My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 117 [Departure]

The afternoon class meeting is very short.

Since it was almost the end of the month, the head teacher just said as usual that a copy of the inspection form would be handed in next week.

By the way, let me tell you about the situation of this thorough examination.

He praised several students who had made significant progress, among them Lu Li, after all, his progress was the most obvious.

Lu Li was also a little embarrassed to be named and praised.

Especially when the head teacher said, "If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask classmate Lu Li for advice", the eyes of the whole class looked at Lu Li suddenly became more intense.

Fortunately, the class meeting didn't last too long, and the class meeting ended in about thirty minutes.

After class, Lu Li followed Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu to classroom 502, pulling suitcases and carrying bags.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Lu Li felt that the classroom was different from usual.

In the classroom at this time, the aura is very abundant.

At some point, the spirit stone device was turned on to the maximum speed, and the artificial spirit energy filled the entire room.

Many students have already started practicing here.

Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu obviously also felt the aura in the classroom.

Can't help but shine in front of my eyes.

The instructor said that students who do not participate in this practice activity can practice here.

And the supply of special salt water becomes two bottles per day.

For ordinary students, this can already be regarded as a considerable benefit.


despite this.

The students who want to participate in this cultivation activity still account for the vast majority!

Lu Li took out his phone and glanced at the Qiuqiu group created by Lu Yiyi.

At this time, there are already 86 members in the group!

There are only more than 120 people in the entire Lingwu class, which is equivalent to more than 70% of the people who want to participate in this cultivation activity.

Just as Lu Li was thinking, he saw three more students being pulled into the group by Lu Yiyi.

It seems that the vacillating students also began to make choices at the last moment.

All three came to their seats.

After sitting for a while, the students of class one of three years also finished class one after another, and more students flooded into the classroom immediately.

The proportion of students in the Lingwu class is 60% in the first class of the third year of senior high school.

So after every get out of class, classroom 502 became lively in an instant.

Everyone has big and small suitcases, and the classroom is quickly filled with all kinds of luggage.

And when the students saw Lu Li from a distance, they would smile and nod to Lu Li to say hello.

His attitude towards Lu carp was obviously much more enthusiastic than usual.

Out of politeness, Lu Li returned their compliments one by one.

"You are also a big celebrity now, and several groups in the school are talking about how you defeated Wu Shichao today."

Jiang Xu was chatting in the group with her mobile phone, while watching her classmates say hello to Lu Li.

"What's there to talk about?"

Lu Li was helpless, but still couldn't help being curious, and glanced at Jiang Xu's phone screen.

Jiang Xu specially posted a video for Lu Li to watch. In the video, Lu Li punched Wu Shichao flying, scaring away a large group of students.

After reading it, Lu Li couldn't help rubbing his chin: "How handsome is my punch?"


Jiang Xu originally wanted to say something, but when he heard Lu Li's smug words, he was at a loss for words.

On the other hand, Chen Siyu gave a thumbs up, and said with a sweet smile, "Yeah! You're so handsome!"

"Student Xiao Chen is more honest."

Lu Li also responded with a thumbs up.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Jiang Xu looked at it and shook his head: "Xiao Chen's aesthetic level still needs to be improved."

Lu Li and Jiang Xu's daily mutual damage made Chen Siyu giggle.

For a long time, Jiang Xiaogu and Ye Ming,

Chen Xu and the other three also entered the classroom one after another.

It attracted the attention of the classmates.

"Lu carp!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaogu entered the door, he smiled and waved to Lu Li.

The smile is still so gorgeous.

After Lu Li also saw Jiang Xiaogu, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and he raised his hand to beckon to her.

The interaction between the two, the other students saw, all felt envious.

People had been discussing Lu Li at noon. If they knew that Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu still had such an ambiguous relationship, they would probably be shocked again.

After all, compared to Lu Li showing his might and flying Wu Shichao with one punch.

The ambiguous relationship with the school's number one gifted girl is obviously even more exciting!

Everyone thought that Jiang Xiaogu was also walking towards the landing carp, pulling a suitcase and carrying an exaggeratedly large travel backpack under the watchful eyes of everyone.

When Jiang Xiaogu put down the backpack on his back.

There was a muffled "bang"!

All the students seemed to feel the floor shake.

They all watched in surprise as Jiang Xiaogu put the backpack on his body and carefully placed it against the wall.

After putting away the things, he came to Lu Li.

After Jiang Xu abdicated skillfully, she sat down directly.

"Thank you Brother Jiang Xu."

"no, I'm fine."

Jiang Xu had no choice but to get used to it.

Jiang Xiaogu also looked at Lu Li with a smile, and said, "Lu Li, I watched your video. That punch is super handsome! Also, when did you learn this move? Why didn't I know?"

Lu Li's attention was put by Jiang Xiaogu on the long and large backpack by the wall.

Hearing Jiang Xiaogu ask himself, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then he smiled and said: "Why is this one hand and that one hand, isn't it just a punch that knocks people away?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu shook his head and said, "That punch is not easy."


Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help being slightly speechless.

Looking at Jiang Xiaogu's pair of autumn water eyes, it seems that she has seen through something.

Could it be that just by watching the video, she could tell that she had used the Shun Fist skill?

It's not impossible.

After all, Jiang Xiaogu was guided by his master, so it is very likely that there are spiritual skills in what he usually studies.

So it can be seen.

Lu Li was thinking so.

But Jiang Xiaogu suddenly moved his face closer, and whispered into Lu Li's ear, "Although I don't know where you learned the magic skill, but with your current strength, it's too early to learn this kind of thing. At least until 1000 points."

"I know."

Seeing that Jiang Xiaogu just reminded himself that he didn't mean to ask the bottom line, Lu Li felt relieved.

