My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 102 [Life Danger]

"At three o'clock in the afternoon on Wednesday this week, after the class meeting, Spirit League will take you to a place to practice for seven days."

Liao Hong stood on the podium with a serious face and announced a big news.

When the students in Lingwu class heard the news, their eyes lit up.

Because this is not the first time Liao Hong has said something like this.

The last time he said that, Lingmeng took them to practice on the nearby Shibi Mountain.

So at this time, after everyone heard this, they were all surprised.

"Can I go to Lingshan to practice again?"

"Seven days?"

"Before, there were only two days on the weekend, but this time there are seven days?"

"Should we still go to Shibi Mountain? Will the owner of the mountain give you tea this time?"

"It's a beautiful thought. Last time, the owner of the mountain had a grandson at home. It would be nice to be able to go up the mountain this time."

"Seven days! I will make good use of these seven days and strive to break through 200 points!"

The students couldn't help but whisper excitedly.

This kind of news is more precious to students from ordinary families than directly giving them two bottles of spiritual energy nutrient solution.

After all, you can go for seven days this time.

Just two days has benefited the students a lot, let alone seven days.

Many students will specialize in these few days to make breakthroughs.

There is almost inexhaustible supply of spiritual energy on Lingshan, so there is no need to worry about breaking through.

Listening to them whispering, Lu Li probably understood the situation.

He also wanted to see what it was like on Lingshan.

Thinking about it, Lu Li turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaogu, and asked in her ear, "Are you here just for this activity to go to Lingshan?"

But Jiang Xiaogu shook his head.

Then he whispered in Lu Li's ear: "This time I'm not going to Lingshan, but to another place."

"Another place?"

Lu carp couldn't help but wonder.

Although I didn't know what place Jiang Xiaogu was referring to, but considering that Jiang Xiaogu usually practiced on Lingshan Mountain, there was really no need to make a special trip for Lingshan activities.

In other words, that place is most likely a better place than Lingshan?

Jiang Xiaogu also nodded with a smile and said: "You will know by Wednesday afternoon, but there may be a little danger there. Be sure to keep the jade pendant I gave you with you."

"Well, I always carry it with me."

After speaking, Lu Li took out the jade pendant from his pocket and showed it to Jiang Xiaogu.

Jiang Xiaogu also took out his jade pendant and put it together with Lu Li's jade pendant, smiling sweetly.

The two were talking and laughing, and they behaved intimately, so that the people sitting behind and on both sides of the two looked at it, and there was a feeling of being forcibly fed.

"Wow woof!"

The dog outside the school barked.

Very fitting.

And Liao Hong on the podium also said at this time: "In addition, there is one thing I must declare in advance. The place arranged by the Spirit League this time is different from the places where the spirit alliance took you to in the past, such as Lingshan and martial arts. danger."

"So, everyone is free to choose to go or not to go out to practice this time."

"If you don't go, the spirit stone device in this classroom will be open as usual, and the closing time will be extended to 8 pm."

Like what Jiang Xiaogu said, Liao Hong also said that the place would be dangerous.

After hearing this, the students couldn't help but start whispering.

"Aren't you going to Lingshan?"

"No wonder you can go for seven days."

"Instructor, what do you mean by danger?"

some students asked.

The instructor looked serious and said: "The place where the Spirit League will take you this time is an unstable training place. If it goes well, you will get the benefit of practicing on the Spirit Mountain for one day to ten days.

If something goes wrong.......It is very likely that life will be in danger! "


"That's right, you might get hurt, you'll..."

"Will someone die?"

The topic suddenly became serious.

The students present, mostly the flowers in the greenhouse, have never faced the issue of life and death.

Hearing what the instructor said, everyone immediately sat upright.

looked at each other.

Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu were also surprised.

The instructor looked at the students' reactions, paused, and said, "Of course, there will be warriors from the Spirit League to protect you. However, when it comes to life and death, no one can be responsible for you. Only you can make your own choices. You have two options. You can think about it in a few days, and you can go back and discuss it with your family."

"If you think about it, sign up with Lu Yiyi. Spirit League will arrange board and lodging for these seven days according to your situation."

"By Wednesday, you have a choice to make."

After finishing speaking, the instructor ignored the surprised eyes of the students.

After asking someone to come up and distribute today's special salt water, he also left the classroom directly.

As soon as he left, the students immediately exploded.

"What do the instructor's words mean? Will people die? So serious?"

"It seems to be, but the instructor also said that we can choose to refuse."

"Then, are you going?"

"Uh, can I ask where I'm going first?"

"Then you didn't just ask directly?"

"Didn't the instructor say before, don't ask about this kind of thing, and he won't say it if you ask?"

The students discussed enthusiastically.

Are hesitating whether to go or not.

After all, this is very likely to be life-threatening!

Moreover, the instructor's tone didn't seem to be intentionally scary. He always talked about things and hardly joked with the students.

When he said it was dangerous, it was really dangerous.


The instructor also said that if you are not afraid of danger, you may gain ten times the effect of practicing on Lingshan.

What is this concept?

If it is used properly, it is very likely that the spiritual power index will skyrocket by dozens of points in seven days!

Although there is an upper limit of cultivation brought about by spiritual consumption, for most ordinary students, it is actually difficult to touch the upper limit of cultivation every day.

But if it is ten times the level of cultivation on Lingshan, it is safe to touch the upper limit.

Jiang Xiaogu also explained to Lu Li and Jiang Xu: "After reaching the upper limit of cultivation, you can directly rest in the residence prepared by the Spirit League, and continue to practice after recovering. Of course, such high-intensity cultivation will also have certain harm to the body."

"I see."

Both Jiang Xu and Lu Li nodded.

Chen Siyu also nodded along.

She had actually been to Lingshan to practice last time, so she naturally knew the rules.

But she, too, was a little apprehensive. After all, it is very likely to be life-threatening!

In the face of such a matter, no one dares to make a decision lightly.

Some students in the class also began to ask Lu Yiyi what happened.

But Lu Yiyi just shook her head and said: "The instructor just asked me to help collect the list of students who are going to go, and didn't tell me where to go. If you want to go, just tell me directly on Qiuqiu. Those who are going this time will be pulled into a group.”

Hearing this, the students all looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one makes an immediate decision.

It was Ye Ming and Chen Xu who spoke first, and said, "Yiyi, pull the two of us in."

Hearing this, many students recalled it.

The four people, Ye Ming, Chen Xu, Jiang Xiaogu, and Lu Li, had never come to class before, but they all came here today for the first time.

It just so happened that the instructor announced this matter today.

Such a coincidence, if they say they don't know the inside story, ghosts will not believe it!

They couldn't help asking about Ye Ming and Chen Xu's situation:

"Ye Ming, what's going on? You know where you're going this time, right?"

"Is it dangerous there?"

Hearing the students' questioning, Ye Ming quickly waved his hands and said, "I don't know, the instructor has also made it very clear that it is indeed dangerous. In short, you have to think about it first."

Chen Xu also said he didn't know.

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't speak anymore, but she silently took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Yiyi.

In addition, some students came to ask Lu Li.

Lu Li was also quite helpless about this. The first three might pretend to be confused, but he really didn't know anything.


Lu Li also had some guesses in his mind.

After all, there are really not many places in Raoshui Town that meet the kind of places the instructor said.

"Is that the ruin?"

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