerted on him.

"Made, it seems we can't do it without breaking the seal here. It will be difficult to move forward!"

Xiao Tian cursed secretly, directly summoned the Ancient Qiankun Formation, and began to activate it with all his strength.

Now in order to enter the giant palace, he had to choose to release this giant palace.


As the Ancient Qiankun Formation was activated, an extremely terrifying force of decomposition immediately swept away in all directions.

The power of decomposition spreads, and everything around is decomposing, including the space seal here.

When the power of the space seal was greatly decomposed, this twisted space suddenly appeared in the outside world.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding monsters.

They flew closer and saw Xiao Tian and Zi Yan inside through the twisted space.

"They are the people who just captured the elders of the Nether Python Clan in the Nine Netherlands. They actually entered this ancient ruins."

"Come on, let's go in and take a look too!"

After discovering Xiao Tian and the others, some powerful magical beasts immediately wanted to rush in, but were blocked by the space seal.

"How did they get in?"

"Go back quickly and report that there are ancient ruins!"

"Even Dou Zun can't get in here, it must be a Dou Saint ruins."

After being blocked, some monsters will call people, while others will wait here to see if there is a chance to enter.

Another period of time passed, and cracks began to appear on the space seal.

Many monsters took the opportunity to enter. Among them, those at the Douzong level were safe, while those at the Douzong level were severely injured and returned.

At this moment, everyone was certain that this must be the ruins of the ancient Fighting Saint.


As the cracks increased, the surrounding twisted space seal exploded like fragile glass, turning into countless tiny fragments that shot out in all directions.

"Puff puff!"

Many monsters that were close by had not yet reacted, and were severely injured or killed by the exploding space fragments like wheat.

Even Dou Zun-level monsters have lost their lives after being hit by space debris.

After the space seal exploded, Xiao Tian discovered that all the power acting on him disappeared instantly.

"let's go!"

Immediately, he shouted at Zi Yan, and then went straight to the giant palace.

Due to the entry of some Douzong-level monsters, the door of the huge palace has already been opened, followed by a dark passage.

For these Douzong-level monsters, he didn't pay attention at all. If he wanted to kill them, it would be a casual matter.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Tian reminded him and then stepped in.

The hard floor in front of him had already cracked, and red hot lava spurted out from it, swallowing him up.

At the same time, strange blue fire pillars began to erupt from the spacious stone walls on both sides.

Xiao Tian did not panic. With a thought, he summoned strange fire, wrapped himself and Zi Yan, and jumped into the magma with a "pop".

After sinking for a minute, the surrounding magma suddenly disappeared, and beneath the two of them was the floor exuding cold air.

Looking at the lava river above that was constantly bending and spreading to the end of the line of sight, Zi Yan couldn't help complaining: "It's so cunning, there is no way up there at all!"

"Okay, let's go quickly!"

Xiao Tian said and walked forward.

The two of them didn't go far before they came to a wide square.

At the end of this square, there is an extremely thick stone door. In front of the stone door stand ten figures as straight as spears.

Their skin is bright silver, their eyes are empty, and their faces are expressionless, like ancient corpses.

The moment he saw these figures, Xiao Tian recognized that they were all earth demon puppets!

Xiao Tian, ​​who had obtained the method of making the Heavenly Demon Puppet, naturally knew how to refine the puppet.

It's just that this ordinary puppet is not very useful to him, so he doesn't waste time refining it.

However, since he encountered it, Xiao Tian just let it go.

No matter what, the strength of these demon puppets is equivalent to the peak of Douzong.

Moreover, Xiao Tian, ​​who has read the original work, knows that these demon puppets know a method of combined attacks that can bring out the power of Dou Zun.


Xiao Tian did not approach, but with a thought in his mind, the vast soul power in Niwan Palace rushed out overwhelmingly towards the Earth Demon Puppet.

After getting closer, they all poured into the bodies of the earth demon puppets, and found that these puppets had no soul marks.

This situation was naturally beneficial to Xiao Tian, ​​as he mastered these demon puppets effortlessly.

After leaving his soul mark, the earth demon puppet has been completely controlled by him.

Xiao Tian waved his hand and took them all away.

As soon as he took these puppets away, a gap opened in the closed thick stone door amidst a loud "rumbling" sound.

As the stone door opened, a desolate and ancient atmosphere slowly floated out.

Xiao Tian did not go in immediately, but called Xiao Diao and others out.

Behind the gate, there are many corridors that extend to who knows where.

Xiao Tian looked at Zi Yan and said: "Zi Yan, the treasure you need is a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure. Just rely on your senses to find it!"

Zi Yan felt it carefully and headed towards a passage on the left.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian and others hurriedly followed.

On both sides of this passage, there were occasionally some attics. After entering a few of them, they found that there were some fighting skills and techniques here.

However, the levels of these fighting skills and techniques are not very high. The highest ones are at the low level of the earth level, and they are very rare.

Xiao Tian didn't like this level of fighting skills at all, so he didn't visit these lofts anymore.

When they came to the end of the corridor, an ancient stone door blocked their way.

There is a lot of moss climbing on the stone door, and the green color makes people aware of the passing years.

Xiao Tian stepped forward and pushed hard, and the thick, moss-covered door was pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a strong medicinal fragrance that had been hidden for countless years emerged from it, making everyone present feel refreshed.

"There are so many medicinal scents!"

Zi Yan took a deep breath of the medicinal fragrance and said, "There must be a lot of high-grade medicinal materials here."

The group passed through the stone gate and entered inside. In front of them was an ancient forest composed entirely of various precious medicinal materials.

“Awesome, this place is amazing!”

Zi Yan's eyes were filled with countless little stars. She was drooling and threw herself into a field of powerful medicine. She grabbed a handful of Ganoderma lucidum and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Don't be in a hurry to eat now. It's better to empty this place first. You can eat as much as you want later!"

Xiao Tian said something and started to harvest crazily here.

He didn't even carefully store a large number of medicinal materials in jade boxes and vases like he did in the past. Instead, he used the power of his soul to pull them up one after another and put them into the Najie.

They were like locusts, taking away all the medicinal materials they encountered.

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