However, Jiang Xiaogu was indeed a little closer, Lu Li only felt his ears itchy, and couldn't help but tilt his head.

Jiang Xiaogu noticed that the temperature on Lu Li's face became significantly higher after he approached. She seemed to have found some fun, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Ah yes."

Jiang Xiaogu suddenly stood up as if thinking of something, and took out two books from her long backpack.

Lu Li looked at it suspiciously, but his eyes couldn't help falling on something wrapped in black cloth in the backpack.

Although it was wrapped in black cloth, Lu Li could still feel that under the black cloth was some kind of object that could emit a cold breath.

Although it can exude a cold breath, compared with Yan Mojian's extremely cold breath, it has only been checked for a thousand miles.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaogu had already come to Lu Li with two books wrapped in protective book covers.

"Here, here you are."

Jiang Xiaogu handed the book to Lu Li.

"what is this?"

Surprised, Lu Li took the book.

Turn to the first page.

Lu Li's eyes froze immediately!

"Basic Breathing Method (University Edition)"!

Lu Li looked at Jiang Xiaogu in surprise, but Jiang Xiaogu made a silent gesture to him.

Then whispered in Lu Li's ear: "Don't let others know. I don't know if you have learned it, but I brought it to you by the way."

"Thanks, this is exactly what I need!"

Lu Li couldn't hide his excitement on his face.

He has been greedy for this breath method college version for a long time, this is the master who can give himself 10,000 learning points and 100 points of all attributes at once! Lu Li searched the Internet for a long time, but couldn't find a way to buy this book.

I thought I could only read it if I entered Lingwu University.

"That's good."

Seeing that Lu Li liked it very much, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but smile and sat down beside Lu Li.

Lu Li also opened the first page of the second book Jiang Xiaogu gave him.

Then I saw "Juling Formation - Detailed Explanation of Formation Layout" written on it!

"A gathering of spirits?"

Lu Li was surprised.

Jiang Xiaogu also whispered at this time: "Weren't you very curious last time? This book is not complicated. A brain with a spiritual power index of 700 points should be easy to understand."

Lu carp was also really curious.

He also thanked Jiang Xiaogu and accepted it without being polite to Jiang Xiaogu.

"What are you whispering about?"

At this time.

A male voice sounded from the side.

Both Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu looked up, and they saw Ye Ming and Chen Xu coming. They both packed their luggage and walked towards this side.

"Can we sit here?"

Ye Ming and Chen Xu both smiled friendly.


Apart from Li Junsheng and a few people in front of Lu Li, there were no other students.

In the Lingwu class, the classroom is very large, and the students generally sit relatively scattered, so as to avoid the situation where a certain student absorbs the spiritual energy too quickly, causing the people next to him to have no spiritual energy to absorb.

After the two of them sat down, they started talking to Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu one after another.

Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu were also lucky enough to sit and chat with the Big Three.

Exchange practice experience with each other.

The three giants all had a very thorough understanding of the breathing method, and Lu Li also gained a lot of new understanding and insights in the communication with them.

Learning points have increased by more than six hundred points.

Several people were chatting, and after a long time, the students from the Lingwu class also arrived one after another.

Around three o'clock, instructor Liao Hong also came to the classroom.

As soon as Liao Hong entered the classroom, he glanced at the students and felt that the students had probably arrived.

Then he glanced at the phone and said, "In 30 minutes, the Spirit League car will come to pick you up to the practice site. Let me reiterate here that this event will last for seven days and will be dangerous. If you have signed up but don’t want to go, you can still quit now, once you get on the bus, you can’t quit halfway. Do you understand?”


All the registered students in the class spoke in unison.

However, none of the students indicated that they wanted to withdraw.

However, two students raised their hands at the last moment.

Indicated that they also wanted to participate in the event.

After hearing this, Liao Hong just nodded, gave them this chance, and said: "The bus will come in 29 minutes, if you haven't brought your luggage, you can go get it now, and it will be 3:30 later , Gather at the school gate on time! If you are late, you will be dealt with as a waiver!"

Hearing this, many students in the class who did not bring their luggage got up and ran home one after another.

There were also a few students who saw that so many people in the class were going to participate in this activity, they couldn't hold back immediately, and raised their hands to express their willingness to participate.

Although Liao Hong always had a serious face, he was not the kind of person who would make things difficult for students.

All gave them a chance.

As the number of students who stood up at the last moment and indicated that they wanted to participate in the cultivation activities increased, the proportion of students who wanted to participate in the activities was suddenly pulled up to more than 85%.

The rest of the students who did not express their opinions did not want to go, but because they had something to do at home or could not go for other reasons.

He could only cast envious glances at other students who signed up.


Twenty minutes passed in a hurry.

Liao Hong glanced at the time on his mobile phone and felt that it was almost time, so he began to direct the students to bring their luggage and items, go downstairs in an orderly manner, and head to the school gate.

At the gate of the school, many students from the Lingwu class were already there.

They have all packed their luggage and are waiting here.

In addition, there were three students who were not from the Lingwu class. When they saw the large team coming down from the teaching building, they couldn't help pulling their suitcases and walking towards Lu Li and the others.

Lu Li also turned to look at the three students.

On the chests of these three students, they all wore the badges of the Spirit Alliance.

But when Lu Li saw the head of the three students, who was the strongest and wearing a mask, his eyebrows raised slightly.

It was Wu Shichao who was knocked out with one punch more than an hour ago!

The other two were the other two awakened from Lu Li's school.

They also want to go to that practice site together.


(PS: Uh, before I know it, today is Thursday... Tomorrow seems to be the day of release_(:з」∠)_...)

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