My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 114 You call this ordinary

On the afternoon of New Year’s Day.

Pay homage to the village chief.

There is a tradition in Wangjia Village that the village chief is the beacon and leader of a village.

Every year on the first day of the new year, the whole village, young and old, goes to pay homage to the village chief.

Generally speaking, village chiefs are older people, so kowtow is nothing.

The strange thing is that the village chief is only four years old this year!

He only turned four on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month!

Suisui finished her lunch early and sat in the main hall, dressed newly, with many wrapped red envelopes on the table.

The red envelope is made of red paper dyed at home. It is a flat piece with only a bulge the size of a fingernail in the center.

Wang Youcai came with all the villagers.

"Do you really want to worship me? She's only four years old? She's the youngest in the village, right? Won't her life span be shortened?"

"That's right. The oldest generation in our village, Yan Hansheng, has to call me grandpa, right?"

"But village chiefs have always been appointed regardless of seniority, only by status."

Everyone was chattering and hesitant.

"Have you never seen such a young village chief before?" The uncle who spoke blushed a little, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed. His grandson was older than Yan Suisui.

"Did you eat dumplings stuffed with leeks this morning? Did Suisui teach you to grow leeks in a wooden box? Did you exchange the flour in the village? Are the fried meatballs delicious last night? Have you eaten enough?? At home? Is there enough food left?" Aunt Liu asked sarcastically, and the old man's face turned red instantly.

Aunt Liu didn't care whether they wanted to see her or not.

When Wang Youcai was the village chief, her rice vat and water vat were already empty, and she was afraid she wouldn't survive the winter.

Suisui has only been in power for a long time, and her family's rice vat is full of surplus.

From time to time, I can eat some meat, not to mention there are activities in the village for various solar terms every three days, so I have never treated this mouth badly.

There are hundreds of archers and guards in the village, and some women are also found in the village to do daily chores.

Aunt Liu can receive twenty kilograms of food every month, and occasionally some meat and vegetables.

Suisui would ask her to take the leftovers from the flowing water mat every time so that she could make ends meet. Now there is more than enough food at home.

"Anyway, I still want to listen to some songs and have a full meal. Nowadays, which village is not worried about refugees raiding to steal food? Our village's firecrackers to celebrate the New Year can go off for two miles? That escort team is not a vegetarian. This Who gives me a stable life?" Aunt Liu said earnestly.

Wang Youcai next to him nodded his head with a look of relief on his face.

"Look at Village Elder Wang, right? You kowtow to him every year, right? Has he given you enough to eat? Has he allowed you to sleep peacefully at night? Has he listened to you music? Has he set up a running-water mat for you? You Tell me, is this true? Besides growing older, what else can he do?"

When everyone heard that this was the truth, they all nodded and were willing to do so.

Wang Youcai's eyes widened, why are you praising one and trampling on the other! ? ?

We don't want to mess around!

"It's still far behind, far worse than the village chief of Suisui." Everyone agreed.

"So what if it's far behind? I pushed her forward despite all the opinions! You are all opposed to her!" Wang Youcai raised his head and walked in front of her arrogantly.

He was the first to hold this golden thigh!

Everyone was speechless, but it was hard to say anything when they arrived outside the village chief's door.

Everyone formed a long queue outside. The weather was sunny today, and it was rare that it didn't snow.

But the weather was still cold and freezing, so everyone stood in the snow and stamped their feet to warm themselves.

"Come and have a cup of tea. Why don't you come at a different time so as not to freeze..." Mrs. Lin and Xiuxiu cooked a large pot of hot tea, and each of them drank one bowl at a time.

Seeing that she was too busy, Aunt Liu hurriedly went to help serve tea and put away the bowls.

There were so many people coming that it made me sweat all over.

"That can't be done. It's disrespectful to the village chief. What happened in previous years should be the same this year! Don't change the steps just because Suisui is young!" This happens every year!

It's hard for the Yan family to say anything.

Suisui could only be moved to the Taishi chair in the center of the hall. Suisui had a serious face and placed her hands in front of her, seeming very solemn.

Wang Youcai led the whole village to kowtow to Suisui one by one.

"May Wangjia Village be prosperous and prosperous forever, and may Wangjia Village prosper under your leadership, with no worries about food and clothing..." Wang Youcai paused. Perhaps his expectations should be greater?

Wang Youcai supported the elders in the village and took the lead in kneeling down.

The Yan family was a little nervous, but Suisui was very calm.

She is a goddess who has been kneeled by everyone since she was a child.

She is used to seeing all living beings bowing down to her.

Suisui took a red envelope and handed it to the old man who stood up. The old man is very old and is the oldest old man in the village.

Brother Qing once checked his pulse. The old man probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long and would have to celebrate or mourn.

Natural old age and death are all joys and sorrows.

"Thank you, little village chief..." The old man couldn't speak clearly.

The old man did not object to kneeling at all.

In other villages, the older generation is the first to die.

Because of the shortage of food, the elderly voluntarily left food behind to leave the chance of survival to future generations. They originally thought so too, but after Xiao Suisui became the village chief, life became visibly better. They could even go to the threshing floor and listen to the opera every day.

I can't even think about it these days.

The backs of his hands were covered with age spots, his hair and beard were white, and he stood to one side holding the red envelope given by Suisui.

More and more people come to kowtow.

Suisui handed out red envelopes one by one.

"A small gift is not a sign of respect, so please don't dislike it."

"It's not something was prepared by Suisui herself."

"Just swallow it before going to bed..." Suisui is well-behaved and very cute.

"They are all little gadgets... just ordinary and unremarkable. I hope you won't dislike them." Suisui told everyone honestly.

No one expected much. After all, the village chief was only four years old, so everyone knew what she had in her pocket. I'm extremely lucky that I didn't catch a worm and give it to everyone.

Everyone kowtowed until dark.

Suisui's mouth was dry and her throat was almost hoarse as she spoke.

When the villagers returned home, it was already dark.

The women who went home early had prepared delicious meals with warm smiles on their faces.

"By the way, have you opened the red envelope? What is it?"

"Did the village chief return the copper coins he packed during the day?" Under the warm candlelight, every household was opening the red envelopes.

"The village chief said it was swallowed. It should be... edible, right? Is it a candy? This is in line with the temperament of a four-year-old child." The words just finished.

A round lotus seed fell into the palm of my hand.

"It's..." Lianzi hadn't said anything yet.

The moment the lotus seeds were opened, the room was filled with lotus fragrance, and the whole body of the lotus seeds was filled with light, as if covered with a layer of glow.

"Is this?? An ordinary lotus seed?" Wang Youcai's eyes widened, and his family opened all the red envelopes.

The lotus fragrance is almost strong and turns into substance!

There's even a faint glow floating around! ! !

You call this ordinary! !

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