My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 15 [Graveyard]

Lu Li just felt a little weird.

Even if I accidentally bumped into him, I apologized, but the other party still hates me so much, it's a bit weird no matter how I think about it.

Could it be that when that person bumped into himself, he found something?

Lu Li couldn't help touching the Tongyou jade pendant on his chest.

This position should not be able to hit it, let alone let the other party notice it.

Lu Li didn't expect that it would have something to do with Jiang Xiaogu.

With the mentality that more things are worse than less things, Lu Li quickly put this matter behind him.

When I came to the bus stop sign, I once again experienced the experience of being squeezed with returning students, and got on the bus with difficulty.

While in the car, Lu Li and Jiang Xu chatted a lot about cultivation. This time, there was also an increase in learning points, but it was all in single digits.

After chatting all the way, it only increased by less than a hundred.

There was no such thing as an increase of 900 points at once like just now.

However, Jiang Xu mentioned that if you want to join the Lingwu class, you don't need to wait until next Wednesday's class meeting. You can hand in the physical examination form to the class teacher tomorrow morning, and you can directly participate in the Lingwu class in the afternoon.

There are many benefits in Lingwu class, the sooner you enter, the better.

After all, there are only 97 days left in the college entrance examination. For students, every second is precious.

During the college entrance examination, a little difference in spiritual power index may determine a completely different life.


When the bus was two stops away from the town, Lu Li got off the bus.

He didn't ask Jiang Xu to get off the car, but said that he had something to buy nearby, and asked Jiang Xu to go back first.

Jiang Xu also had his own business to do, so he told him to pay attention to safety and then separated from Lu Li.

After Lu Li got off the car, he headed straight for the cemetery.

The location of the cemetery is easy to find, and you can easily navigate there on the mobile map.

As he got closer to the cemetery, Lu Li found that the flow of people around here was indeed less and less, and he could still see a few students passing by on bicycles, talking and laughing.

When we were a few hundred meters away from the cemetery, we hardly saw any strangers.

"It seems that people still shy away from such places."

After all, there have been strange incidents here, even in the daytime, they should be avoided.

After Lu Li arrived, he didn't move on.

Instead, he looked around and confirmed that no one would pass by, and then began to inject his own spiritual power into the Tongyou jade pendant.

Having had the experience of guiding spiritual power twice, Lu Li quickly grasped the trick this time.

After the spiritual power was linked to the jade pendant, everything Lu Li could see dimmed.

At the same time, Lu Li noticed that there are red light dust everywhere in the sky and the earth. These light dust are very rare in the sun, but they can be seen in a lot of shade.

After observing for a while, Lu Li guessed: "This evil spirit should be suppressed during the day, or it should be hiding underground."

Only at night, when the yang qi fades, will the yin and evil qi in the world become stronger.

After thinking about this, Lu Li felt relieved.

Because in this way, it also means that it will be safer during the day.

When your own strength is not enough, you will never take risks if you can do things safely.

Thinking about it, Lu Li began to mobilize his spiritual power.

The evil spirits within a dozen meters around, strong and weak, were all attracted, absorbed into the Tongyou jade pendant, and finally merged into Lu Li's body.

In this way, Lu Li walked towards the cemetery while absorbing the evil spirit.

As Lu carp absorbed more and more, Lu carp suddenly felt a restless spiritual force in his body.

When he was wondering what was going on.


There was a soft and crisp sound.

Like a bubble,

It's like being exploded in the body.

At the same time, Lu Li sensed that the spiritual power in his body became stable and unobstructed in an instant.

"Spiritual power, it seems to have increased a lot?"

Lu Li carefully felt the spiritual power in his body, and then found that the spiritual power had indeed increased a lot!

As if in an instant, set foot on a new level.

Lu Li immediately thought: "200 spiritual power points!"

Jiang Xu said before that every time the spiritual power index exceeds 100 points, it means stepping into a new level.

Now, Lu Li had an intuitive feeling and a deeper understanding.

[Learning points +100]!

[Learning points +100]!

[Learning points +100]!

The system has launched another quality triple.

Lu Li couldn't help but beam with joy, and absorbed the evil energy even more vigorously.

Then he discovered that the Yin Xie Qi, which could only be captured at a distance of more than ten meters, seemed to be farther away now, at a distance of twenty meters.

"The retrieval distance of this Tongyou jade pendant is also related to one's own spiritual power."

As Lu Li thought, people also walked into the gate of the cemetery.

It was already afternoon, and the sun was scorching, but the cemetery was still shrouded in a layer of fog.

The closer you get to the cemetery, the heavier the evil spirit hiding in the shade of the trees.

So much so that under some luxuriant trees, you can still see the dew on the leaves.

However, in the place where the evil spirit is particularly strong under the shade of the trees, the land carp cannot absorb it all at once, and needs to absorb it three or four times before it can be completely absorbed.

After the evil spirit disappeared, the damp and cold feeling in the air also faded a lot.

The fog gradually dissipated.

Lu Li was a little worried at first, since this is a cemetery after all.

But after the mist and evil spirit dissipated, I was no longer afraid.

In fact, this cemetery has a lot of tombstones, so there is nothing scary about it.

Of course, this may be because of the current daytime, but not necessarily at night.

In this way, the land carp absorbed the evil spirit for another hour, and the sky began to turn dark yellow, and there was still a large area in the cemetery that the land carp had not absorbed and explored.

But he didn't dare to stay any longer.

Today's harvest has been quite substantial, and the growth of spiritual power in the body is obvious.

Thinking about it, he immediately walked towards the gate of the cemetery.

However, at this time he discovered a strange thing.

I saw the evil spirit at the gate of the cemetery, and at some point, it revived again.

Moreover, this time the yin is even heavier!

Eyes are red.

Looking at the places I walked just now, sure enough, those places where I have absorbed the evil energy, the evil energy has also become stronger at this time.

This sight frightened Lu Li quite a bit.

He hurriedly ran out of the gate of the cemetery as if flying.

I was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, I am not too greedy, otherwise, if the weather gets later, I may not know what will happen.

He kept running at his fastest speed, breaking out in a cold sweat in broad daylight.

Fortunately, after he reached 200 spiritual power index, his physical fitness has also improved a lot, and he can run much faster.

He didn't dare to stop until he ran a few hundred meters outside the gate of the cemetery, and looked back with lingering fear.

I saw that those evil spirits really became more and more intense, red and coquettish. However, the redness just stayed in place and showed no signs of moving.

This made Lu Li feel at ease.

Then Lu Li discovered that he had been contaminated with a lot of red aura at some point.

Fortunately, they are all evil spirits, not unclean things. Lu Li immediately mobilized his spiritual power to absorb all the light and dust.

After eating and wiping it off, Lu Li felt at ease.

"This cemetery is indeed a bit evil. It's better not to stay in such a place for too long in the future."

Thinking about it, Lu Li stopped staying. He quickly left here and walked towards the town.

Seeing that there were gradually more people on the road, Lu Li gradually felt safe.

He walked quickly into the crowd, hoping to gain some popularity.

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