My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 137 [Tuning the Tiger]

Lu Li watched from a distance a group of more than a dozen spirit alliance warriors running down from the residential building.

Out of doubt, Lu Li paid extra attention to the face of the leading middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man has many bumps on his face, and there is a beauty mole at the corner of his eye. It can be imagined that when he was young, he should be regarded as a beautiful tree.

However, such a face gave people a very indifferent feeling!

The other party noticed Lu Li, and quickly looked at Lu Li with a pair of eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Lu Li unconsciously wanted to move his eyes away.

Because the other party gave Lu Li a very different feeling.

Indifferent and scary.

Different from the serious feeling given by other Spirit League members, this person is purely indifferent. When he looked at himself, it was as if he was looking at a corpse.

Lu Li quickly moved his eyes away.

With his head down, he watched the footsteps of these people running past Lu Li quickly.

Go straight to the Raoshui River Bridge.

Seeing them bypass him, Lu Li smelled a rather strong scent of perfume from these people.

Although it is not uncommon for men to wear perfume.

There is also no rule that Lingmeng warriors are not allowed to wear perfume during work.

But it is quite rare to spray such a strong perfume on the body.

In my impression, only certain people with strong body odor would wear perfume like this.

In order to cover up a certain special smell on oneself.

It's understandable that one or two have a bad smell and need to cover it up with perfume, but this is the whole group of people who have this smell.

very strange.

This team gave people an unusual feeling from the beginning to the end.

Lu Li stood where he was, looking at their backs as they ran away with a puzzled look on his face.

And they also noticed that Lu Li had been staring at them.

"That student, did you notice something? Why did you keep looking at us?"

"Did you find us?"

"Leader, why don't I kill him so that he doesn't do bad things?"

A man running in the front row looked back at Lu Li, and asked the middle-aged man beside him.

The middle-aged man looked indifferent, and said indifferently: "Don't scare the snake, save your strength in the ruins. As long as you inject gems into the teleportation array, the teleportation array can be repaired. When we go in, you and Fanglang will Outside, destroy the teleportation array. Then come in immediately, if you can't get in, destroy the demon crystal yourself."


The two nodded their heads heavily, and there was a look of death in their eyes.

The middle-aged man also looked at a man who looked very young behind him, and said, "After entering, follow me closely. If you don't want to die."

The man nodded upon hearing this.

A group of people came to the road soon.

And taking advantage of the fact that there were spirit alliance fighters everywhere rushing to support the scrap iron factory, they rushed straight up the Raoshui River Bridge.

at this moment.

An explosion sounded from a building outside the steel building.

The building collapsed with a crash.

As a result, the electricity in most areas of the entire steel building was completely paralyzed.


Monitoring room.

Almost all the screens went dark.

Only a few psionic cameras were still on.

"Report report! The power system is under attack! All monitoring is temporarily paralyzed!"

"Zhuo! The walkie-talkie doesn't work! The signal is jammed!"

"Quick, connect other circuits!"

The surveillance room was in a hurry.

And Yang Ming, who chased all the way out of the steel building, also sensed that the signal was disturbed.

The earphones in the ear directly lost the sound, only the constant rustling noise.

When the signal is disturbed,

He knew that he had fallen into another trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

However, he was at his wits end.

"Ren Xingfeng! You bastard, you weren't there when you were supposed to be here! What kind of waste did you leave behind for me to command?!"

Yang Ming's lungs were about to explode.

The speed of the flying sword under his feet also suddenly increased.

Although he didn't know what these monsters were going to do, after all, the teleportation array hadn't been repaired, and they couldn't enter the ruins.

That being the case, the most urgent thing is to get rid of the armored vehicle in front of you first.

Seeing the armored vehicle getting closer and closer, Yang Ming's body burst out with blue electric light spiritual power.

Then he slapped a palm at the void in front of him.

The huge blue palm prints immediately moved towards the armored vehicle!

However, this armored car was extremely cunning, and it suddenly drove towards a residential building beside it.

With a bang, it directly crashed into the wall of the residential house and continued to drive.

The palm force of this palm hit the ground, directly smashing a huge palm print on the ground.

Although Yang Ming had sensed the opponent's turning, he didn't dare to swing the second palm.

Because there were people in those residential buildings, in order not to hurt the innocent, Yang Ming was a little restrained for a while.

However, this restraint is only temporary.

As Yang Ming got closer to the armored vehicle.

When the distance was less than ten meters, Yang Ming's eyes turned hard, and he stepped on it and replaced it with a mechanical flying sword.

The spiritual power in his body surged wildly, and the mechanical flying sword suddenly flashed bursts of lightning.

Go straight to the armored vehicle.

This time, even if Yao Yi, who was driving on the armored car, had already noticed it, no matter how good his driving skills were, he couldn't get around it.

But at this moment, the strange eyes of the driver felt relieved.

He panted heavily, but muttered in his mouth: "Long live the Yaozu!"

Then he suddenly pulled out a steel knife from the driver's seat, and slashed towards the rear.

And at this moment, Yang Ming was like a flash of lightning.

A sword pierced through the entire armored vehicle directly.

"Die, human!"

The thick steel knife was just right on the tip of the electric giant steel sword!

Yaoyi sees death as home in his eyes.


Yang Ming's eyes were full of disdain.

The moment the steel knife touched the tip of the giant steel sword, it couldn't even block the tip for 0.01 millisecond before it was shattered by the violent lightning on the sword.

Lightning flashed by.

The monster's head fell to the ground immediately, and when he died, the determination and resignation to death in his eyes were replaced by endless shock.

It's also stuck here forever.

The armored vehicle was cut into two evenly.

It exploded with a bang!

Yang Ming also fell from the sky.

Looking at the dozens of human corpses that were blown out of the armored vehicle.

I couldn't help but frown!

"Bastard! I've been tricked!"

Seeing these corpses, no matter what is strange, they are all warriors of the Spirit League.

Each of them has a demon crystal stuck in their chest.

It was the yin energy emanating from these monster crystals that made Yang Ming mistakenly think that the car was full of monsters!

And Yang Ming has already wasted too much time on these monsters.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the steel building, then stepped on the flying sword and rushed back without saying a word.

And at this moment.

Yang Ming saw it.

A burst of dazzling blue light suddenly lit up at a huge hole that was blasted in the direction of the steel building!

The blue light breaks through the dome of the high-speed railway building and shoots straight into the sky!


a minute ago.

Inside the steel building, by the Raoshui River.

Lu Li poked his head out from behind a bunker, and his eyes fell on the team of "Lingmeng Warriors" who had rushed up the Raoshui River Bridge ahead.

Lu Li did not return to his room.

He always felt that there was something wrong with these people.

At least, not an ordinary spirit alliance warrior!

Moreover, their purpose is very likely to be the teleportation array.

When Lu Li was thinking this way, he saw four spirit alliance warriors standing guard on the bridge, and made a "stop" gesture to the group of people.


These people didn't pay attention at all, and continued to rush forward, and all of them pulled out their waist sabers brazenly.

Murderous and rushed over!

The four spirit alliance warriors suddenly panicked.

Hastily drew the knife.

However, the first two men made a bold move, overtook the entire team at an extremely fast speed, and went straight to kill the four.

There was a flash of the knife.

The heads of those four fell to the ground in an instant, and they fell down with a bang!

Lu Li watched this scene on the bridge with his own eyes, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

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